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click that to see the rest of the newsletter.*

Friday, Jan. 31, 2025 Newsletter

For Sunday - Communion Sunday

9:00 a.m.: Holy Ground Contemporary Worship Service

 (in person in Fellowship Hall)

11:15 a.m.: Traditional Worship Service

       (in person in the Sanctuary, and livestreamed on Facebook and website)



Greetings, dear ones,

Somehow, we’re already nearly at the beginning of February!

The Transitional Pastor Search Team continues their important work meeting with prospective candidates and discerning their way toward the right leader for FPCB’s next chapter. 

The timeline for bringing someone on board in the Transitional Pastor role remains a bit unclear, but the search team hopes there are some more concrete developments in the not-too-distant future.

Given that lingering uncertainty, I recently shared with Personnel and Session that I’m feeling the strain of serving as Acting Head of Staff alongside all my regular roles and responsibilities for a longer period than we first envisioned. Initially, we thought it might be a 3-4 month commitment, but we’re at the six month mark. 

To help alleviate some of that fatigue, we’re working to identify a Bridge Preacher, someone to come serve as our primary worship planner and preaching voice for Lent through Easter. I’ll continue to keep all of the other daily and weekly plates spinning, but having someone else take the lead on Sundays will rebalance my workload until we’re able to get a Transitional Pastor on board. 

It is possible we find a Transitional Pastor who can begin before or during Lent (which begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5), but I’m grateful for the prospect of a clear timeline for some additional support just in case that doesn’t happen! We’ll certainly keep you posted with updates on both possibilities. I continue to be deeply grateful for the many ways that the staff, Suzanne, and our Parish Associates have all helped carry the load during this in-between time.

This Sunday, don’t forget about the important Steering Committee Update gathering after the 11:15 service in Fellowship Hall. We should be starting around 12:30 p.m., and snacks will be provided. The presentation will be recorded for those who aren’t able to attend; please email info@fpc-bethlehem.org later next week to request access once it’s ready to be shared.

I also hope the Annual Congregational Meeting is on your calendar, as well: Sunday, Feb. 16 following one service at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Then stick around for a delicious fundraiser lunch prepared by and supporting our Boy Scouts in Troop 302 (more details, below).

Even as the path forward continues to unfold, it is good to be God’s people together, and we trust in God’s faithfulness and the Spirit’s guidance along the way.

Blessings, friends, 



1 Corinthians 13:1-11

  • Sermon: Love Never Fails by Rev. Lindsey Altvater Clifton
  • We post the video of each week’s services and sermon text on our website: fpc-bethlehem.org

TO DOWNLOAD AND PRINT on 8.5" x 11" paper:

Traditional Worship Service (5 pages)


If you would like to participate in Communion during our Traditional service, you can prepare your own elements: bread or bread-like item (cracker, pita, bagel, etc.) and grape juice, wine and water.


The Strategic Mission Steering Committee will offer an Update this Sunday, Feb. 2. This church-wide informational meeting will be held in Fellowship Hall, beginning around 12:30 p.m., and snacks will be provided. A recording of the presentation will be made, and will be available later in the week. If you would like us to email you the video, please drop us a note at info@fpc-bethlehem.org.


We were happy to welcome a delegation from the Lehigh Dialogue Center in worship last Sunday. 


All are invited to join the Hearts N Minds group this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor as we continue our discussion of the book Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World by John Philip Newell, a leading scholar of Celtic spirituality and an international peacemaker in his role as a Church of Scotland minister. This Sunday we will be discussing Chapter 1 – “Sacred Soul: Pelagius.”  

As we discovered in the Introduction, the Celtic way of seeing the world and its inhabitants has a long lineage, inviting us to wake up to the earth and the human soul as sacred and to see this sacredness as going beyond any system or religion.  

Newell tells us at the beginning of the chapter: “In Celtic wisdom we remember that our soul, the very heart of our being is sacred. What is deepest in us is of God. Every child, every woman, every man, and every life-form is in essence divine. This is the truth that Pelagius invites us to remember.”

Pelagius was a monk from Wales who lived in the 4th century in the British Isles and Ireland. As a Celtic Christian he taught the sacredness of the human soul; the sacredness of nature; the sacredness of spiritual practice; the sacredness of wisdom in every culture and people; and the sacredness of living com-passionate lives as modeled by Jesus. As we will learn, these teachings angered some leaders of the early church that had organized around Rome and eventually led to Pelagius’s excommunication. 

All are welcome to join discussion leader Ginny Smith as she guides us in learning about Pelagius, one of the most misrepresented teachers of all time, a misrepresentation that continues today. 


For the month of February, Body N Soul will be exploring the practice of prayer. Prayer relies on our belief that God cares for us and hears us. Through bible stories and activities for all ages, this intergenerational group will consider how prayer is a central spiritual practice for followers of Christ and how it shapes us and our place in the world.

The group meets on Sundays from 10:10 -11 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome!


FPCB will be cooking and serving dinner for the guests at Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering on Tuesday, Feb. 11. We still need two volunteers to serve as shower monitors (which is just a simple check-in process).  If you’re interested in volunteering, please sign up, below. Lindsey will be in touch with additional information a bit closer to the night we’re serving!


JOIN THE 'NOURISH OUR FUTURE' CAMPAIGN Participate in Tuesday's webinar

Hunger in our country remains a pervasive and stubborn challenge - and here is an opportunity to make our voices heard.

