October 2020
Our 2021 Stewardship theme this year, Faithful, Hopeful, Loving, encourages us to take time to be intentional about the decisions we make with our resources and gifts.

The theme is inspired by Paul’s simple and clear words in 1 Corinthians 13, “And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.” We believe God is working through us to make a difference in the world.

Our leadership and staff are deeply committed to becoming who God is calling us to be in the name of love. The spiritual and financial gifts our members and friends choose to share are vital to the ministries and missions of our church.

During the next four Sundays, we will hear many narratives about how First Community is making a difference in the world. Your gifts will help us to continue this vital work into 2021 and beyond. There is joy in practicing generosity, and it begins with a commitment to contribute.

We ask that you prayerfully consider your pledge and submit to the business office upon completion. You can also click the link below to make your pledge online.

Thank you for sharing in this important effort!
2021 Stewardship Campaign Chairs
Buck Byrne
Molly Hagkull
Andrew Norelli
Kathy Cleveland Bull

We are so grateful to our 2021 Stewardship Campaign Chairs and the important work they are doing for our church. Andrew Norelli had this to say about why he and his family believe in the importance of financially supporting First Community.
Drive-Thru Communion
We’re kicking off our Stewardship campaign - Faithful, Hopeful, Loving - with a special drive-thru communion to celebrate World Communion Sunday.  
On October 4, you and your family can go to First Community North or South locations from 3-4:30 pm.  
As you drive along a decorated route, you will receive pre-packaged communion from a clergy member who will say the Words of Institution, a prayer card to connect our church family in a time of separation, and a few surprises for children.  
We hope you will mark your calendars to join us for this safe alternative to gathering at the same, all-inclusive table and kick-off our giving season where we are reminded to give in faithful, hopeful, and loving ways. 
New Sermon Series
Faithful, Hopeful, Loving
Glen will begin his sermon series Faithful, Hopeful, Loving on October 4 with Part 1 - "Overflowing Faith." We hope you will join us each Sunday in October for this inspiring sermon series.

October 4
Part 1 - Overflowing Faith
Acts 9: 36-43

October 11
Part 2 - Finding Hope in the Middle of Nowhere
Luke 9:12-17

October 18
Part 3 - Love is Personal
Luke 7: 36-50

October 25
Part 4 - Trust Steadily, Hope Unswervingly, Love Extravagantly
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8a; 12-13
"And a Little Child Shall Lead Them"
by Julie Richards, Director of K-5 Ministry

I got a text from a parent/friend with children in my program. Her young elementary age daughter organized a coloring page sale and earned a lot for someone her age. This kid decided to split her proceeds three ways, using Ziplock bags with images from the movie Frozen on them, with all of the money going to areas of our church. Each bag had a carefully written note inside with the amount and the name of the program receiving the money: Heart to Heart food pantry $15.25, FC operating fund $15.25, and Midweek Missions $23.25.

Last winter, we talked about Stewardship at Midweek Missions with Rebecca Wolfe. She organized a project using tiny plastic green takeout containers. One for saving, one for sharing, one for spending. Each child got 10 dimes to divide into the containers. When you do a project with children it can be hard to tell if what you are saying and doing makes an impact. This kid was paying attention.

Her donation reminded me of the story from the New Testament of the Widow’s Offering - Mark 12:43 "Then he called his disciples and said to them, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury."

At a time many of us are operating with a mindset of scarcity, it’s inspiring to think of how unencumbered this girl is. Her heart is open and generous. She is thinking of the needs of others, something some never figure out.

Things like this keep me going. They remind me that sometimes kids really are listening and that all members of the church - young and old - have meaningful lessons to share.
Governing Board Update
By Jodi Patton, Governing Board President
Happy Autumn, First Community!

