Dear Global Christian Warriors,
Pastors and community leaders are seeing a difference in the eastern portion of San Diego county, California, through what they call a "First Fruits Gathering." The LORD clearly loves it; the community is seeing His blessings! Repentance is included in the gathering. This is another Way by which the LORD's "altar is repaired." (1 Kings 18: 30). Here's a report from my friend Chris Leeper, head of 40 Days of Hope:
I would be happy to share what we do. We have been doing this event for the last 8 years. We call it First Fruits Gathering, giving GOD our first and best. We repent for things we did wrong last year and opening our hearts to what GOD wants to do this New Year. We also pray over different areas of society. It was actually initiated by our mayor who is a strong christian.
Between 8 to 12 churches come together. We have multiple worship teams, city officials, business leaders, politicians, educators etc. who share the needs for their area and we pray. It is a power time of unity and the LORD honors it every year. We have been cultivating unity in our region for years and this is one expression of it. I can say that through this unity our region, East County San Diego is one of the safest areas around. We also noticed that since we have been doing this the crime in the city has dropped 30% while other cities crime is on the rise.
We have also been able to form collaborative relationships were we support one another in our areas of strength. This has brought protection to our children by keeping out harmful curriculum such as CRT, preserved the peace when other cites are seeing rioting and over all brought blessings to our region. Our region is not a utopia, we still have much work to do but we can clearly see the hand of GOD in the unity of the body of CHRIST.
Here are a few videos of past new years highlights
Do you see repentance as vital in this calendar year 2023? That is our purpose: to encourage personal and national repentance globally. Last month we sought in prayer for three thousand dollars, month one of a 2023 budget of three thousand dollars per month to cover minimum costs and for gifts to repentance projects globally. We came within three hundred dollars of that goal. Are you in a position to give, whatever the amount, to help cover last month and this month?
Would you please pray for us? And then give from a cheerful heart as the Lord leads? THANK YOU!--whatever amount you give, you'll receive a blessing--- 2 Corinthians 8: 2-4 and Luke 8:3--- and Fruit that will abound to your spiritual account, Philippians 4:17.
God bless you,
Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
National Day of Repentance is a 501c3 tax exempt nonprofit organization