-- November 8, 2023 --

This Sunday

This Sunday, we invite you to join us for a remarkable worship service focused on the message from Ruth 2:6-12, which centers around the theme "What We Glean, Thankfulness."

In these verses, we witness the touching story of Ruth as she gleans from the fields of Boaz and finds herself overwhelmed with gratitude for the kindness she receives. This passage reminds us that even in challenging times, there is much to be thankful for.

This Sunday is Commitment Sunday. During worship, there will be a time to drop your commitment cards in clay vessels. You can also complete your commitment card online at Firstgrapevine.org/commit.

Looking Ahead

Church-wide Meeting

Nov. 12 | 12:15 PM | Sanctuary

As we move forward into our Future with Hope, we will be adopting a new corporate name, First Grapevine Methodist Church, along with updated articles of incorporation and bylaws. Abiding by our current bylaws, we will hold a church meeting on Sunday, November 12, at 12:15 pm in the Sanctuary to approve the new Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. The current version and updated drafts will be on the disaffiliation page for your review later this week.

Operation Christmas Child

Collection through Nov. 20 | Worship Space Atriums

Every gift-filled shoebox is a tool for evangelism and discipleship for a local church around the world. At Operation Christmas Child outreach events, boys and girls hear the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ and receive a tangible expression of God's love through one of your prayerfully packed shoeboxes.


We have 2 ways to prayerfully prepare to pack your shoebox gift.


1) We have created a BASBO (Build A ShoeBox Online) website specifically for our church. With just a few clicks, you can pack an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift online to help share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a boy or girl in need around the world. Simply select toys and other fun items you would like to include from our collection and personalize your gift with your own letter and photo. Click here for the website. 


2) Pick up a shoebox in our 2 church foyers and follow the instructions in the brochure on "How to Pack a Shoebox", fill it with the items you choose for a boy or girl, and return the shoebox here during the National Collection Week, November 13-20, 2023. Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift. Thank you for your support. Have fun!

Our goal: 150 + packed shoeboxes!


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me...for such is the Kingdom of God." Luke 18:16.


In Christ's Service,

Neil Anderson


Salute To Veterans Dinner

Nov. 10 | 6 PM | Grand Hall at the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau (636 S. Main Street)

Limited Seats Available


The Community Building Council invites Veterans and guests to attend the 2023 Annual Salute to Veterans Dinner hosted by First Grapevine in their honor on November 10 at 6 PM in the Grand Hall at the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau (636 S. Main Street).


Keynote speaker will be Colonel Emily Ladich, who served in the United States Air Force from 1975 to 2005, which included active duty and reserves. Ladich was a Flight Nurse on the C130, DC9 and C141. Her overseas assignment was in Okinawa, Japan. During Desert Storm/Desert Shield, Ladich was active duty at Holloman AFB, New Mexico. Throughout her service, Ladich received several recognitions, which include two Meritorious Service Medals, the Air Force Commendation Medal, and a Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon.       


Reserve Your Seat

Grief Through The Holidays

Nov. 11 | 8:30 AM - 11 AM Room 1013 of the Family Life Center

Many people experience seasons of grief. The holiday seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas prove to be the most difficult. So often, this time of the year is built around the people we love, the place set at the Thanksgiving table, the spot on the couch by the Christmas tree, the person or persons we visit on Christmas Day, and just the season in general.

On Saturday, November 11, First Grapevine will be offering a workshop dealing with this important issue called “Grief Through the Holidays.” Morning refreshments and gathering begins in the Family Life Center in room 1013 at 8:30 AM through 11 AM. It is an informal time aimed at anyone dealing with grief, whether you have experienced a recent loss, one long ago, or multiple losses. There will be directional signs to help you to that specific location. Stephen Ministers will be available throughout the meeting.

Grief and love can sometimes be the same thing and sharing the experience with others can often be a tremendously healing time. If you would like to join us, please register here.

Irving Symphony: An American Salute Concert

Nov. 11 | 7:30 PM | 3333 North MacArthur Blvd., Irving, TX 75062

The Irving Symphony Orchestra cordially invites you and your guest to attend our special "AN AMERICAN SALUTE" concert on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at 7:30 PM.

Veterans Day - What better way to honor our American heroes for service to our country than with musical selections by Rodgers, Kirkland, Gershwin, and Gould -- performed by the Irving Symphony Orchestra. America

at its best with two extraordinary guest artists: Russ Hewitt - guitar and Eduardo Rojas - piano. This fantastic concert is one that you will definitely want to attend. The concert starts promptly at 7:30 PM!

Please arrive early and enjoy the outstanding displays of Military Memorabilia presented by the Sons of Liberty Museum and the Army Air Corps Museum.