The change of season is an ordinary occurrence in our world and seems quite natural and simple for the animal and plant kingdoms yet change for humankind seems more complicated and challenging. Our church has experienced change this year; grief and vulnerability can accompany it. Change is tricky. It feels unfamiliar and we often respond with resistance. What may also co-occur with change is strength, resilience, and perseverance. With God’s help, we will weather the storms of this year and continue our First Community ministry for years to come.

Recently, the Governing Board approved three members to the FC Foundation Board. Please join us in welcoming the following new members: Nancy Rummel, Katie Ocasio, and Dave Nickel.

In September, the GB resurrected the Governance Review Committee made up of Cydney Philbin (Chair), Pam Shisler, Elizabeth Downey, Steve Mushrush, and Paul Anderson. This committee is reviewing the proposed Constitution amendments in light of current times and will make recommendations to the Board.

With input from Board members, Jamie Greene (Past Chair), is currently working on collecting names for the Nominating Committee ballot in the upcoming 2021 Annual Meeting election.

The Strategic Planning effort has been rescheduled to March 6 and 7, 2021, with a kick-off event led by Reverend Sarai Rice of Congregational Consulting Group.

The Board is in full support of the 2021 Stewardship Campaign, “Faithful, Hopeful, Loving."

Join the Board as we practice faith, hope, and love through our annual pledges. Our gifts to the church are tangible examples of our covenant to God and to each other. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

In Faith, Hope Love,
Jodi Patton, Chair Governing Board 
Be Gentle on Yourself
Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

Back in March, I was certain, based on what I was reading from experts, scientists, and doctors, we would be back to in-person worship by the first Sunday in June. However, as the virus began to spread and our understanding of it began to increase, it became obvious June would be way too soon.

On the phone with a clergy colleague, I said, “This is making me crazy. We cannot plan anything. Every time I think we have something nailed down, there is new information causing us to postpone or cancel whatever little plan we had in place.”
My friend replied, “Be gentle on yourself. No one knows what to do. Do all you can to rely on the experts and scientists, but remember, no one really knows exactly what to do."

Not long after that conversation I sent a similar message to a friend who was feeling bad about their ministry, “Be gentle on yourself,” I texted.

Recently, to combat this tendency toward cynicism, I returned to a spiritual practice I used to follow daily: Lectio Divina. This is an ancient way of reading scripture. Rather than reading at an intellectual level, the practice invites one to read with an open heart.

Last week, I chose this word from Paul (or one of his disciples) for my daily Lectio Divina reading: “Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear.” I read through the verse four times, making notes after each reading of how this word was speaking to me. I was amazed at how powerful it was throughout the day, especially when cynicism and gloom began to work their way into my conversations, to hold me accountable to the act of “building up.”

I am not always good at following these ancient invitations to gracious living. Sometimes I fail miserably. Maybe that is why it is known as a spiritual practice. We are called not to perfection but to the practice of our faith.

And when we fail? Well, as a wise pastor said to me not long ago, “Be gentle on yourself.”
Mary Evans is Hiring
Mary Evans is a play-based learning center that honors each child for who he/she is. Teachers work as a team to plan developmentally appropriate choices that are offered throughout the day.

We are hiring preschool and infant teachers, preferably with a degree in early childhood, definitely with a vast knowledge of child development and a love of children, to work on a team of two teachers.

Email Leigh Anne Easterling for more information.
  • 40 hours per week
  • Varied schedule throughout the week. Daily shift is 8 hours.
  • Teachers share all responsibilities in the classroom.  
  • Position starts immediately 

Matching Gift
In August, we asked First Community to go above-and-beyond in their giving with The Bridge: Generosity Which Spans the Gap campaign. And, last week we announced a matching gift by a family to assist us in this effort.

We are pleased to let you know as of September 22, we received $42,523 in donations toward our match goal of $70,000. We greatly appreciate all who have made a gift in this effort. Thank you!

If you would like to give, please visit FCchurch.com/donate

Heritage Sunday
40-year Members to Be Honored

On Heritage Sunday, November 22, we will honor our members of 40 years and more. New 40-year members will be recognized by name during the online worship service at 9 and 11 am.

