-- February 28, 2024 --

This Weekend

We are thrilled to invite you to join us for a special Sunday service on March 3rd as we gather together for a unique experience centered around the theme of testimony. On this significant day, we will be focusing on the passage from John 5:30-35 and delving into the power of testimony in our spiritual journey.


We are honored to have Sanders Barton, our esteemed Facilities Associate, share his testimony from his recent transformative trip to Costa Rica. There will be two special services to accommodate everyone. The first service will commence at 8:30 AM. We will combine the 11 AM services in the Sanctuary, where Pastor Grant will lead a conversation with Sanders Barton.

Looking Ahead

Soul Sisters Bible Study

Tuesdays | 1:30 PM | Zoom

The Soul Sisters Bible Study Group meets every Tuesday at 1:30 PM via Zoom. Upon concluding a series, they come together in person, rotating between members' homes and restaurants for their gatherings. If you are interested in joining this Bible Study, you may contact Julie Croft ([email protected]).

Request for Information on Church Groups and Leaders

The Church office is currently in the process of enhancing our database and updating our website to provide an improved experience for both new and existing members. In this regard, we would appreciate your assistance in providing information about various groups meeting within the Church community.


Specifically, we are interested in obtaining details about groups such as Bible Study classes, groups, and any other gatherings. To facilitate this update, we kindly request you to share the following information for each group:


  • Group Name
  • Group Leader's Name
  • Contact Information for the Group Leader


Your prompt response to this request is crucial in ensuring the accuracy of our records. Your cooperation is highly valued as we work towards creating a more comprehensive and informative platform for our Church members.


Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please respond to [email protected] with this information or with any questions.


Warm regards,

The Church Office Team

Weekend Food


If you have an hour to spare anytime between 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, we could use your help. We are feeding children at 10 GCISD schools each week. You can deliver to as many or as few of the schools as you want. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Morris at 214-437-4271. Thank you.


Easter Egg Donations

Deadline: March 21

Join the Family Ministries team in making a difference this Easter season! We're excited to announce a special Easter donation opportunity. If you're able, please consider providing a dozen or more plastic eggs filled with wrapped candy, an Easter message, or a toy by March 21 to the church office or in the "Easter Egg" bins located in the atriums. Your contribution will bring joy to children and families in the community this special time of year. Every donation counts, so let's come together to make this Easter unforgettable for the Breakfast with our Bunny attendees. Thank you for your generosity and support!

Emmaus Women's Walk

Feb. 29 - March 3 | Glen Lake Camp in Glen Rose, TX

The Women's Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience that looks at Christianity as a lifestyle. Beginning Thursday evening and ending Sunday evening, "pilgrims" live and study together in singing, prayer, worship, and discussions centered around 15 talks given by clergy and laity. You'll discover how grace is real in your life, and how you can live a life that brings grace to others.

Join Tarrant County Emmaus & Chrysalis Community at the March gathering to celebrate walk #478. They will have worship and afterglow. Fellowship will occur following the service and you are welcome to bring a snack to share. Follow the link below to signup for the Prayer Vigil. For more information contact Steve Rosentreter (817-774-0903).

Signup For Prayer Vigil

Youth Mission Trip

June 16 - 21 | Denison, TX

The Youth Mission Trip this year will be in Denison, Texas! They are partnering with U. M. ARMY (United in Mission: Action Reachout Ministry by Youth) for their summer Youth Mission trip.

Participants will spend each day of the week providing free home repairs for low-income, elderly, and homeowners with disabilities in the surrounding area.

Our Youth mission trip is open to incoming 7th graders to graduating seniors. The price per student will be $350 (scholarships will be available). They are also looking for adult volunteers to join the mission trip. Adult participants can choose the price of their trip from full sponsorship to $350.


*If you sign up before February 15, the cost will be $250. Contact James at [email protected] with any questions.

Costa Rica Village Bake Sale: Cakes, Cookies & Other Yummy Goodies

March 3 | Sanctuary


Support our missionaries and mission work in Costa Rica by purchasing some yummy cakes, cookies, and other goodies on Sunday, March 3. Ray and Lidia Zirkel are our long-time Costa Rica missionaries who established and operate the Hogar Metodista Children’s Home for orphans, started many Methodist churches in the area, run medical clinics, and many other mission projects. Our ongoing partnership with the church in Los Juntas continues to bless us in Grapevine as much as support from Grapevine blesses them. We have an urgent need to provide funding to support our Costa Rica friends. We greatly appreciate your prayers for these mission efforts as well as your financial support.

Did you give up sweets for Lent?, No problem! Purchase some goodies for your neighbors or workplace, or make a donation to the Costa Rica Village and skip the treats! Make a donation by clicking here, selecting "Global Missions" from the dropdown, and noting "Costa Rica" in the notes section.


If you would like to donate baked goods for the sale, please contact Kathy Langham([email protected]), and for more information on the CR Village and upcoming mission trips, contact Jon De La Cruz ([email protected]) or Cathy Jackson ([email protected]).


