April 2022 Newsletter
Our Vision:
We aspire to be a beacon of
liberal religion, strong community,
and transformative service,
rooted in Love.
Liberal Religion

Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

The service is also streamed each Sunday on the First Parish Facebook. You do not need a Facebook account to watch it.
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Sunday April 3 Out of Time
In her first Sunday back, Pamela will reflect on what she gleaned over the past three months of sabbatical.
Sunday April 10  How Can We Forgive?
On this Palm/Passion Sunday, we remember Jesus’ journey to the cross and his asking for forgiveness for those who crucified him. What is the power of such forgiveness? Pamela preaching.
Easter Sunday April 17 Easter Sunrise Service
After two years of not being able to gather, the Scituate clergy will once again offer a time of praise and song at the Lighthouse at 6 a.m. on Easter morning.
Easter Sunday April 17 The Miracle Is Us
Disney’s new movie Encanto tells the story of a magical family who realize that the limits of the power they thought was theirs and the limitlessness of their true power. Pamela and Elizabeth will lead this multi-generational Easter celebration.  

If you would like to bring potted spring flowers to decorate the sanctuary, please bring them by 10 a.m. on Easter morning.  
Earth Day Sunday April 24
Weather permitting, we will gather outside for a multi-generation celebration of Earth Day.  

If you would like to help plan and/or participate in the service, please join members of the worship team and Pamela on Zoom on Thursday April 7 at 7:30 p.m.  All ages are welcome to plan and take a part in leading it.  
From the Minister
Happy Spring! Happy almost-Easter! Happy soon-to-be Passover! It seems strange to be offering these greetings when the last ones I shared with you were for a happy new year. But three months have passed; my sabbatical has ended, and I am looking forward to our reconnecting. I’ll be sharing some of what I learned and pondered during my sabbatical in sermons this month, but I’d love to hear what you’ve learned. What insights have you had into your own life, our church, the world? How would you like to live out those insights? As the time of planting draws near, where would you like to put your energies for growth? I hope you’ll take time to share your thoughts with me - during a 2nd Wednesday coffee break at church, over tea or a walk, in a conversation after church, on Zoom or in an email. 

With my office at the church newly repaired and painted and benefiting from the strengthened WiFi, I’ll be spending more time there. You’re likely to find me there on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 9:30-1 (and at other times as well). Let me know if you’d like to set up a time to talk.  

And if you’d be interested in a reading group, let me know too. I read some great books during my sabbatical which I’d love to share and discuss. Check out: No Cure for Being Human (And Other Truths I Need to Hear) by Kate Bowler, Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman, The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom by Jonathan Haidt, and The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois  by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

See you in church!
Take a Coffee Break
Join Pamela in the Old Sloop Room on the 2nd Wednesday of the month for coffee and conversation between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Coffee and tea will be provided, you bring the topic. Children are welcome. So are handcrafts if you like to keep your hands busy while you talk. The first one will be Wednesday April 13.
April 2022 Notes from the Music Director

We had a wonderful, music filled service with Nick on March 20th. Thank you to the choir and especially Vicki who sang a duet with Nick- in Hebrew too!  

Choir rehearsals are every Sunday morning at 9:00 in the church sanctuary. Anyone in 8th grade or older is welcome to come sing with us.

Our choral anthems for the month of April: 

4/3- Simple Gifts/Pachelbel’s Canon arranged by Donald Moore

4/10-Prophesy, Oh My People by Rosa Marthat Zárate Marcias

4/17- Sing Jubilate by Jerry Estes

4/24-Circle of Life by Marty Haugen

Happy Spring 🐰🐣🌷

From the Religious Education Coordinator

Hi there,
Good news...the RE students are back in church! That's right, our winter zoom classes: Miracles are complete and we are back in church for our spring session: Circle of Trees. Lucky for us, the morning weather was perfect for an outside class and learning about trees that made it all the better. 
This Sunday we learned trees parts- see the photo on the poster collage we made.  We also spotted some oak tree saplings starting to grow by the Carriage Barns. 

We finished the class by reading Listen to the Language of the Trees: A story of how forests communicate underground by Tera Kelley and illustrated by Marie Hermansson. For the next 2 months we will continue to learn about trees, their significance to our daily lives, and how we as humans can take care of trees as well. A big thanks to Fish for the beautiful tree drawing, Jen, Anthony, and Fish who taught the class.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) students are back in session and are meeting again with Jenn and Brian on various Sunday afternoons (see schedule below) at church. 