So that we can confirm our records, if 2020 is the year that marks your 40th year of membership at First Community Church, contact Robin Hood at (614) 488-0681 ext. 235 or [email protected]. This 40-year milestone can be consecutive years or the total number of years if you were away at some point in time. If you are not sure when you joined or how many years you have been a member, contact Robin.

We are looking for photos of all 40+ year members! Since we cannot worship in person, we want to make sure to celebrate all of our new and existing 40-year members. Please email your photo to Robin Hood or mail to First Community South at 1320 Cambridge Blvd, Columbus OH 43212. Make sure to include your name so we can return any pictures.
Also, if you have any pictures of groups, church events or Camp Akita experiences from the past, we would love to add them to our slideshow. You do not have to be a 40-year member to submit group photos. Include a date and description, along with your name, so that we can return your photos to you. Photos must be received no later than Monday, November 9.

We look forward to celebrating and honoring our long-time First Community Members!
Thanksgiving Baskets
by Julie Richards, Director of
K-5 Ministry

Making and delivering Thanksgiving baskets for families from Gladden Community House has been an important part of our K-5 Midweek Missions program for years. The families we serve with this project need our support more than ever. Our team is working to figure out the best way to manage this important mission from a distance. We do not know yet exactly how this will be organized but we know two things:

1) We will make Thanksgiving Baskets for families in need.
2) Every family who would like to support this project is welcome.

Thanksgiving Baskets are organized through our Midweek Missions program, which has been an option for our church families for over 15 years. This program is a place where the children of our church put their faith into action by doing projects to support our congregation and community.
The Midweek tradition continues this year, but in a different way. Until we can gather in person, Midweek Missions will be shared through video lessons and Zoom gatherings. Packets containing all the materials for our activities are available for folks to pick up at FC North.

For the past several years we have made complete baskets for 30 families that have everything from spices to turkeys, to prepare a Thanksgiving feast for an entire family. The Midweek kids add special touches to the baskets with cookbooks, personalized cards, and handmade trivets.

We are waiting to let Gladden House know how many baskets we can make until we have an idea of how many of our families plan to participate in the project. Please let me know if your family can be part of this meaningful outreach. You can email Julie.
Block of Wood Registration
by Rev. Susan Langner, Minister to Youth

This year, First Community is offering two opportunities for our high school youth to participate in the Block of Wood Confirmation program - fall and spring!

All high school students who have not yet been through this class are invited to choose the program best suited to their schedules and needs. Both programs will include five weekly sessions. Minister to Youth, Rev. Susan Langner will lead these classes.

Together we will:
  • Learn about our Christian history and traditions 
  • Hear from special guests 
  • Be guided in thinking about our personal faith journeys 

Our fall Block of Wood Confirmation service has been scheduled for Sunday, November 15, at 11 am at First Community North. In-person attendance at the service will be limited to Confirmands and their immediate families, and all others will be invited to participate via the church's live-stream. In this special worship service, we will celebrate the journey of all Confirmands, including those who choose to publicly confirm their faith and/or join the membership of First Community.

Registration for the fall program is open now through October 6! Our fall confirmation class will take place on Monday evenings at 7 pm, beginning Monday, October 12. Please note, we will use a hybrid model for our fall gatherings; 3 sessions will take place in-person and 2 will take place via Zoom*.
*We understand many students prefer entirely in-person gatherings, and they may choose to wait for our spring program. We cannot anticipate what Spring 2021 will mean in terms of the pandemic, so we cannot guarantee the number of in-person sessions will increase. Dates for the spring program are still to be determined. In the spirit of providing flexibility, we remind all youth they may participate in Block of Wood Confirmation during any year of high school.
Dates for the fall program are as follows:

