-- Week of April 28, 2021 --
This Week
Do You Believe Jesus? Doubt is oftentimes a way to grow spiritually. Join us this weekend as we explore the John 20:19-31 passage in the message, Do You Believe Jesus?: Jesus & Thomas from the "Jesus Project" sermon series.

Worship with us in-person or online
  • *8:30 AM Traditional Service (Sanctuary; Rev. Palma) FirstGrapevine.org/live
  • 9:45 AM Sunday School time (On Zoom or Outdoors)
  • *11:00 AM Contemporary Service (Sanctuary; Rev. Palma) FirstGrapevine.org/live
  • *11:00 AM Bilingual Service (Founders Chapel; Rev. Lopez-Valcarcel)

*Pre-Registration for worship is no longer required. However, pre-registration is required for kids.
In-Person Kids
We are so happy to announce that kids programming is back on and in-person on Sunday mornings! Babies and Children will be in separate areas on the Family Life Center (FLC) Floor. Our staff and volunteers will lead elementary children out of the services after Children’s Time into the FLC. If your adult Sunday School class is meeting on campus outdoors, your kids are welcome to play with us in the FLC and on the playground during the 9:45 AM hour. Click the pre-registration below to register your child.
If you have any questions or concerns about our plans or COVID procedures, contact Sandy ([email protected]) or Monica ([email protected]). We can’t wait to see you!
Let’s change the world together. Elementary and Tween Sunday school classes will be taking up a weekly offering with the intent of making a difference in our community or beyond. Children are encouraged to rummage through cars, couches, piggy banks, their earnings, wherever they are permitted by parents to gather change (or bills for that matter). With their input each month, we’ll have a designated mission that will receive our collections. The first 10% we collect will go to the church's general budget and the rest to our mission. Please talk this over with your children and develop a strategy. If you have questions, feel free to contact Sandy Robinson ([email protected]).
Looking Ahead
Ministry Safe Safety Program
May 2 | 12 PM | Sanctuary Choir Room

At First Grapevine, we are dedicated to doing all we can to keep our children, youth, adult volunteers and staff as safe as possible. In order to do this, our conference adopted the use of the Ministry Safe Safety program. All adults who volunteer with youth and children are required to go through Ministry Safe training. The next training will take place on Sunday, May 2 at 12:00 PM in the choir room in the Sanctuary. Only new volunteers who have not previously been trained need to attend this class. To RSVP for the class, email [email protected].
Carter Blood Drive
May 2 | 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM | Church St. Parking Lot

Our next Blood Drive is coming up Sunday, May 2. There is still a critical shortage and we need your donation! The drive will be held in a Carter bus from 8:00 AM – 1:30 PM at the Church St. parking lot, because the Family Life Center is not available. You may make your appointment online now or contact Miriam Ward (817-488-1650 or ([email protected]).. Appointments are made in 20 minute increments, beginning at 8:00. 
Sign-up using the QR Code below or click the link below to help save a life.
Pentecost Sunday
May 23 | 9:30 - 12 noon

Celebrate Pentecost Sunday with us on May 23. It will be an extraordinary and holy day in the life of our church as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, as well as kicking off the new June sermon series, “A New Spirit.” We will have a fellowship brunch, bounce houses, games, and live music between the 8:30 AM and the 11 AM services. Then at 11:00 AM, join us for a Contemporary / Bilingual Worship Service on the Scribner St. parking lot. Invite a friend and don't forget to bring a lawn chair. We can't wait to see you there!
Senior Sunday
June 13 | 11 AM

Calling all seniors! Save the date for Senior Sunday on June 13 during the 11 AM Contemporary Worship Service. We are now collecting photos for the Senior Sunday online bulletin, e-news, and slideshow. Please send in a total of three photos: a baby photo, a childhood photo, and a current/senior photo to [email protected] no later than Wednesday, May 19. 
Very Best Summer 2021
July 26 - 30

Save the date for VBS 2021, July 26-30. Registration will begin May 1. Registration will be open to members and member families until May 15, and then will be open to the public. There will be limited space this year.

Volunteer registration is coming soon.

