October 2021
One Love - One Church
by Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

Since the church's earliest days, there has been a desire for a sense of unity fueled by an all-encompassing love for each other. Jesus prayed with his disciples that they "may all be one." In a letter to the church in Philippi, Paul declares,

"If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." 

When he writes, "If there is any encouragement from Christ," there is an implied phrase in between the lines, "and there is! There is encouragement!" Paul found hope, faith, and love through the encouragement of the one who gave himself to the world in love.

Bishop Michael Curry notes in his remarkable book, Love is The Way, "To love, my brothers and sisters, does not mean we have to agree. But maybe agreeing to love is the greatest agreement. And the only one that ultimately matters because it makes a future possible."

Love makes a future possible. Love is more than a feeling; it is a lump in the throat, a desire to see the world a better place, a cup of hot soup for a hungry person. When we put love into practice, we find a way to bring the community to life.

This year's stewardship campaign theme is One Love - One Church. I like how this word calls us toward unity, toward sharing in the one love we have been given. Our congregation meets in four different locations at First Community South, FC North, Camp Akita, and online. It's easy to feel disconnected from the larger community, but when love is at work, it can unite us.

Our honorary chairs of the One Love - One Church stewardship campaign are Dave and Loretta Heigle. On Sunday, October 10, the first day of the campaign, you'll hear from them in a video interview that we will show in all of our services. I really enjoyed interviewing the two of them. They are the epitome of grace. Their kindness, love, and commitment to each other and this church are beautiful examples of love in action. I cannot wait for you to hear from them. We will also share interviews with long-time members Glenn and Lois Zook, Scott and Kristy Glaser, and one of our newest members, Geoff Gear. All of these great folks have wonderful stories to tell about why they love and support this church.

One Love - One Church is more than a campaign theme. It is a job description for us in the year ahead. As one community, we will be strengthened to bring a word of hope and healing to a world filled with hurt and pain.
One Love - One Church
Sermon Series
October 10
Part 1 - Life is Grace
Hebrews 4: 12-16

October 17
Part 2 - It's Not Easy
Mark 10: 35-45

October 24
Part 3 - Take Heart
Mark 10: 46-52

October 31
Part 4
Mark 12: 28-34
Rev. Dr. Deborah Lindsay, preaching

Stewardship Kick-off Celebration
You are invited to attend our stewardship campaign kick-off celebration on October 10 at any of our 4 services. There will be cookies, special music, and much more as we celebrate the many gifts bestowed to First Community. Glen Miles will begin his sermon series One Love - One Church, and we will hear from Dave and Loretta Heigle in a special video presentation.

We look forward to celebrating this day with you!
One Love - One Church
Daily Devotional
Beginning October 10, a daily devotion by one of our First Community clergy will be published and available on FCchurch.com and Facebook. The clergy will follow the lectionary and include an inspiring word for the day based on our stewardship theme, One Love - One Church.

We hope you will enjoy these daily devotionals and share them with your family and friends.
Sunday School
This week in Sunday school all grades will hear a lesson about communion as we celebrate our Fourth Graders receiving their First Communion on this World Communion Sunday.

Registration and masks are required to attend in-person Sunday school. Children should go directly to their classrooms before worship. If you would like to register to join us click HERE. Contact Julie Richards, Director of K-5 Ministry, with questions.
Church Governance News
Governing Board Update
by Cydney Philbin, Governing Board Chair

On September 22, 2021, the Governing Board received the recommendations of the Governance Operational Imperative Team. Molly Hagkull chaired the team, assisted by Deb Humphrey, Ryan Nicoll, April Howe, Kathy Cleveland Bull, Alice Finley, Cydney Philbin, Glen Miles, and Paul Anderson.

The Governing Board unanimously approved this tool for merging councils and committees into ministry teams. Ministry teams at First Community are ”flexible groups comprised of lay people and staff united together in Christian service, working toward a shared goal.” Teams differ from committees and councils in that they don’t have requisite terms nor by-laws. They tend to be active workgroups that meet to accomplish a specific task. Groups that would like to adapt their governance to a ministry team can contact me at this EMAIL for further assistance.