  • Monday, October 12 

  • Monday, October 19 

  • Monday, October 26 

  • Monday, November 2 

  • Monday, November 9 

Do you have questions or want to know more? Email Rev. Susan Langner for additional information.
It's Choir Time
“It’s Choir Time!” continues this month at 4 pm on Wednesday afternoons on the First Community K-5 Ministry Facebook page. On October 7 we will complete our first 4 week session where we focused on notes on the lines and spaces. We sang some familiar songs and a song that helped us cope with all the changes due to the pandemic, “I Want to go to Sunday School!” We take a break for a few weeks and then resume on Wednesday, October 28 for session 2.  In this 4 week session we will sing “My Church Loves Everyone”, along with some of our favorites. We will talk about the many different ways that notes are named. Young or old, all are welcome to join us for some choir fun. View last week’s lesson here. Archived lessons are available here.
For more information about our youth choirs, contact Sally Beske, [email protected].
Camp Akita Weekends
Camp Akita invites you to join us for Akita Weekends, our fall virtual retreats!

In July, Camp Akita hosted a 3-week virtual camp that provided fun and reflection from the safety of home. We were delighted by how successfully campers formed friendships, played games, and came together as a camp community, even from afar. Let’s keep the Akita Spirit going!

Our fall Akita Weekends are catered to age groups:

  • K-5 & Families: October 9-11 
  • Middle School: October 23-25 
  • High School: November 13-15 

Campers will enjoy step-by-step crafts, games, and activities led by Akita Staff live on Zoom. Just like on-site camp, participants will receive a team assignment and complete hands-on challenges throughout the weekend. Campers will be immersed in the Akita community and make friends from other schools—and other states!

Each Akita Weekend is just $35 per household, with no additional charge if siblings participate together.

Attending virtual retreats means there is no fear of cancellation due to the quickly changing pandemic. Campers will build real relationships and have interactive fun, all from the safety of home.

Do you know a young person who needs the Akita Spirit right now? Or one who might enjoy an immersive weekend retreat from the comfort of home? Spread the word! Learn more, review our weekend schedules, and register now by clicking the button below.
Camp Akita Store
Limited time, only!

In conjunction with our Camp Akita Weekend Retreats, our amazing cooks at Camp Akita are baking our famous, original recipe Akita Coffee Cake and delivering it to First Community North for 3 weekends only for everyone to enjoy!

We are offering an 8” x 8” and a 13” x 9” size, so there is an option to fit all families and appetites.

Click here to place your order! Don’t forget, an Akita Coffee Cake would make a lovely gift for family, friends, and neighbors!
While ordering your Akita Coffee Cake, add a fun, Akita campfire mug to go with it. This 15 oz. mug is perfect for your morning coffee or a hot cup of soup. We also have Akita sweatshirts on sale and a new Akita stadium blanket for those chilly fall evenings.

No matter which way you travel down the gravel road, you’ll always be going home. This is one of our favorite sayings about Camp Akita and is now featured on our new camp t-shirt. While we wait for that day when we can turn down the gravel road and be together at Camp, we will come together at heart and spread the Akita spirit far and wide from our own backyards.

Akita Coffee Cake Ordering and Pick-up:

  • Order by October 1 for pick-up on October 8 or 9 

  • Order by October 15 for pick-up on October 22 or 23 

  • Order by November 5 for pick-up November 12 or 13 

We encourage pick-up to save expenses for both you and Camp Akita, but shipping options are available for those that don’t live in the central Ohio area or may not have a friend or family member who can pick-up for them.

Items that are immediately available can be picked up at First Community North, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 am – 5 pm, with extended hours 9 am - 7 pm on Tuesdays. If you are unable to pick-up during those times or you have questions, please email or call Amy at (614) 488-0681 ext. 113.
Foundation Board Update
By Paul Anderson, Director of FC Foundation 

The Board of Trustees of First Community Foundation is comprised of 15 active members of First Community. Approved by the FC Governing Board, they serve up to six years and have fiduciary responsibility to oversee the relationship of trust between its donors and fund beneficiaries. The Foundation is a separate supporting organization whose sole purpose is to ensure the future of First Community’s facilities, programs, and ministries. Foundation trustees provide financial oversight of the Foundation’s approximately 110 funds with assets of $8 million.