OWL Schedule:
April 3: 4:30-5:30pm [Sexually Transmitted Infections]
April 10: Double session 4:30-6:30pm [Pregnancy and Contraception]
May 1st: TBA -[Sexual Decision Making and Wrap Up/Guest Speakers]

OWL students are currently learning skills to build and maintain healthy relationships.

Stay safe!

RE Coordinator, First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church
Strong Community
From The Finance Committee

We are still short of our goal of $110,000, the amount needed to keep our existing ministries and activities in place as we have come to appreciate them in recent years. We are therefore extending this Canvass until April 9, as we welcome our Minister Pam back in the Pulpit, restart Religious Education programs for children and young people, and open up the windows for fresh air at in-person Sunday Services. It is so good to be able to attend church services live. And as a replacement for Coffee Hour, people have developed the habit of walking about in the Sanctuary to visit with friends and socialize as we used to do, just without the food.

If you think that the amount you can afford to pledge is too small to matter, please realize that your amount and other small amounts do add up. Members of this congregation are not valued for the amount of money they can give. All gifts are anonymous, known only to our collectors, whose mouths are zipped. On the other hand, if you can give more, we truly appreciate that, too. 

-Alma, for the Finance Committee
SPRING FAIR, Saturday May 14
Plants are the traditional foundation of this fair. Tomatoes, other vegetables and flowers planted and grown by Erica , Vicki, and anybody else who likes to grow seedlings. We also offer beautiful perennials divided and donated from parishioners own gardens. 

Very special this year, we will sell watercolor paintings donated by artist Kay , whose works have been featured for years at the front Street Gallery. Also on sale will be jams, jellies, pickles, etc. from Grandma’s Cupboard; much-loved jewelry recycled from our own bureaus; and everything imaginable at our Simple Yard Sale -- you bring it, sell it, donate 50% of your revenue to the church, and take home whatever doesn’t sell.

So right now, start growing, sorting through your jewelry, and putting aside “stuff” for your yard sale. 

Thank you. 
-Alma, for the Finance Committee
Virtual Service
Wanted! People to stream Sunday services. It’s fun and it’s easy! We have successfully launched our newly purchased iPad streaming system and we really need your help! The more operators we have to share this duty the better. Right now there is high risk of not being able to stream all the services with only 2 people available, so please consider joining us. A training video will soon be produced to show just how easy it is to set up and stream video to Facebook. But in the meantime we could use some immediate help and one on one training will be available from Bob and Jean. Please reach out to Bob or Jean if interested in joining our team.
Thank you!
...Transformative Service
Social Justice News
Social Justice Team Meeting Dates and Zoom Link
Please join us online for our meetings in April scheduled for 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.:
Mon. April 4      Tue April 19

Supporting Ukraine
If you are interested in making monetary donations to relief or social justice efforts in Ukraine, here are some suggestions:

Support for Ukrainian Refugees, including direct donations to the Hungarian Unitarian Church.

Movie Screening Up Heartbreak Hill April 9
Please join the Social Justice Team for a movie and discussion of the documentary Up Heartbreak Hill at 7pm at the church on Saturday, April 9, 2022. The filmmaker Erica Scharf followed two Navajo athlete-students through their pivotal senior year of high school. This film is appropriate for all ages, although geared towards those age 12 and up. Dan, a pediatrician working on the Navajo reservation, will join us for our discussion. The film will be shown on a big screen and social distancing can be accommodated.

Resources About Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples Resource List #6
See Resource lists 1 - 5 in the monthly church newsletter or weekly What’s Happening This Week emails, or go to the church website for a compilation of all lists as well as the resources used prior to the writing of the draft land acknowledgement for First Parish.

8 Native American Scientists You Should Know – online article in Discover magazine posted Nov. 16, 2021

*Prepare yourself to interrupt racial jokes about Indigenous people or other people of color. Click HERE for some advice about how.

Join and Support Indigenous Organizations in Massachusetts, such as the United American Indians of New England (UAINE), the Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, and the North American Indian Center of Boston.

The 21-Day Challenge - Many of the resources included above (*asterisked) appear in America & Moore's comprehensive list of resources and ideas that challenge non-Indigenous people to select one activity per day for 3 weeks that will broaden your knowledge and perspective regarding Indigenous Peoples.
Members and Friends Directory
Our Directory is regularly updated. Please check to make sure your entry is up to date.
April Calendar 2022