Jodi Patton, Past Chair of the Governing Board, is currently collecting names of church members who would consider serving on the Nominating Committee, pending the church election at the Annual Meeting. If you are interested or have a recommendation, please let us know.

Congratulations to Rev. Miles, the entire First Community staff, and lay volunteers on a joyous Sanctuary Dedication. There were approximately 600 attendees, with many in church for the first time since March 2020. It was great to reunite with so many friends while marking another momentous occasion in First Community history.
Music Ministry News and Events
Join us on Friday, October 15 at 7 pm for
Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone be the Glory)

This worship experience will be a celebration through music and liturgy. The combined choirs and orchestra will present music by Brazilian composer, Jose Mauricio Nunes Garcia, and three living American composers, Elaine Hagenberg, Alice Parker, and Gwyneth Walker.

The themes joy, praise, and peace take on a new meaning as we continue to navigate the challenges of the global pandemic.
Klais Organ Update
We have good news to share regarding the completion of the Klais organ in our North Sanctuary. The team from Germany will be arriving in early January 2022. We anticipate the work to be completed by the end of March.

While the organ builders are here working, we would like to continue providing home-baked goodies. We will have a sign-up link coming soon. We appreciate your help in showing hospitality to these folks while they are here with us.
Children and Youth Choir Update
Our Children/Youth Choirs will be participating in worship this month at the following services:

  • Youth Bell Choir 1: October 10 in the 10 am worship, South 
  • Youth Bell Choir 2 and Youth Vocal Ensemble: October 17 in the 5:30 pm worship, North 
  • Cherub Choir: Oct 24 in the 11 am worship, North 
  • Junior Choir: October 31 in the 10 am worship, South 

All K-12 youth and children are welcome to join us without an audition. Contact Sally Beske or check out the Youth Choir web page for more information.
First Community Events
It's Not the End of the World
Revelation Road Bible Study
Tuesdays, 7 pm Grace Hall

How do you explain the book of Revelation? Senior Minister Glen Miles continues his 4-week bible study exploring some of the complicated themes found in this book. Join in-person or online.

Click HERE to watch week 1.
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 10
1-2 pm South

Be sure to bring your pet, October 10, 1-2 pm, to the front lawn of First Community South (1320 Cambridge Blvd.) for The Blessing of the Animals. Glen Miles, along with other FC pastors, will be there to share in a brief service of worship and offer blessings for all the pets who join us in this joy-filled event.
Coffee With Glen
Saturday, October 9
9:30 am First Community North

Membership at First Community is a uniquely personal, spiritual experience. Through membership, active worship attendance, and learning, you will enhance the richness of your own spiritual journey. You will gain the strength that comes when you know you are not alone, and the courage to continue your journey of faith in the world.

Interested in learning more about membership at First Community? Join Rev. Glen Miles on Saturday, October 9 for Coffee with Glen. This is a chance to learn more about the ministries and missions of First Community.

For more information and/or to register, email Shelly Sagraves.
Akita Fall Fun Day 
October 24, 1 – 4 pm 
Camp Akita (29746 Logan-Hornsmill Rd., Logan, OH 43138) 

Join us for some fall fun at Camp Akita on Sunday, October 24! Drop in anytime from 1 – 4 pm to enjoy open-house-style fun: hike the trails, canoe on the lake, carve or decorate a pumpkin, take a hayride out to the Adventure Complex, climb the Alpine Tower, and try the Giant Swing! Or just come to relax and enjoy the peak fall foliage with friends and family.

Rev. Sarah Kientz, Minister to Youth & Camp Akita, will lead a family-friendly worship service on Vesper Hill at 2 pm with a short reflection and campfire songs.

Whether this will be your first time at Camp Akita or you have been attending for years, we hope to see you on October 24! All are welcome; no registration required.