This year, the Foundation added three members to its board with valuable experience and skill sets.
[David Nickel ]
Dave has been a member of the church for more than 25 years. He recently served as chair of the Adult Learning Council. Dave earned his PhD from Indiana University with a double major in chemistry and higher education administration. He taught and was in leadership roles for 20 years in universities, including The Ohio State University and Wuhan, China. He worked for 20 additional years with Goodyear and Lockheed Martin Corporations. He also worked as an internal organizational development consultant.
[Nancy Rummel ]
Nancy joined the Foundation Board in May 2020. Her career focused on association management. She helped establish the Ohio Dental Association Foundation and the Ohio Society of Association Management Foundation. She has been an active volunteer in development work for The Wesley Communities and The Columbus Rotary Club. Her church service includes the Adult Education Council, Mission Council, and feeding the homeless.
[Katie Ocasio]
Katie Ocasio joined First Community in 2020 following a search for a new church home. Katie is a native of Columbus and a graduate of The Ohio State University in international studies. She is currently a relationship manager with the Community Shelter Board in Columbus where she is responsible for cultivating individual donors, growing the planned giving program, and managing sponsorships and annual giving.
Other members of the Foundation Board are Chair Karl Klamar, Vice Chair Ralph Griffith, Secretary Lynne Ayres, Treasurer Katherine Tucker, Greg DuPont, Brad Griffith, Chris Montgomery, Eric Shisler, Tracy Stuck, Darian Torrance, Cheryl Van Deusen, and Larry Woods.

If you have an interest in service on this board, please contact the Foundation Office.
Welcome New Members
Our newest members joined on August 30 on virtual New Member Sunday.
Charles Boltwood and Ruth Goldberg
Ed and Jan Wojniak
Kris Lofrumento
Kynthia Droesch
Larry Needleman
Valerie Zielinski
Women's Guild G Bean Sale
By Pat Porterfield 

The Guild G Bean Sale is back again this year! Be thinking about your holiday gift-giving!

Jars are $5 per pint, and delivery is available for those in the Northwest Columbus area. You can pay with cash or check; payment is due upon pickup/delivery.

This year, the sale’s proceeds will support Camp Akita scholarships.

For more information, email Pat Porterfield or call (614) 459-8302
Red Cross Blood Drive
The next First Community Blood Drive will be October 14 from 12 – 6 pm. Register online and enter the sponsor code: FCCSC or contact Robin Hood at (614) 488-0681, ext. 235. You can also use the free Red Cross Blood Donor App by texting “BLOODAPP” to 90999 or by downloading it from the App Store or the Google Play store.

If you would like to get added to the email list of upcoming Blood Drives, please email Robin.
Missions Updates
On A Mission! Blog

  • Stories from Refugee Task Force 

  • Photos from the Share and Learn Garden 

  • Update from our mission partners 

  • Changes at the food pantry 
The Burkhart Center Events
Virtual Event with Author/Scholar Dr. Amy-Jill Levine
Sermon on the Mount Study Features ‘In-person’  Virtual Event with Author/Scholar Dr. Amy-Jill Levine

Vanderbilt Divinity School Professor of New Testament, Dr. Amy-Jill Levine was a highly regarded Burkhart Center Spiritual Searcher here 13 years ago for a weekend event entitled “Women in the World of Jesus.”

On November 10, she will appear again, on Zoom, as part of this six-week study of her new book and video curriculum, Sermon on the Mount: A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Burkhart Center Spiritual Director, Rev. David Hett, will facilitate the study, which begins Tuesday, October 13, 7 – 8:30 pm on Zoom, and continues for five more Tuesday nights, or a sixth to accommodate Dr. Levine’s November 10 virtual visit.