5:00 PM - Mobile Museum Opens (closes at 7:15) - Parking Lot near Irving Arts Center building

6:00 PM - Vietnam Exhibit Opens Suite 200 Irving Arts Center (adjacent to the concert hall)

6:30 PM - Presentation by Robert Coalter begins in Suite 200

7:30 PM - Irving Symphony Orchestra Concert begins

To reserve your complimentary tickets, please RSVP to:

Irving Symphony at 972-831-8818 or ED@irvingsymphony.org

Ask about special pricing for family or friends who would like to join you for the Veterans Day evening concert. Act now and call! The deadline to reserve tickets is Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Your tickets will be at Will Call at the Irving Arts Center.

Location: Carpenter Performance Hall at the Irving Arts Center


Lisa Hultz

Irving Symphony Board Chair


Nov. 12 | 3 - 5 PM | Family Life Center

Join us for Tween Club on November 12 from 3 - 5 PM in the Family Life Center at First Grapevine! We will be having a Tweensgiving! This will include baking something, making something, and eating pie! Be sure to invite your friends to this fun event! All 4th-6th graders are welcome!

*Note: Please let us know of any dietary restrictions by the Thursday before the event. Questions? Contact Mady at madysonc@fumcg.org.

RSVP To Attend

Click the banner above to learn more.

Veterans Day

Church Closure

Nov. 13

The Church office will be closed on Monday, November 13 in observance of Veterans Day.

Community Meal: Be Our Guest

Nov. 14 | Dine In: 6 PM | Drive Thru 6:15 PM - 7 PM | Family Life Center

Come and be a part of our community meal! You'll have the option to dine inside family-style in the Family Life Center or drive through the tunnel and take your meal to go. 

This month, the menu will be turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry Jell-O salad, rolls,

and pumpkin desserts. Enjoy in the Family Life Center or take to-go.

Sign Up To Help

Youth Mini Mission

Nov. 17-19

Youth Mini Mission is almost here. Please be sure to read the packing list! The Youth will be staying overnight on Friday and Saturday, November 17-18 at the Church. Food will be provided! Let us know if you have any questions!

Sign up here


Help our guests and church family feel welcomed, and beautify our spaces to the glory of God by ordering poinsettias. This is a meaningful way to remember or honor your loved ones this holiday season. Please complete the information below to order your poinsettia(s). You may take your plants home with you after the Christmas Eve Services on December 24 or designate them to be given away. The cost is $18 per plant. Mark checks with “poinsettias” in the memo or pay online below. The order deadline is December 8 in order to have them by the Candlelighting Concert, so please order quickly.


I Want To Honor A Loved One By Purchasing Poinsettia(s)

Staff Love Offering

Each year we have the opportunity to give toward a Christmas gift for our pastors and church staff to honor and thank them for their hard work. We would really encourage you to consider a gift to thank them for the hard work they have put in this year. If you would like to give toward this gift, please mark “staff love offering” in the memo of your online gift, app, or check. Gifts may be placed in the offering plate or brought to the church office. The deadline to give toward this gift is Sunday, December 15. 

Give Today

Thanksgiving Closure Schedule For Church Office and Thrift Shop

The Church office will be closed for Thanksgiving Break from November 22 - November 24.

The Thrift Shop will be closed the week of November 20, and will reopen on November 28 for the Thanksgiving holiday. For more information, please visit the Thrift Shop page.

Christmas Eve Nativity and Market Stall

Christmas Eve | 2:30 PM - 8 PM shifts

Christmas is coming! I feel it in the air. Three outside activities are planned on Christmas Eve from 2:30-8:00 pm. There will be a Market Stall where children can make bags of food for Rudolf and his reindeer friends! A new addition is a Market Stall where volunteers will serve hot chocolate to one and all! Last but not least, there is a live Nativity with Baby Jesus in the starring role! Volunteers are needed to make this evening special for Church members and Guests. Will you organize the Reindeer food booth or Hot Chocolate Booth? Will you volunteer at a booth for an hour or two? The live Nativity needs baby Jesus, Shepherds, Wisemen, and Angels. The entire family can join in; all ages and stages are accommodated! Costumes are provided for this magnificent event, which you will not forget! There are behind-the-scenes volunteer opportunities as well, such as washing and ironing costumes. If the chill in the air has you thinking Christmas, and you have a couple of hours to dedicate, please contact Sue Schultz at seg1024@yahoo.com.  

What a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior! “Oh, come, let us adore him.”

Methodist Children's Home Bike Project

Dec. 15 : Bike Assembly

This year we are gifting 112 bikes and helmets for Christmas. If you would like to make a financial gift, please note "Bike Project” in the memo of your check or online giving by using the link below. Bikes will be delivered to our church and assembled the afternoon of Friday, December 15, with delivery to MCH Waco on Saturday 12/16. Please contact Laura Kupcunas if you would like to help assemble bikes; any time you can give is appreciated! We would love your help! 

For more information, please reach out to Laura Kupcunas at laurakupcunas1@gmail.com or



Donate Today

Join us on February 2-4, 2024, for the Just Joy Women’s Retreat. This retreat will take place at Prothro Center on Lake Texoma. Join us as we worship and are inspired by Rev. Dr. Cindy Ryan. You will learn, grow, and build friendships with other women. Proto Center information can be viewed here. 

