Adult Sunday School Classes
We are excited to welcome new members to our Adult Sunday School Classes! Classes are open throughout the year and meet at 9:45am on the second floor of the atrium building. To find the classes, simply use the stairs or elevator and follow the hallway to the office reception area. From there, take the hallway to the left and you will find the following Sunday school classes in the order listed below:
Classroom 1 - Faith and Life: Fletcher Poulk - Book of James
Classroom 2 - Jackie Eure Class: Lynne Miller, Janet Roberts, Joyce McCollum - Daniel
Classroom 3 - Buck Matthews Class: Rodney Kemp - Romans
Classroom 4 - Stanley Harrell Class: Stanley Harrell - Purpose Driven Life
Large Conference Room - Bible Study Class: Thor & Kay Coole - Chronological Study of the Bible
We hope you will join us for a time of learning and fellowship!