Volunteer VBS Informational Meetings will be held:
May 6th at 7:00 pm via Zoom
May 8th at 10:00 am via Zoom

Please email [email protected] to receive the Zoom meeting invitation link.
Holy Land Tour 2022 Information Meeting
May 5 | 6:30 PM | Zoom

It has been said that a trip to the Holy Land is like experiencing a fifth gospel. Being in the places and experiencing the sights, sounds, smells, geography, and culture of where Jesus lived and worked is an experience of which is there is no other. On May 5 at 6:30 PM on Zoom, I want to invite you to join me as I share our itinerary and information regarding a Holy Land Trip from January 10 - 20, 2022. I hope you will join me as we share about the trip and all the wonder, mystery, and presence of visiting such sacred and Holy places together in community. This will be a joint trip with the William C. Martin United Methodist Church members led by my wife, Lara. That is an added bonus as we will meet and share with her church making new friends as we journey together. Please email Kim Hetzel ([email protected]) to receive the Zoom invite. I hope to see you there. Feel free to email me if you have questions.
I will see you on the road,
I John 4:7
Update On Our Senior Pastor
Yesterday morning, our Pastor, Rev. Travis Franklin, had a neurological episode and was rushed to Baylor Grapevine. A complete work-up was done, and the prognosis is a brain tumor. He has had this tumor for a couple of years, and it first presented with stroke-like symptoms last year. The tumor was so small that it didn’t present on the scans and MRIs.

The tumor is the size of a marble, and they will not know the grading until a biopsy is performed. At 4:30 PM today, Rev. Travis will undergo surgery to biopsy the tumor to determine the desired result and treatment. As a result, he will be taking time off as the preferred treatment options are scheduled and put into play.

Rev. Travis asked us to say:

“You all are in good and capable hands as Dr. Randy Wild, Rev. Grant Palma, our SPR Chair, Julie Croft, and our Lay Leader, Rick Shultz, will lead you in my stead and as God continues to be at work among us as we seek faithfulness in God’s loving. I love you and trust your love and care as God heals me completely.”

Please join our church family in prayer for Travis as he prepares for surgery.
We ask that you be with our senior pastor and friend, Travis, as he goes into surgery today. We pray that you direct all of the doctor's hands, help to guide them, and give them wisdom as they perform the biopsy. We ask for your presence in the operating room and that the biopsy results are negative. Whatever is determined by the biopsy today will lay the path for treatment. We ask that you bring peace and comfort to Travis and his family as they wait for the results. We know that all is possible through You! We pray all of this in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
College Graduates
We would like to congratulate those graduating with higher education degrees (college, graduate school, etc.) If your child is graduating, please send a photo and name of the graduate along with the name of the school and the degree earned to Priscilla ([email protected]) by May 2. We will post the photos on social media and in E-news.
Farewell Bonita
Bonita Ramsey is leaving her position at First Grapevine to devote more time to care for her mom. Please join me in thanking her for her years of service to our church. If you would like to drop a card of thanks to her, please leave it in the basket outside the church office door by May 7th, and we will get it to her. There will be a love offering taken on Sunday, May 2, or you can drop off a check in the black box next to the Office door. Bonita has been instrumental on our Administrative staff for several years, keeping membership current, reports for the Conference, and many, many important tasks.
Julie Croft, SPRC Chair
Last Week's Numbers & Gifts
Online Worship: 532
In-person Worship: 264
Sunday School: 118
YTD Baptisms: 4
Seekers Sunday School Class via Zoom
Keep Grapevine Beautiful Texas Trash-Off Day at Grapevine Village

Members of the church gathered with members of the community and residents of our Grapevine Village for a day of service as a part of the Keep Grapevine Beautiful project. The Shady Oaks residents were so grateful to the church and to the city for helping to clean and keep the area beautiful.
Glen Lake Work Team

The Glen Lake Camp Work team last Thursday worked hard to help build 5 shaded stations for the Glen Lake Camp and Retreat Center in Glen Rose, TX. Thank you to Sanders Barton, Rev. Travis Franklin, Bob Jeppson, Rick Schultz, and Jeff Mullis!
Sunday Worship
Baby Blessing
First Grapevine, A United Methodist Church