Our middle school students worked hard this week.
Sister Marla co-hosted morning announcements and blessed our students and the new school year.
As you now know, GRACE and the Board of Trustees have approved our site plan making masking required when in common spaces or close contact to start the 21-22 school year. All visitors are required to wear masks at all times while in the building. Masking is also required on school buses per the CDC order. Some general practices that will continue include monitoring symptoms of your child(ren) and keeping home if sick, promoting hand washing and etiquette with coughing and sneezing, routine cleaning and disinfecting of common surfaces, and encouraging consideration of COVID vaccination based on your physician’s recommendation.
- Students MUST have a mask each day. We are already running low on spares in the office, so please send your child to school with one from home. We suggest putting a second mask in a plastic bag in your student's backpack.
Please keep your children home if they have symptoms (see below). Our families did a fantastic of job this last year and it's a critical key piece to keeping us here in person.
- It's interesting to note that the few diagnosed Covid cases we have seen here at Holy Family both this year and last have appeared to be allergies!
If your child regularly rides the bus home from school but is not going to be riding one afternoon, please email or call the office before 2:00 PM to let us know. There are a lot of moving parts at dismissal and we need your help to keep our lists accurate.
09/02 All School Mass (9 AM)
09/03 Holy Family Spirit Day
wear HF, NDA, or SNC spirit shirts with uniform bottoms
09/06 No School - Labor Day
09/09 All School Mass (9 AM)
(4 PM - 8 PM)
09/16 All School Mass (9 AM)
09/24 Grandparents Day at HF All School Mass (9 AM)
Half-Day/Early Dismissal (11:15 AM)
09/26 Eighth Grade Carwash Fundraiser
11 AM - 3 PM in the school parking lot
9/30 All School Mass (9 AM)
Click here to add the Holy Family School Calendar to your Google Calendar or mobile device. A one-page 2021-22 academic calendar is available on the GRACE website.
Please take some time to look through our amazing events calendar. Our teachers are doing the same and looking for a chance to connect with families outside of school! It's a great way to connect with other HFS families, especially the ones your student has been coming home talking about.
Please follow these steps to learn more about the efforts, events, and process.
Taking part in experiences and hosting events can count toward your TSF hours. Come have fun, meet new people, have a great experience, and earn your hours while you do it!
Gather together at St. Agnes Church to pray the Liturgy of the Hours on Monday mornings after drop off and Fridays before dismissal. Please enter Church through Door # 4
What is Liturgy of the Hours? This prayer is also known as the Divine Office. It is a beautiful tradition in the Church and highly encouraged for all! Since there are prayers for different times of the day, it is beautiful to consider how many others are praying the same prayers, at the same time, joining together for a relationship with God and one another. Also, it is a wonder to consider that these are the prayers that Jesus Himself prayed.
Connect with other Holy Family parents and community members. Click here for more information. Contact Holy Family parent Jennifer Poehlmann with questions.
Foil your dinner plans and stop by the Chipotle at 2388 S Oneida Street in Ashwaubenon for our fundraiser on Tuesday, September 14 from 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM. We're raising money to support Holy Family School, so just download a flyer from the post below or mention the fundraiser at checkout and they'll donate 33% of the proceeds to our school!
You can also order online from the Chipotle website or app using code 2FNTC9C before checkout in ‘promo’ field. Orders placed for pickup using this unique code will be counted towards our fundraiser, too!
Click on the image to add this event to your Google
SAVE THE DATE! Holy Family's eighth-grade class is hosting a car wash fundraiser for graduation-related expenses on Sunday, September 26 from 1 - 3 PM in the school parking lot.
We are looking for volunteers. If you are interested in helping out (and fulfilling your family service hours), please contact the office. All volunteers must be VIRTUS trained and background checked.
- Recess (9:35-10:35 or 11:00-12:30)
- Little Saints Child Care
- Lunch Service (10:30-12:30)
- Lunch Recess
Every adult who volunteers at Holy Family is required to have a current background check on file, complete a VIRTUS training course, and sign a volunteer agreement each year. Volunteer requirements are mandated by the Diocese of Green Bay, and there are no exceptions. We strongly encourage everyone to go through the process because volunteer opportunities will come up and your name must be on our approved list prior to the event, whether it's chaperoning a field trip, selling Scrip, or helping in your child's classroom.
BACKGROUND CHECK Volunteers are required to provide personal references, sign a declaration form, and authorize a criminal background check (and receive a satisfactory report) Click here to complete the background check. Enter code: gbdioc04
- All volunteers who have contact with children are required to complete VIRTUS Protecting God's Children training. Register here. The Green Bay Diocese is currently not offering in-person training, so all training is online.
Please make sure to complete and submit the contract required for BASIC key fobs. This will expedite the drop-off and pick-up process for you. Key fobs will be available next Wednesday, September 8.
Holy Family Catholic School
1204 South Fisk Street
Green Bay, WI 54304
(920) 494-1931