Masks are required for all group activities. For more information, email [email protected] 
Halloween Hullabaloo 
Sunday, October 31 
3:30 - 5:30 pm 
First Community North
(3777 Dublin Rd.) 

Children, youth, and families are invited to the Halloween Hullabaloo on October 31! The parking lot at First Community North will include spooktacular music, games, a food truck, and activities for of all ages. Best of all, wear a (non-scary) costume for a parade and costume contest!

All are welcome; no registration necessary. Masks are required.
Sundays, 6 – 7 pm 
First Community North
(3777 Dublin Rd.) 

Youth in grades 6 – 12 are invited to join us each Sunday in October for Crossroads. Each week, we gather as a full group, hear an inspiring message, then split into groups by grade for discussion and activities. We are in the midst of our October unit on "Building a Faith Community." Since many of us are coming back to church after a long time away (or getting involved for the first time!) we are spending extra time discussing community—and building one together!

Questions on Crossroads or the Youth Ministry? Contact Rev. Sarah Kientz, Minister to Youth & Camp Akita.
Missions Update
Heart to Heart Holiday Help
by Amy Caskie

Once again, this year, our much-loved Christmas Presence program has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we have come up with an alternative to assist client families in need this holiday season.

Groups, families, and individuals are welcome to sponsor a family or families that request holiday assistance this year financially by purchasing gifts for them. Sponsors will be asked to contact their sponsored family directly to get ideas for Christmas gifts and make arrangements for delivery or pick-up. There will be no suggested expenditures for each family, as we would like sponsors to help in the way they best see fit.

Clients who need assistance this holiday season will be asked to notify Heart to Heart by phone or email to [email protected]. Staff will get contact information and family make-up from the clients and pass the information along to our dedicated volunteer and social worker extraordinaire, Kitty Rohrer. Kitty will then match inquiring families with those looking to sponsor them.

We will continue to match families and sponsors through November 17. After that date, all clients' and sponsors' inquiries will be referred to other programs by our team of resource volunteers. This small group answers emails and voicemails received through Heart to Heart's resource line at (614) 488-0681 ext. 241. The group is made up of social workers and community advocates familiar with programs available to our clients.

We are eager to help our clients in need and also cautious about large gatherings as the pandemic continues. We encourage sponsors and sponsored families to follow appropriate social-distancing guidelines and wear masks, especially if unvaccinated.

We are hopeful that this effort will prove to be a sufficient alternative to Christmas Presence. We hope to continue the tradition of partnering with the Trading Post again next year!

If you have any questions about the program, please email us at [email protected]. This information will also be available online at h2h.FCchurch.com/christmas2021
by Jill Thomas

It takes multiple moving parts to run our incredible Heart to Heart program -from volunteers, donations of food, toiletries, and paper goods by multiple community organizations, and, of course, money. Every donation received from October 1 through December 31 will be matched up to $20,000.

The donors’ strong belief in the scope, direction, and relevance of this ministry is more than reaffirmed by its volunteer coordinator, Yohan Kim- have you met him? “He is the glue that keeps all of the moving parts running smoothly”, said John McCandless, a most devoted volunteer. And so many parts: from all the generous gifts from our community to all the components within the pantry.

There are 180 volunteers who divide and conquer the massive operation which ultimately brings food to our neighbors: picking up contributions, unloading trucks, restocking our pantry shelves, shoppers, produce handlers, and our check-in volunteers. Yohan said,

“Sometimes I step back and look at all of our various volunteers, playing their own unique roles. It’s like watching a symphony with all of its different instruments, performing and blending to make the drive-through experience seamless and joy-filled for our neighbors!”

Paul Dusseau, a long-time volunteer, talked enthusiastically about Yohan’s superior organizational skills and ability to create camaraderie and a family atmosphere. Paul said... “he is a beautiful communicator; he is reliable, consistent, affirming and patient.”