Dr. Levine’s book has the six chapters that comprise the weekly schedule for this series:

The Beatitudes 

  • Jesus’ ‘Extensions’ in the Sermon on the Mount 

  • Practicing Piety: the spiritual practices in the Sermon 

  • Our Father: On the meaning and praying of the Lord’s Prayer 

  • Finding Your Treasure: the 5 ways Jesus presents for followers 

  • Living into The Kingdom: Jesus’ ideal community 
Dr. Amy-Jill Levine
As Dr. Levine summarizes the Sermon on the Mount, “Jesus is saying to his disciples, ‘OK, let me show you how to do it. Here’s your beginner’s guide to walking as if you live in the kingdom of heaven. Here’s your beginner’s guide to seeing that if you just open your eyes and use your hearts, you will find that you are already there.’”

A-J Levine is unique in being a Jewish professor of the New Testament. She is University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies and Mary Jane Werthan Professor of Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School and College of Arts and Sciences.

Registration fee for this series, including the $16.99 book and the Zoom visit with Dr. Levine is $70. Scholarship information is available by emailing us.

Donations may also be made at registration to provide scholarship funds to support other interested participants.
David Hett, David Brown Speak at Annual Living Faith Awards

As a multi-faith organization, The Spirituality Network values acceptance and inclusion as we seek to create hope, peace, and purpose in our community. Both Rev. David Hett, Spiritual Director of The Burkhart Center, and David Brown of the Harmony Project, one of our Burkhart Center speakers last year, were among the honorees at the Virtual 29th Annual Living Faith Awards, which you can watch at the link below.

The annual Living Faith Awards Breakfast provides a unique opportunity for multi-faith communities to celebrate members and citizens who exemplify these goals.

Since 2013, we have been pleased to sponsor this important event, originating with the Metropolitan Area Church Council in 1991. From its beginning, the Living Faith Awards have been given to more than 275 individuals whose faith is both ‘lived’ and ‘alive’ in ways that inspire, challenge and serve.

We are pleased to announce the following individuals as recipients for this year's awards:

Hope for Today - Rev. David Hett
Hope for Today Award Recipient - Rev. David Hett
Click on the YouTube link below to see acceptance speeches from all the recipients, including our very own Rev. Hett.

Living Faith Awards –

David Brown, Linda Bryant, Rebecca Hoffman, Sister Nancy Miller, Marjorie Telerski, Adam Troy

Alvin R. Hadley Social Justice Award - Rev. Dr. Johannes J. Christian

Interfaith/Multicultural - Sheikh Horsed Noah

Hope for Tomorrow - Ignite Our City (Danius Williams)
Ongoing Burkhart Center Events
Tuesday Morning Group Discusses  
Wide-Ranging Topics on Religion and Society

The Burkhart Center’s Tuesday Morning Discussion Group meets via Zoom from 9:30 – 11:45 am each Tuesday on various topics related to religion and society, science and philosophy, sacred and secular.

Through October 13, the group, hosted by Rev. David Hett, has been studying Ibram X. Kendi’s important book How to be an Antiracist with Connie Johnston facilitating the weekly discussion.

This fall, the group has also featured a study of Rabbi Daniel Hartman’s book, Putting God Second: How to Save Religion from Itself, which put an entirely new perspective on living faithfully. We also did a short study on the work of Marcus Borg, looking at a new or “emerging” paradigm for Christianity.

