First News
June 22, 2022
Ready to cook up some fun? At Food Truck Party VBS, your children will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible-based
good time as they get on a roll with God. 
All nursery thru 5th graders are invited to join us at FPC Greer for Vacation Bible School July 25th - 29th from 9 am - 12 pm. We’ll learn to pray as Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:11;
“Give us this day our daily bread.”

To register for VBS, please click on the link below.

We will need adult volunteers for a variety of jobs. Please reach out to Maggie Wentzky or Sallie Smith
to volunteer or with questions. 
Reverend Will Shelburne is on vacation and returns to the office on July 7th. In Will's absence, Dr. Al Masters is providing pastoral care. If you have a pastoral care need or know of one within the FPC congregation, please contact the church office.

On July 3rd we will have one worship service at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

The church office will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day. Best wishes from the FPCG staff for a safe and happy holiday!

Reflections from Al
When I was going through my mother’s Bible recently, among the cards, devotions, quotations, and various mementos, I discovered this poem which is a parody of “My Favorite Things” from the beloved movie, The Sound of Music. I don't know where she found it.

For those of us who feel the effects of aging. . . . . 
"Maalox and nose drops and needles for knitting,
"Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings,
"Bundles of magazines tied up in string,
"These are a few of my favorite things.
"Cadillacs, cataracts, hearing aids, glasses,
"Polident, Fixodent, false teeth in glasses,
"Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings,
"These are a few of my favorite things.
"When the pipes leak,
"When the bones creak,
"When the knees go bad,
"I simply remember my favorite things,
"And then I don't feel so bad.
"Hot tea and crumpets, and corn pads for bunions,
"No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions,
"Bathrobes and heating pads, hot meals they bring,
"These are a few of my favorite things.
"Back pains, confused brains, and no fear of sinnin',
"Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin',
"More of the pleasures advancing age brings -
"When we remember our favorite things.
"When the joints ache, when the hips break,
"When the eyes grow dim,
"I simply remember the great life I've had,
"And then I don't feel ... so bad!"
The Faith Formation Ministry Team is sponsoring an “all church book read” this summer to
continue our conversation about issues of justice. We have selected “Just Mercy” by human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson. Join us in reading this powerful story about the redeeming potential of mercy. We will gather for discussion in August. Copies are available in the church office for $10.00. Contact Lisa Johnson at to reserve your copy.

Summer Missions Project

For the hundreds of families served by Greer Community Ministires (GCM), school supplies can be a financial burden or even impossible to manage. In August, GCM will be distributing backpacks and supplies at two separate events. Your Missions & Outreach Committee invites you to donate supplies from the list below in support of our mission partners at GCM and the families and children in the Greer community.

Supplies can be dropped off at the church beginning June 26th. Place your donations in the labeled baskets located outside the church office or in the gathering area by the fellowship hall. The deadline for donations is July 17th.

New Backpacks
Ear Buds
Composition Notebooks
Crayola Classic Markers
Pencil Pouches
1 inch, 2 inch, & 3 inch 3-Ring Binders
Plastic 3-Prong Pocket Folders (red/blue/green/yellow/orange)
Plain Pocket Folders (No Prongs)
Rulers (with centimeters & inches)
Compass (Geometry Sets)
Transportation Volunteers Needed
We need your help in providing transportation for church members who no longer drive. If you are willing to bring a fellow church member to worship, take them to a doctor’s appointment or the grocery store, your help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Lisa Johnson in the church office. Thank you!
The Greer Soup Kitchen has an immediate need for volunteers to help prepare and serve meals on Fridays. If you can help, please contact Martha Bennett (864-968-0323) at the soup kitchen.

Mid and Senior High Youth are invited to take part in a summer mission opportunity at the Greer Soup Kitchen. This is a great way to earn service hours! If you can help on July 18th, 20th, or 21st from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., please contact Lisa Johnson in the church office.
Top 10 Hymns in Worship!
During the month of July we will sing the favorite hymns of our congregation. Get ready to lift your voice in praise as we sing Amazing Grace, Great is Thy Faithfulness, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, and more!

Summer Songbirds is Back! Both Services! 
July 3-24 & August 7-14 - Come join the Praise Team or the Chancel Choir for one-week-at-a-time this summer. All ages are welcome (intergenerational music is the best part!) and no experience or commitment is required. Early service rehearsal begins at 8:25am in the fellowship hall - Please email Wendi 4 days ahead to let her know you’re coming; Late service rehearsal is at 10:30 in the choir room. 
Preschool Water Day
Children ages 1-5 are invited to stay after church on June 26th for some water fun. We'll have a picnic lunch, play games and have fun with sprinklers. Come join us!
Our Elementary Kids Had A Great Time At
Otter Creek WaterPark On June 21st!
June 25th: Meal Packing for Triune Mercy Center 10:00 am @ FPCG

June 26th: Mid High Pool Party @ the Garrett's House
July 10th - 16th: Sr. Highs @ Montreat Youth Conference
July 10th - 15th: Camp Fellowship
July 17th: VBS Decorating Party (come get service hours!)
August 21st: Youth Kick Off Pool Party
The week of July 10-15, fifteen children from our congregation are attending Camp Fellowship in Waterloo, SC. Receiving mail is an important part of the camp experience and our children love to hear from their church family while at camp. The easiest way to do this is for notes to be given to Maggie Wentzky by the morning of July 10th and she will deliver them to the campers.
Notes can either be generic so that they can be given to any child or Maggie can provide a list of children attending if you'd like to write specific notes. If you'd like a list of attendees, please email Maggie at Feel free to include stickers, coloring pages, etc. along with your notes.
Your purchase of Cafe Justo coffee helps support our mission partners within the co-operative of farmers who produce fair trade, organic, family grown coffee. The cabinet in the Gathering Area was recently restocked and 1 lb. bags are available for $10.00 each. Pick up your favorites on Sunday!
These Days and Our Daily Bread Devotionals (July—September) are available for pick up at various locations throughout
the building.
Prayers for the FPC Family

Luanne Baker
Dick & B.J. Baldwin
John Cuturilo
Rob Hughes
Joe & June Johns
Abbie McWilliams
Rita Moseley
Phil Thompson

We offer our deep sympathy to Roy Coker at the death of his brother, Bill on May 17th. 

We extend Christian sympathy to Mike Wright and family at the death of his mother, Cathy Williams, on May 29th.

We offer deep sympathy to Barbara Casto and Emily Huff in the death of their mother and grandmother, Mary Frances Wilcoxen, in West Virginia on June 6th.

We remember the family of Joe Moon who entered the church triumphant on June 8th. 
Thank you to the staff and congregation of First Presbyterian Greer for all the cards, phone calls, and prayers following my recent surgery. Your care means a lot to me.
Sincerely, Rita Moseley

The next issue of First News is July 20th. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to Lisa Johnson at by Friday, July 15th.