Join us this Sunday for week seven of the Fruit of The Spirit series, where we will focus on what it means to be faithful. Due to our air conditioning being out in the Sanctuary, Worship will be a little different this weekend with all services in Founders Chapel. Come to any of our services for fun gospel-style worship featuring the pastors' favorite hymns and enjoy free popsicles after each service.
When we build friendships, we tend to trust the people who are dependable. We want our friends to be someone we can count on, someone who is faithful. In 1 and 2 Samuel, we witness a deep friendship between David and Jonathan. They go through turbulent times but remain steadfast in their commitment to each other. Similarly, God calls us to be faithful in all we do. This means our friendships, our family, and our work. When people come to know us as faithful people, they get a glimpse of a faithful God.
We look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday!
Worship with us in person or online
Ministry Safe Training Sessions
At First Grapevine, we are dedicated to doing all we can to keep our children, youth, adult volunteers, and staff as safe as possible. In order to do this, our conference adopted the use of the Ministry Safe Safety program. All adults who volunteer with youth and children are required to go through Ministry Safe training. We will be hosting several Ministry Safe trainings leading up to VBC for our new volunteers.
The upcoming trainings will take place on July 19 at 6:30 PM, and on July 20 at noon in the Office Conference room. Only new volunteers who have not previously been trained need to attend this class. To RSVP for the class, email
VBC Could Use Your Help
VBC: July 25 - 28 | 9 AM - 12 Noon
Vacation Bible Camp needs your help! We’ve decided to make VBC a free event this year to allow more kids the opportunity to learn about Jesus with us. Would you consider supporting VBC by purchasing supplies from our Amazon wish list? Follow the link below to check out our list, purchase what you can, and it will be shipped right here to the church. No extra shopping trips, no personal deliveries to the church - just a few clicks, and you’ll be helping more kids experience the love of Jesus this summer!
VBC Closing Ceremony and VBC Sunday!
VBC Closing Ceremony:
July 28 | 6 PM| Sanctuary
VBC Sunday: July 31 | 11 AM | Founders Chapel & Sanctuary
Come show your support for our VBC kids as they showcase all they have learned at VBC during Family Night, July 28 at 6 PM! The kids will be sharing their songs, memory verse and our VBC highlight video, plus we will have bounce houses, popsicles and more! You won't want to miss it!
Also join us on Sunday, July 31 during the 11 AM Worship services, where the VBC kids will perform a couple of their songs!
Christmas In July
Operation Christmas Child
Yes, it's Christmas in July with Operation Christmas Child. One of the favorite items in the shoe box are School Supplies. Summer Back-to-School sales are now beginning. Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan's Purse that provides shoe boxes to children worldwide who might not receive a Christmas gift at all. The National Collection week for shoe boxes is November 14-21.
July and August Be Our Guest Meal
The Be Our Guest neighborhood meal has been canceled in July and August and will resume Tuesday, September 20. The team is working on preparing things so we may return in September with the full program serving family-style meals on tables with tablecloths, using real plates and utensils, and featuring live music. We are looking forward to a reset and refresh of this program. Watch for more information coming in August.
Santa Cops Christmas In July
Each year, teen gifts are the hardest for us to get for our families so the Grapevine Police Department is gathering Teen Gifts to be distributed during their Santa Cop program.
They are looking for items like earbuds, selfie lights, funko pops, instant print cameras, or any cool teen gifts. Donations can be dropped at the House of Shine (334 S. Barton St.) or at The Chamber (200 Vine St. E) throughout the month of July.
Connect Back To School Backpack Drive
July 24-31|Sanctuary & Founders Chapel Atriums
GCISD needs new backpacks for pre-qualified K-12 students attending GCISD's 11th Annual Back-to-School Fair on August 6. Backpacks for all students must be able to hold a laptop computer.
You may place donation in the Church's donation bins located in the Sanctuary and Founders Chapel Atrium. The deadline to bring donations is July 31.
Tween Back To School Getaway: Possum Kingdom Lake
Aug. 5 | 8 AM – 5 PM
We are off to Possum Kingdom Lake at the Weir Water Playground. Our annual trip to Tommie and Gary’s house has been the highlight of back to school adventures for Tweens. If you have not gone before, don’t miss it this time. We will eat, fish, boat, swim and jet ski! Parents, we will need lots of you to join us so we have plenty of ministry safe adults at all times. This trip will be made possible with parent chaperones.
Sounds of Summer Concert
Aug. 7 | 3 PM |Sanctuary
Join us for a free Sounds of Summer music concert on August 7 at 3 PM in the First Grapevine Sanctuary (422 Church St., Grapevine, TX) and a dessert social following the concert. Sponsored by the Grayful Spirits, this special concert will feature FUMC Grapevine musicians, including Jason Chavarria, Ashley Winland, Rebecca Kraft, Scott Ayers, and more. The concert will be a mixture of religious and secular favorites. A love offering will be collected as an expression of appreciation. Be sure to invite your family and friends for this summertime treat. All ages are welcome to attend.