A new series begins Tuesday, October 20, a new topic has yet to be determined as of this newsletter.
Recent How to Be an Antiracist Zoom Gathering on Tuesday Morning 
Thursday Weekly Zoom Meditation Group, 
11:45 am – 1 pm

The Burkhart Center’s Contemplative Way Group gathers on Zoom around 11:40 am each Thursday for a time of discursive meditation based on Richard Rohr’s daily meditations (www.cac.org ). Hosted by Rev. David Hett, Spiritual Director, we conclude with all participants practicing a 30-minute silent meditation according to their own practice beginning around 12:25 pm each week. Each participant meditates silently in whatever style is their preference.
Much Matters, Thursday, October 15, 6–8 pm via Zoom

Participants will be discussing Tigerland: 1968-1969: A City Divided, a Nation Torn Apart, and a Magical Season of Healing (2018) by Wil Haygood.

Haygood, currently visiting professor of media, journalism, and film at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. A veteran journalist, he is also the author of the acclaimed Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court Nomination that Changed America, and the best-selling The Butler: A Witness to History. With Tigerland, Wil Haygood has written an inspiring sports story as well as a singular illuminating and important social history, stunningly relevant to the racial backdrop in which we are all living today. Diane Sturges will serve as our discussion facilitator for this month.
Mysticism and the Christian Life: 3-Week Marcus Borg Series 

This Burkhart Center Zoom series began Thursday, September 24, and meets for two more weeks, October 1 and 8 from 7 – 9 pm, to watch the three lectures Spiritual Searcher Dr. Marcus Borg gave at First Community in 2011 on “Mysticism and the Christian Life.”

 Each Thursday night, September 24 – October 8, we will together view his three lectures successively: “Mysticism and the Christian Life: Experiencing God;” “Mysticism in the Bible: Empowerment, Resistance, Advocacy;” “Mysticism, Empowerment, and Resistance: Being American and Christian Today.” Each lecture is about an hour long, and we will follow that with 30-60 minutes of discussion and conversation with the Rev. David Hett, Spiritual Director of The Burkhart Center.
You may still register for the last two sessions.

At registration site, you may make a donation to support the work of The Burkhart Center if you choose.
Progressing Spirit: Saturdays, Oct. 10 and 24, 9:30 am 

Free-ranging discussions on current trends and personal feelings on faith and spirituality, theology and society. We study and discuss weekly articles from a variety of authors in progressive Christianity, social justice and spirituality. We encourage participants to subscribe to these weekly articles. Group members contribute other thought-provoking material as does Rev. David Hett, who facilitates this Burkhart Center Zoom group facilitated by Rev. David Hett.
Other Burkhart Center Sponsored Events 

Exploring Basic Trust: Weekend Online Retreat 
November 6 – 8, 2020 

Rev. David Hett, Minister of Religious Life & Learning and Spiritual Director of The Burkhart Center, is one of three Diamond Approach teachers from around the country leading this weekend retreat using meditation, teachings, and personal inquiry to explore the essential quality of Basic Trust.

Basic Trust is a non-conceptual confidence there is something about the universe and human nature and life that is inherently and fundamentally good, loving, and wishing us the best. In the Diamond Approach, we talk about “basic trust” as a particular condition or orientation of the soul. Basic trust is innate in us but so often covered over that it can feel lost. This retreat will look at the quality of Basic Trust—and the barriers to it.
In addition to David Hett, the other Diamond Approach teachers leading the retreat are Sue Moen from Santa Cruz, California, and Lou Weir from AnnArbor, Michigan. Retreat cost is $190 for the weekend; to register email Lou Weir. For questions, contact Lou at that email, or David Hett.

In addition, to the Friday-Saturday retreat, a Thursday session will be added as an optional teaching for those unfamiliar with the Diamond Approach and the basic practice of inquiry.
The Enneagram and Relationships Virtual Workshop 
October 16-18, 2020 

Burkhart Center and First Community members Lisa Bueche and Connie Frecker are the Enneagram Institute faculty leading this workshop for individuals and couples. The Enneagram personality typology has been an important tool for personal and spiritual growth for many in our own congregation and throughout the United States and the world.
The registration link will give you more information on the objective of the weekend workshop, schedule, and fees.
Pastoral Care Links and Church Gifts