Words for the Beginning: First Sunday after Christmas

Luke 2:10 | Matthew 2:10 | Isaiah 9: 2-3

The birth of Christ brings good news of great joy to all people, which is cause for celebration. On this Sunday after Christmas, we encourage you to be playful, to not take yourself too seriously, to laugh. For laughter is like hope—it has a ripple effect. It’s one of many ways we live and share the good news. A Sanctified Art | sanctifiedart.org

First Sunday after Christmas: Devotional Series

 From a center point, tulip-like flowers stretch and bloom, referencing the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, “The Earth laughs in flowers.”

Poinsettia Pickup

If you have sponsored poinsettias this season, you may pick up your plant(s) at church on Sunday, December 29th. If you would prefer that we find another loving home for the plant(s) instead, just let the church office know.

Text Message Sign Up

We are excited that so many of you registered for our new texting service! If you did not receive a registration text and you want to receive texts, please contact the church office. Thank you for being part of our ongoing efforts to enhance communication at First Presbyterian Oshkosh!

2025 Sanctuary Flower Sponsors

Sponsoring flowers for Sunday worship is a beautiful way to remember your loved ones. Flowers can mark the anniversary of a birth, marriage, or death. They can honor friends and family or celebrate a special event. And they are a loving symbol of gratitude. All you need to do is choose a Sunday, tell us who or what occasion you are honoring.

Sponsorship forms will be in the Sunday bulletins or reserve your date(s) online here.

Payment may be mailed to the church office or placed in the offering box in the sanctuary. Please write “Sanctuary Flowers” in the memo line of your check. Online payments can be made here.

Note: Date reservations are on a first come, first served basis. Currently available dates are shown below:

Apr 6 * May 4 * Aug 3 * Sep 7

2025 Offering Envelopes

Offering envelopes are available on the back table in the sanctuary. And like we started a couple of years ago, no more envelope numbers! Our church management software – Breeze – eliminates the administrative task of tracking offerings by envelope number. So, just take what you need for 2025. If you envision making a weekly donation, take a 52-pack. Are quarterly or monthly donations a better fit? Take a 4-pack or a 12-pack. Hopefully – something to suit everyone’s giving style. Don’t want the hassle of envelopes and prefer to contribute through automatic withdrawals? Just give the church office a call.

Bad Weather Closure Info

In case of inclement weather, please check the following for closure information:

  • First Pres Facebook page
  • First Pres website
  • Your email inbox (if you’ve provided the church office with an email address)
  • Your mobile phone text messages (if you’ve opted in to receive texts from the church)
  • WBAY-TV (ABC 2) (Green Bay - Fox Cities) 
  • WBAY website

Community Breakfast

Saturday, December 28, 2024 | 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. | Magnolia Hall at First Pres

The community breakfast functions as an essential center for connection and support, offering a nourishing, home-cooked meal alongside opportunities for engaging discussions. We encourage you to participate in this experience—whether you are in need of assistance, wish to offer your support, or simply desire to engage with a compassionate community. Together, we are not merely sharing a meal; we are fostering the fundamental bonds of our community.

Brown Bag Bible Exploration

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 | Noon – 1:30 p.m.

Magnolia Hall at First Pres

For those seeking a supportive and nurturing atmosphere to explore their faith, this group is an ideal choice. Please bring your Bible, your eagerness to engage with God’s Word, and your lunch, and join us for Brown Bag Bible Exploration.

Faith of the heart

Hope for ‘перемога’ inside a blue and yellow heart

Jim Nedelka, Special to Presbyterian News Service

December 28, 2024

In the sanctuary of avenue church nyc, Olya Balaban is unpacking small sandwich bags containing adjustable blue and yellow wristbands — friendship bracelets in another vernacular — each adorned with a unique metal decoration. They are mementos brought from the Center for Creative Activities and Center for Sports in Izmail, Ukraine, supplementing a presentation by Balaban’s colleague, the Rev. Dr. Robert Gamble. His validated ministry, This Child Here, was initially founded to work with, and care for, many of Ukraine’s children abandoned to “the streets” in the wake of the severe economic turmoil of 2008–09; the Center, as it is more commonly known, is one outgrowth of his efforts.

All went well for most of Gamble’s first dozen years in country. Then, on February 24, 2022, Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, invaded Ukraine, widening his open hostilities begun following Ukraine’s 2014 revolution and the early stages of war; Gamble would later say during his afternoon presentation, “When war comes, you pivot.”

Seven days a week, This Child Here finds itself challenged to meet the needs of the expanded definition of “children of God.” The Center provides a safe space for families: Read more.

Sunday Worship Service: 9:30 a.m. † In-Person † Facebook † YouTube

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Church Office Hours:


Monday - Wednesday, Friday

8:00 a.m. - Noon


Thursday 8:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Contact Info:

Church Office: 920.235.6180

Pastor Deb Swets: 920.345.2950

Church Office: office@oshkoshpresbyterians.org

Pastor Deb Swets: deb@oshkoshpresbyterians.org

Website * Facebook * YouTube

Sermon Library

Church Calendar * Prayer Requests