Easter Flowers

Deadline: March 21

Easter flowers are a great way to help our congregation and visitors feel welcomed on Easter Sunday. This year, we have hydrangeas ($24/ea.), Easter lilies ($17/ea.), and tulips ($16/ea.). Order flowers in honor or memory of your loved ones, while helping to decorate our Church for this special day. You will be able to take the flowers ordered on Easter Sunday after the 11 AM service. Deadline to order is March 21.

Purchase Easter Flowers

Breakfast With The Easter Bunny: Volunteers Needed

We are looking for some extra hands willing to help out with our Easter Breakfast with the Bunny event! We are needing volunteers for the following categories:

  • Greeters
  • Servers
  • Set Up- Set up tables (decorations) 
  • Clean Up Crew- Take down tables and chairs after event
  • Photo Assistant- Help print photos on site
  • Parking Lot Greeters
  • Pick up food and deliver to church
  • Help with Egg Hunt 
  • Take Photos of Event 

Please consider signing up via the link below. Thank you for your help in making this event possible!

Sign-up To Help With Breakfast With Easter Bunny

Tween Club: Movie Night

March 22 | 6 - 8 PM | Family Life Center

Join us for Tween Club on March 22nd from 6 - 8 PM in the Family Life Center at First Grapevine! We are having a movie night, so bring a pillow and blanket, and invite your friends. All 4th through 6th graders are welcome. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions by the Tuesday before the event. Questions? Contact Lucy at [email protected].

Register To Attend

Spring Renewal: Thrift Shop Seasonal Changeover & Donation Drive!

Our Thrift Shop will be closed for a seasonal changeover from March 11 to March 18, reopening at 9 AM on March 19. During this time, volunteers will refresh the shop, transitioning from winter to spring attire, and we could use your help! The Thrift Shop will also be closed on March 30 for the Easter Holiday weekend.

We kindly request gently used children's summer clothing donations to replenish our racks after we reopen. Drop off donations during operating hours or at our blue donation box in the parking lot.

Location: 1619 W. Northwest Highway (located at the same shopping center as Dollar General)

Hours: Tue, Wed, Sat: 9 AM - 1 PM; Thu: 9 AM - 3 PM

To volunteer for this fun and rewarding ministry or have inquiries, please email Kim Crater at [email protected]. Thank you for your support!

Elevate Easter: Join Us as a Volunteer and Make a Difference!

We are approaching an extremely busy Easter Holiday season. We will need volunteers to set up, help usher and greet. We are looking for some extra hands willing to help out with the Holy Week services and Easter services and will need your help in the following areas:

  • Welcome Center
  • Greeters
  • Ushers
  • Before service set up
  • After service clean up crew
  • Parking Lot Greeters

Sign Up To Serve

New Children's Lent Sunday School Curriculum

We are celebrating and teaching God's plan of salvation in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ throughout the month of March as we lead up to Easter Sunday. Children, preschool through fifth grade, will discover God's plan for salvation through His Son, Jesus. Each lesson points directly to the good news of the gospel at each age level. This new curriculum will begin on March 3. Plan to join us for each engaging lesson this month as we learn and celebrate the foundation of the good news of Jesus!

Stewardship In Action

praying-hands-with-faith-religion-belief-god-dark-power-hope-love-devotion-namaste-namaskar-hands-gesture-prayer-position_79161-739 image

Stewardship is about serving God and our church with our prayers, presence, service, witness, and gifts. This quarter, your Stewardship team is focused on prayer. We are praying for you and with you. At our church meeting, Stephanie Rasmussen gave a great example of setting an alarm on her phone to pray for our church at the same time each day. We challenge you to pledge to do the same! When are you praying? What are you praying for? How can we pray for you? Please click on the link below to register your prayer activity. All entries are anonymous unless you provide your name.

Stewardship Prayers

Last Week's Numbers & Gifts

In-Person: 372

Online: 382

Sunday School: 106

Mid-week Bible Studies: 102

A gift was given to the Endowment Fund by Jeannie Dalmolin.

A gift was given to the Endowment Fund in memory of Tana McClendon by Zona and Jim Peterson.

A gift was given to the Endowment Fund in memory of Dixie Martinez, Charles E. Weston Jr., Joyce Weston, and Charles E. Weston III by Greg and Judy Weston.


Community Meal: Be Our Guest

We had another fun-filled evening. We had volunteers that we hadn't seen in a while, and we had new volunteers. We served 48 drive-thru guests and 68 dine-ins, and we had 35 volunteers inside the Family Life Center.


This event has grown and evolved into a joyful time for our guests to "shop" the items that are put out for them to take home. These are the food items that Steve McKee coordinates for us through Midwest Food Bank. We are thankful Steve and the guests are blessed.  


We are serving bacon-wrapped pork tenderloins in March. This was also a provision that Steve helped with. Thank you, Steve. We are sure that will be a great success. We are planning the rest of the school year menus and discussing our options for our summer schedule.


We are thankful for each of you and your contributions in making this ministry possible. A special thank you to Priscilla Harrison and Meg Mochel, who have worked on flyers for guests, giving them updates on our upcoming Church activities and next month's Community Meal menu. We have gotten several positive responses about the flyers. Thank you, Meg and Priscilla.  


Blessings to all,

Tommie and Gary Weir

Sunday Worship

First Grapevine Methodist Church

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