As the outreach of Heart to Heart grows to meet the needs of our community, so also does the need for financial support. Remember your gift will be doubled through December 31.

This ever-expanding program also needs more volunteers. Would you consider helping out? Abby Black, a sophomore at Upper Arlington High School, is one of our most beloved, devoted, and hard-working participants. She said, “ Yohan connects with and deeply appreciates the volunteers; he makes it fun to be a Heart to Heart volunteer!”

Donate online HERE.
Sign up to volunteer HERE.
Older Adult Ministry
A Day at Akita
by Robin Hood, Congregational Care Coordinator

A day at Akita 2021 for the adults is in the books! We had a beautiful day to enjoy all that Akita had to offer, including delicious food, long overdue fellowship, and much-needed respite in nature. Jim Long gave us some history of Akita and ended the day with a beautiful message on Vesper Hill. If you missed this day - not to worry! We are already planning one for the spring. More details are coming in the next few months. I look forward to seeing you there!
October book selection:
EXIT by Belinda Bauer

Thursday, October 28, 1 pm
South, Library

ElderWisdom is a group of people who enjoy reading and discussing a variety of books. This group is perfect for anyone looking to fellowship or to connect with others. Join us October 28 at 1 pm in the Library at South (1320 Cambridge Blvd). You do not need to have read the book to attend – all are welcome. Please contact Lorelei Lanier Lotozo at
(614) 209-7125 or Robin Hood, Congregational Care Coordinator, at [email protected] with questions or to add your name to our email list.

Click HERE to get your copy and to read more about the book.
First Community Foundation Update
by Paul R. Anderson,
Executive Director of Operations and Director of First Community Foundation

One of the dilemmas parents face is when to talk about the family wealth with their children. Another is how much information children should have. In dealing with many families, I have witnessed a wide range of behavior, from full disclosure to the children, to being silent until the estate documents are read.

One way to start the discussion and involve children in the family's wealth is to have them participate in the decision-making regarding charitable giving. I have seen this occur effectively, sometimes with children at relatively young ages. As part of the discussion, it allows for a broader conversation about money, charitable giving, and making a difference. It will enable the parents to share their commitment to community service.

Some steps to make a family discussion about philanthropy effective are:
  1. Establish a budget as to how much will be given.
  2. Schedule regular meetings to discuss the philanthropy plan.
  3. Determine if the family has a particular focus or emphasis.
  4. Each member of the family has an equal voice in the process.
  5. Encourage children to research specific charities and causes. Then to report back with an opinion on whether a particular gift is a good use of money.
  6. Define what will be an achievement.

I have seen the discussion be a formal process or very casual. It needs to be what fits the family. By having these types of conversations, both the older and younger generations share information and values while learning from each other.

The First Community Foundation is always interested in discussing how the Foundation can support a family's passion for a particular ministry of First Community Church. Don't hesitate to contact me at (614) 488-0681 if I can provide any information about setting up a fund or contributing to one of our existing funds.
Give to First Community
Your gift helps us live out our vision to serve the world.

Please consider a gift in memory or an honorarium to the
Church or Foundation.

Click here to securely give online.
Dust Clouds from the Archives
Local Hero of a Distant War
by Jackie Cherry, Church Historian

Suppose you've looked at a map of Columbus recently. In that case, you may have noticed that one of the main streets in the new neighborhood of Grandview Yard that sprung up in the former Big Bear Warehouse Area is named Higgs Avenue in honor of Frank, "Dude" Higgs, the brother of last month's subject, Alleyne Higgs Jones. Many of Dude's actual exploits were recorded by his OSU friend and fraternity brother, Milton Caniff, in his cartoon strip, "Terry and the Pirates." Dude Higgs became Dude Hennick in the strip, a name appropriated from Hennick's, a popular student hangout near 15th and High Streets.

