2020 GlobalMindED
The Future of Work is Diverse, Inclusive, Just and Equitable

GlobalMindED closes the equity gap by creating a capable, diverse talent pipeline through connections to role models, mentors, internships for low-income students, returning adults, First Gen to college and inclusive leaders who teach them, work with them and hire them.
Michael Anderson is a barrier-breaking leader whose dreams are big and whose energy and commitment is undeterred. He is a role model for our times and a Renaissance renegade. Read why:
1. Michael you are a First Gen to college and Harvard success story. What is your personal path and how can others learn from your story?

I was born in Charlottesville, VA--the home of UVA and President Jefferson, amongst others. I detail a lot of my personal journey in my young adult novel, Misadventure$ of The American Dreamer: Nick Ca$h Vs. Everyone, as well as the music and film I've created through the years. My story is that of perseverance and faith. I have learned to grind and rely on faith and works. As much as I don't want to, I've learned to meet adversity head-on. It can be tough and exhausting to fight battles that are really more about creating a sustainable society than personal satisfaction, but I hope others learn that service above self is a necessity for a sustainable civilization. Leaders' paradigms and archetypes must ensure that the example we set is not solely self-serving or selfish, but sheds light and love. My path from some of the darkest crevices of Americana to the highest echelons is a daily battle and struggle for dignity in a land where others have been brainwashed into seeing my inferiority. If the youth and even my elders utilize my story and path, may all find the courage and faith to rise above pain, in order to demonstrate that anything is possible. May God be given glory, as God's grace has fortified my relentless ambition, despite times I was afraid, scared, lonely, and without material comfort.

2. As founder and CEO of MPAC solutions, how do you most want to move the capital to close the equity gap, reversing generations of poverty and lack of access to the wealth and networks your path has provided you at the young age of 33?

I want to democratize access to wealth and wellness. I plan to be apart of ushering in a Quadrillion-dollar macro economy and wealth transfer that makes America the land of opportunity for all, especially Black and Indigenous inhabitants. Businesses and communities of color need capital, contracts, clean and sanitary conditions, and access to opportunities based on merit, not arbitrary and capricious factors that have kept us behind for centuries. I want to own real estate developments that help creatives and entrepreneurs live/work/play and create thriving-wage economies in our communities. 

3. If MPAC Solutions can exceed your wildest expectations, what would the U.S. and the world look like in five years? In ten years?

In 5 years, the US would be a Quadrillion-dollar macro economy. In 10 years, the US would be a multi-Quadrillion-dollar macro economy. The planet's economy would grow proportionately as well, but capital allocations and wealth transfers would be inclusive of all diverse and underserved nations and peoples. 

Metrics of sovereign wealth would not just be confined to GDP, but focus on more important quality of life indicators ie reducing our egregious prison population in the States. In 10 years, access to capital would be completely based on merit, and not declined because of skin color. I want to help restore dignity and honor and democratize access to American Dream. I'm still searching for what it means to be free in this land, however in 10 years my hope is that my daughter, and many more sons and daughters will never feel constrained by their skin color. The US would achieve parity in the next 5 years, meaning institutional capital would reflect actual racial/ethnic demographics. MPAC will be the first Black-owned Trillion dollar company, because we have added tremendous value to so many others not participating in the capitalist system.

4. What do you most want to say to the Harvard network of which you are a part to enlist their bold support in achieving your vision?  Since their endowment is equivalent to the sixteenth largest economy in the world, what responsibility do they have to lead Higher Ed and what responsibility does Wall Street have through MPAC to deliver these same outcomes?

Thanks for asking this. I would love my Harvard network to realize that we all have a duty to create a more perfect union. Our duty in Finance and Higher Ed is to utilize our resources to ameliorate social ills, and ensure that we bless the institutions that bless us. I would like everyone to know that if you are privileged, someone had to make sacrifices. Black Americans paid in Blood for the construction of Harvard and Wall Street. It's not just that we are smarter or better than anyone. There was a system put in place to disenfranchise Blacks and we must work deliberately and intentionally to ameliorate and create reparations. Until we restore and repatriate the disenfranchised creators of all things good, holy, and righteous in this land, we will never be free. The premise of America will be fraudulent until equality of opportunity is reality in this land, forevermore. 


Listen  here  for an interview with Pam Newkirk, GlobalMindED speaker and author of  Diversity Inc.: The Failed Promise of a Billion- Dollar Business.
Responding to Crisis
The 30-Day Justice Plan

As the reset of America is underway, understanding the role you can play in a system of change can be difficult, but we encourage you to listen, learn and be active. To start, instead of, say, a juice cleanse, feed your brain and move yourself with this practical plan over the next month.  Here's our guide  of what to read, watch, listen to and do in order to be part of the solution.
Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"
GlobalMindED and the SDG Impact Fund are delighted to announce   GlobalMindED's Donor Advised Fund .  2020 is the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations and the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Women's Declaration and Action Platform. Many from around the world are thinking of 2020 as the gateway to our most vital decade for delivering equity, the Sustainable Development Goals, and a world where all can thrive. Our key time for these outcomes is 2020-2030.

GlobalMindED DAF and the SDG Impact Fund are a powerful combined force for good as the 2019 year comes to a close and we reflect on the gratitude and the commitments we make to the causes we care most about. The DAF offers immense power and flexibility for giving prior to the year's end as you plant seeds of generous intention for 2020 and the decade ahead.

When you contribute to GlobalMindED, you support First Gen students. We have served more than 400 students by connecting them to role models, mentors, internships and jobs. Your generous support will allow us to take our work 10x and reach these talented students at scale who lack the resources and support we provide. Your support also helps teachers who can't afford the conference fees, faculty at colleges which are under resourced and students who persist at those universities despite food insecurity and/or housing insecurity.
Meet GlobalMindED Founder, Carol Carter as interviewed by Tim Moore on his podcast Success Made to Last: From Success to Significance

Listen   to Part 1 of Carol's interview 
Listen  to Part 2 of Carol's interview

Find out more about this and other podcasts at:    Success Made To Last
Since 2006 when the flagship TGR Learning Lab opened its doors in Anaheim, CA, TGR Foundation has had a lot to celebrate, including its most recent milestone of one million students impacted by  TGR EDU: Explore , alone.

Developed in partnership with Discovery Education, TGR EDU: Explore is a free digital resource library that offers interactive web experiences, lesson plans, training videos and tools for educators, students and families to explore new disciplines and gain skills for a modern and expanding workforce.
As you start the New Year, are you looking for ways to re-engineer your classroom culture? Check out  Designing the Future: How Engineering Builds Creative Critical Thinking in the Classroom . The associated website has lots of activities, projects, and resources you can implement immediately. Our fall workshops using the book as a roadmap for change have been highly successful. Start designing the future today - try using the customized  Study Guide  for a book study in your PLC. Or contact  ProjectEngin  or  Solution Tree  to learn how you can bring professional development based on Ann's book to your school, district, or conference.
GlobalMindED | 303-327-5688 | contact@globalminded.org | www.globalminded.org
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