The registration form can be accessed here. Please download and print out the registration form or pick one from the church office or from the worship space Atrium. Registration includes hotel-style lodging and delicious meals beginning Friday night through Sunday morning. Check-in starts at 4:00 PM on Friday. Register early if you have a special request, like a downstairs room or a single room, as limited quantities are available. Due to expenses, no refunds are available after January 14, 2024.

Please don’t let cost hold you back; if you require scholarship assistance, please contact us at fmgwomensministry@gmail.com. Drop or mail your registration form and check to the church office. The last day to register is January 14, 2024.


We extend Christian condolences to Mary Cooper and family on the loss of her father Merritte Kirkman, who passed on November 3.

His memorial service will be held on Friday, November 10 at 10:30 AM in Founders Chapel.

Pastor Allen Lutes' Farewell Reception

fumcg_staff_jan_2020_97 image

God has blessed Pastor Allen Lutes with an exciting new ministry opportunity in Fort Worth. Pastor Lutes' last Sunday at First Grapevine will be November 19. We are incredibly grateful for Allen's contributions to our church over the past four years.


Please plan to join us in celebrating Pastor Lutes' ministry at a reception in the Sanctuary Atrium from 9:30 AM to 11 AM on Sunday, November 19. This will be an opportunity for you to visit with Allen and wish him farewell. We will have a basket for those who would like to bring cards for Allen and his family.

-PPR Committee

Important ChangesTo Staff Email Addresses

We have important news to share regarding a change in email addresses for our church staff, as well as updates to our website as a result of the disaffiliation. Effective November 10, 2023, we will no longer be using the email addresses with "@fumcg.org" and will instead be using "@firstgrapevine.org." Please do NOT make any changes to your contact list until after November 10.


The email address will be the staff member's name and last name initial "@firstgrapevine.org," with the exception of two emails that will change due to a change in last name (amandal@firstgrapevine.org and priscillah@firstgrapevine.org).


Also, please begin using firstgrapevine.org when trying to access our website. We will be removing the "fumcg.org" domain by December 15.


We appreciate your cooperation during this transition, and if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to Dick Guckel (captain.dick@verizon.net). Thank you for your understanding and support as we adapt to these changes.

Endowment Fund: Did You Know?

  • The Endowment Committee met with our Frost Advisors on October 24, and we learned as of September 30, 2023, total contributions (principal) to the Endowment Fund were $1,343,617 reflecting an increase of $7,330 in donations for the third quarter. 

  • The total value (principal + earnings + increase in value of investments) of the Fund was $1,657,981. The value is a decrease from the value on June 30, 2023, which was $1,695,129.

  • Currently, $82,129 is the income available for projects related to the care, maintenance, and improvement of the church property and facilities.

  • Only the Endowment Earned Income (short-term capital gains, interest, and dividends) from the total contributions (principal) is used for the maintenance of our church-owned buildings.

  • The Endowment Committee will work with an attorney to amend the Endowment’s Trust Agreement to include the new name of the church after disaffiliation.

  • Your donation in honor or memory of someone or a general donation to the Endowment Fund makes a difference in “Preserving God’s House for Future Generations”.

Update Membership Information

It is time for us to update our database with any changes, additions, or deletions that may have occurred in YOUR family over the past year.


Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your children still at home, and are they all included in your membership record? Do you want your record published?


If you have not already informed the Church Office about changes to your record, please let us know now so that the information in the printed Directory is correct. To update your record, please contact Veronica Hernandez at 817-481-2559 ext. 205 or send your updates by email to veronicah@fumcg.org by November 24, 2023. Thank you for your help!

Last Week's Numbers & Gifts

In-Person: 396

All Saints Service: 53

Online: 374

Sunday School: 96

A gift was given to the Endowment Fund by Debby Stansell.

A gift was given to the Endowment Fund in memory of Derek Ozymy by:

  • George & Elaine Roberson
  • Karen and Walt Watson
  • Seekers SS Class

An anonymous gift was also given to the Endowment Fund.

A gift was given to the Endowment Fund by Dick and Suzie Guckel as thanks to Ed Crater.


All Saints Remembrance Day

Sunday Worship & Commitment Sunday

We are excited about our ministry and missional events. This is just a friendly reminder that we have some procedures to make your ministry or missional events successful. Our Media and Communication Guide lists deadlines for e-news, updates to the website, ministry spotlights, videos, and more. The First Grapevine Brand Identity Standard Guide will help to ensure that your marketing materials are in line with the church's brand standards. If you have an upcoming event, be sure to let us know by filling out the Room Request form on our website (FirstGrapevine.org/roomrequest) so that our staff can help make your event possible. We couldn't do church without you. Thank you for helping others experience and share God's love!

First Grapevine Methodist Church

FirstGrapevine.org | Link to E-News

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