It's been a week of firsts for Save Guana Now: a feature story in First Coast Magazine
and a report on First Coast News - the local ABC and NBC affiliate evening news.
First Coast Magazine has
a terrific article in their Oct.-Nov. issue in which a diverse group of people provide their unique perspectives on development at the Outpost. A hunter, a fisherman, a birder, and Save Guana Now all spoke about the importance of saving those 99 acres from development. The story is accompanied by Craig O'Neal's beautiful wildlife photography (he included a few humans this time).
Even if you read it online, please pick up the issue from the Ponte Vedra Visitors Center at 200 Solana Rd, Suite B. Or keep an eye out for it at Publix where it'll be on the magazine stands within the next week or so. If you're not getting First Coast Magazine, this is a great time to tear out that subscription form and become a subscriber. It was named Magazine of the Year in Florida, and every issue is well written and beautifully produced. Thank you First Coast Magazine for bringing attention to the battle to save this land from the bulldozer.
We also received some excellent coverage from First Coast News. Check out their Monday evening
news broadcast, and be sure to read the article beneath the video for additional statements. You'll see the usual corporate spin from Gate who persists in accusing us of plotting a "land grab" for our "own private greenway."
You'll also see a written statement from St. Johns County that indicates officials are still waiting for would-be developer Ponte Vedra Corp. (whose parent company is Gate Petroleum) to address 25 technical items. Ironically, it was PVC who sued the county for taking too long. Months fly by as we wait for PVC to respond.
While we're waiting, we're continuing to build awareness for the cause and expand our base of support. Every day brings new email subscribers, Facebook followers, and letters of outrage and support.
To sum up where we are now, St. Johns County staff does not agree with PVC's demand for "Res C" zoning, and has stated "subject property is designated Conservation on the Future Land Use Map. A Comprehensive Plan amendment is required. Any proposed amendment may be reviewed and heard at public hearings concurrent with the proposed PUD." We're waiting for the first hearing date to be announced; PVC does not have to address the technical items in order to request that hearing. The ball is in their court.
We continue to raise awareness with yard signs and bumper stickers.
If you'd like a yard sign in front of your house, we have fresh stock on the four designs below. Please reply to this email if you'd like a sign.
Every sign helps. Some people learned about this issue for the first time from a yard sign.