Campus Connections!
We are excited to announce new ministry at Silver Lake Elementary this coming school year. Campus Connections will provide much needed support, connection and fun for the students and the volunteers as well. The ministry provides two ways to participate: Pen Pals and Club Leaders.
Pen Pals
First through Third Graders are working on their writing and communication skills, and the teachers say having a pen pal is a perfect way to do both! This will be a weekly opportunity for you to correspond with a student with post cards. A volunteer will deliver the post cards each week between FUMCG and Silver Lake. Knowing that an adult that cares about them enough to write them each week goes a long way in building a child’s confidence.
Club Leaders
Students are also in need of a fun and educational break from class for 30 minutes every two weeks. In these clubs, a small group of students will be pulled out of class to join an interest club of their choice led by a caring adult. How can you help? “Any thing your members like to do as a hobby or skill, I guarantee there are kids here who want to learn more about it.”- Ariel, Silver Lake Counselor. That means literally anything: board games, knitting, art, chess, crafts…the sky’s the limit.
Both opportunities will be from October-December and February-Spring Break.
Do you have a few minutes to spare to make a difference in a child’s life? Please see the sign up genius below to register your interest. We will have an informational meeting at the beginning of the school year. For more information, please contact Pastor Allen (
Altar Flower Volunteers Needed
Everyone loves to receive flowers, right?
This team brightens people’s lives weekly. The recipients are surprised and thrilled to receive flowers during a time when they may not be at their best. It truly helps to know someone in the church is thinking about them when they are going through difficult times. What better way to serve God than to brighten someone’s day with fresh flowers. The Altar Flower ministry team needs volunteers to help put the flower arrangements together and deliver the flowers to the recipient’s home. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please email Amanda (
Campus Angels
The Campus Angels Ministry is looking for Church members interested in supporting College Students with regular cards and small care packages through out the 2022-23 school year. The ministry would also like to hear from all current Campus Angels ministry college students and incoming new college student freshman, if you would like to have a Campus Angel for the 2022-23 school year.
If interested in being a Campus Angel or having a Campus Angel assigned to you, please sign-up below.
Back To School Prayer Walk
Aug. 14 | Cannon & Silverlake Elementary
Join us as we kick off a week of prayer for our GCISD schools! We will begin at the campuses of Cannon and Silverlake Elementary with a prayer walk at 8:00 AM, Sunday, August 14, to pray for the students, teachers, staff, and parents and our volunteer programs at each of these schools along with all the others in our community. Our Prayer Team and pastors will lead these walks. We will then begin a week of daily prayer (our church will provide a prayer guide) for all our schools. We encourage all to visit the campus of your neighborhood school any time before school starts to pray specifically for that school and all those who will be beginning the 2022-2023 school year. For more information, contact Pastor Allen (
Christian condolences to Ray & Lydia Zirkel and family on the loss of Ray’s dad, Zeke Zirkel, on July 13. Ray & Lydia are our missionaries in Costa Rica and are directors of the Methodist Children’s Home.
Last Week's Numbers & Gifts
In-Person Worship: 330
Online: 580
Sunday School: 119
Fruit of The Spirit: Goodness
Blessing Blankets of Hope
The Blankets of Hope Ministry provides blankets to help people struggling with addiction at the Valley Hope Rehabilitation Center. The church prayed over these blankets during the 11 AM Traditional Worship service this past Sunday before being delivered. The ministry has provided over 2500 blankets over the years.
Blood Drive
First Grapevine held its third Carter Blood Drive this year. With the rise in COVID in Tarrant County, the heat wave, and summer vacations, our sign-ups were lacking. However, due to Pastor Grant’s plea for members in worship to donate, we were able to surpass our goal for sign-ups. Twenty-nine units of blood were collected; that’s enough to save as many as 87 lives. A very special thanks to our faithful donors who make it a priority to give. Also, thanks go to Pastors Grant and Carly for promoting the drive during worship, to our new Carter representative, Ashley Wenzel, to Carol Rigdon, who assisted in the drive, to Priscilla for advertising, and Jeff Mullins for the set-up of equipment. Our next drive will be on Sunday, October 16.
Miriam Ward
Blood Drive Coordinator
We are excited about our ministry and missional events. This is just a friendly reminder that we have some procedures to make your ministry or missional events successful. Our Media and Communication Guide lists deadlines for e-news, updates to the website, ministry spotlights, videos, and more. The First Grapevine Brand Identity Standard Guide will help to ensure that your marketing materials are in line with the church's brand standards. If you have an upcoming event, be sure to let us know by filling out the Room Request form on our website ( or by entering it into ServiceU so that our staff can help make your event possible. We couldn't do church without you. Thank you for helping others experience and share God's love!
First Grapevine, A United Methodist Church