As Alleyne told the story, Dude flunked out of Hanover College because he couldn't be bothered studying. He tried enlisting in the army but was told that he must be a college grad to become a pilot. His desire to learn to fly was so strong that he earned his B.A. from Ohio State and was working on a master's when he was finally called up. It wasn't long before he went to China, becoming an advisor to General Chiang Kai-shek's fledgling air force. He resigned from the U.S. Air Corps and became chief pilot for the Chinese National Air Corporation. CNAC was operated jointly by the Chinese government and Pan American Airways. He admitted that it was initially the money that attracted him. "They were willing to pay me more money each month than I thought was possible….in American gold dollars! As a "Senior Pilot," Frank flew many famous passengers around China, including Claire Booth Luce and presidential candidate Wendell Wilkie.

What may have been his "shining moment" was the rescue of several hundred people from Hong Kong during the attack by Japanese forces. Dude, nine other pilots, and many ground personnel managed to salvage five planes, filled in crater holes on the field, and flew as many people as possible to "free China. "The first plane, a DC-3 piloted by Dude, roared off the Kai Tac runway headed for Namyung, a small airfield about 200 miles north of Hong Kong. He made 16 flights out of Hong Kong and evacuated more than 275 people in two nights, sometimes 80 in a plane with a capacity of 25 passengers. Gen. and Madam Chiang Kai-shek and Sun Yat Sen were among those he evacuated.

Dude had 6,000 flying hours and experienced 20 air raids in China. CNAC pilots were the first to fly "the hump" in unarmed planes carrying supplies through Japanese lines at night while the Burma Road was bombed out. On October 14, 1944, Dude married Diana Menzies, daughter of a Scottish builder from Edinburgh. They had been married only a bit more than a year when the plane being piloted by Frank and loaded with 20 bankers along with much gold and currency crashed into a mountain between Canton and Shanghai killing all aboard.

In the Christmas 1945 strip of "Terry and the Pirates," Caniff eulogized his friend. "Do you remember Dude Hennick? Dude was patterned after a real person. If you liked Dude Hennick, spare a thought for Frank Higgs. Dude died with him."
Job Openings
First Community Jobs

Positions include Camp Akita Head Chef, Camp Akita Kitchen Prep and Serve Crew, and more.

Click the button below to find the opportunity
that's right for you.
Achieving Your Career Success
Join Our Group & Succeed!

Ace your next job interview! AND land the job you enjoy!
This program will work for you because it’s a proven, personalized method focused on: listening, your goals, personalized approach, your ideal new role, and celebrating with you.

Meet our host, Mike Collins
  • He’s is a long-time member of UCC churches since 1977.
  • Since joining FCC in December 2020; he has become active on the Adult Learning Council and in The Burkhart Center. 
  • Has successfully assisted hundreds of professionals advance their careers or land exciting new roles

People say about our host, Mike Collins
  • “Mike’s given me the sort of hope and direction that can produce different results. I believe it. I have to do my part. Mike has provided the guidance.” - FC member, JS
  • “Mike assisted me with landing 4 job offers; one was for 50% higher salary than my current role. His timing is excellent for me.” - FC member, GM
  • “I enjoy talking so much with Mike and how he brings joy to my day.” – Nancy

Join our “Achieving Your Career Success” group and find the career that best fits you, your talents, skills and abilities. This 3 group session series will be held on Zoom October 5, 12, 19 from 6-7:30 pm. Register HERE. Contact Robin Hood for more information.
Burkhart Center Newsletter
The Burkhart Center produces its own newsletter which includes:

  • Register for Fall Spiritual Searcher Weekend
  • It's Not the End of the World
  • Native American Spirituality
  • Living from a Sense of Connection: Why Brain Hemispheres Matter to Counter-balance the Culture
  • The Burkhart Center Weekly/Monthly Offerings
  • Much Matters Book Discussion Group
  • Sustaining The Burkhart Center
  • Generous Donors to The Burkhart Center
  • Your Difficulties are Your Path by Rev. David Hett
  • Outside Partner Recommended Resources
Pastoral Care Links and Church Gifts