On Tuesday evening, Feb. 4, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., Bread for the World, the Christian citizens’ advocacy organization, is launching a two-year campaign, “Nourish Our Future.” This session is offered in person in Washington, DC and via Zoom in support of legislation to combat hunger among children and young adults (one in four college students, for example, is food insecure). In the words of Bread’s national office:

“Come and learn about the issues and the legislative priorities we will pursue over the next two years, why they matter for children, and what you can do to make a difference. Take your place in this campaign and help us pursue a world without hunger.” 

With the arrival of new faces in Congress, it’s especially important that we let our legislators know of our commitment, and their responsibility, to make hunger among our fellow citizens a thing of the past. 

For more information about the campaign - and to sign their online petition - please visit bit.ly/3PC8Q6l, and to register for the event, click on bit.ly/3PzWlIz


We appreciate the donation of flowers for use in our Sunday worship services. This is a wonderful way to honor a loved one, or their memory.

Please sign up for your requested date using the form in the Narthex or use this easy online form, below. You can also call the church office at 610-867-5865.

We will order the flowers on your behalf. The cost is $75, payable to First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem; send your payment to the Finance Office or use the flower envelope that is with the sign-up form.

Sunday Flowers



10 a.m.: Combined Worship Service, Sanctuary; in person and livestreamed on Facebook and the website

11 a.m.: Annual Congregational Meeting, Sanctuary; in person and via Zoom

12:30 p.m.: Annual Pasta Fundraiser Luncheon, Fellowship Hall - all are welcome!

  • Serving three pasta dishes, salad, bread, drinks and dessert
  • Dine in or take out (containers provided)
  • Adults: $12, and Children 10 and under: $6 (cash or check)
  • Presented by Boy Scout 302
If you are hospitalized, please tell the hospital our church code is 724. Also, please call the church office at 610-867-5865 to let us know as the hospitals do not always collect this information.  After hours, leave a message or call our answering service at 610-778-7003.

Send any prayer requests to prayer@fpc-bethlehem.org or call 610-867-5865 and leave a message.

Send us your news and photos to share:


**Deadline for the next newsletter:

THURSDAY at noon**

* * *

And follow us on Facebook: @FirstPresBethlehem

Your likes / comments / shares help us spread the word about First Pres!


  • Visit our Facebook page and look for the post with our live feed
  • If you don’t have a Facebook account, go to our website to view the service - click on "Watch" at the top and then the "Watch the Service" button
  • Please check in with a comment so we know you’ve joined us!
  • Captions are available on our livestream, for those who would like to use that feature

To watch a video – available after the services have aired: Visit our website archives


  • Child care will be available from 8:45 a.m. -12:15 p.m. this Sunday morning; please ask an usher for directions.
  • Your children are a joy in our worship services, and should the need arise, “kid bags” are available for their use while they are visiting. They are in the Narthex.
  • We offer nametags for folks to wear – these are for everyone! You can pick up as you enter the worship space; please clearly PRINT your first name.


  • 8:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.: Child Care (ask ushers to direct you)
  • 9 a.m.: Holy Ground Contemporary Service, Fellowship Hall (in person only)
  • 10-11 a.m.: Hearts N Minds adult ed class, Parlor
  • 10:10-11 a.m.: Body N Soul intergenerational faith formation, Fellowship Hall
  • 11:15 a.m.: Traditional Worship Service, Sanctuary (in person and livestreamed on Facebook and our website, fpc-bethlehem.org
  • 12:30 p.m.: Update from Strategic Mission Steering Committee, Fellowship Hall (if you would like the recording, contact the main office)

WEDNESDAYS: 7 p.m. - Overcomer’s Outreach Christian 12 Step Recovery Group weekly meeting, via Zoom.com (meeting #: 868 2214 2960; passcode: OO-Beth)


Regular office hours are Monday - Thursday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Many of the office staff are working remotely for some of the time, so please make an appointment if you need to see someone specific. The answering service (610-778-7003) can take your urgent pastoral concerns, 24 hours a day. 

IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER: Look for updates on our website (fpc-bethlehem.org), Facebook page, and WFMZ (channel 69 and wfmz.com). We will also put the info on our church phone message, 610-867-5865.


First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem, 2344 Center Street, Bethlehem, PA 18017 610-867-5865 | info@fpc-bethlehem.org

Rev. Lindsey Altvater Clifton, Acting Head of Staff/Associate Pastor for Justice and Community Impact; LClifton@fpc-bethlehem.org

Rev. Suzanne Trump, Pastoral Associate for Compassion; STrump@fpc-bethlehem.org

David Macbeth, Director of Music Ministries: ext. 202; DMacbeth@fpc-bethlehem.org

David Crook, Director of Church Administration; ext. 210; DCrook@fpc-bethlehem.org

Kevin Konczyk, Facilities Manager; KKonczyk@fpc-bethlehem.org

Carol Burns, Communications Manager: ext. 238; CBurns@fpc-bethlehem.org

Tracy Leszcynski, Preschool Director; phone: 610-867-2956; TLeszcynski@fpc-bethlehem.org

Brenda Robinson, Bookkeeper; BusinessOffice@fpc-bethlehem.org

Website:  www.fpc-bethlehem.org