Click here to view this Sunday's Worship Bulletin

First Presby Weekly Newsletter

January 16, 2025

Our annual congregational meeting will be held this Sunday, January 19, 2025, immediately following worship. Please plan to attend.

Click here to view the 2024 Annual Report

Thank you to those serving this Sunday

Coffee Cove Volunteer: Jeanne Richards

Counters: Frank Santini, Bob Simons

Liturgist: Cory Cehlar

Ushers: Dave & Nancy Hartrum, Jim Orlando


First Presbyterian Church of Springfield is linked in ministry and mission with nearly 9,000 other Presbyterian churches which comprise the Presbyterian Church (USA) church denomination. We are together self-governed by representative elders at the congregational level, the Presbytery (local) level, the Synod (regional level) and the General Assembly (national) level. As with any organization, membership dues are necessary for administration. Our obligation as a member of the PC(USA) is referred to as “per capita” and this year the annual per capita amount is $37 per member. Please help with this obligation by covering your $37 membership amount by using the designated blue offering envelope marked “Apportionment” or annotate in the note field when giving on-line. 

First Presby needs a Nursery Aide on Sundays from 9:45 – 11:15 AM

Children range in age from infant to 3 years old. Responsibilities are to smile, and show tender care to the children. This is a compensated position. If you are interested, please contact Anna Greene,

WOW Aides Needed

We need your help on Sundays from 10-11:15am with our 2 WOW classes. WOW which is 2rd - 5th grade and WOW JR. which is 4yrs old - 1st grade. Please use the link below to sign up.

Click here to sign up! 


We really need a few dedicated folks to help lead our worship services. It's a rewarding experience that requires minimal commitment – just a few Sundays a year. Please consider sharing your talents and faith with the congregation. Contact the church office for more information, or if you are interested.      



Thursday, Jan 16

6PM Girl Scouts/Cory~FH

6:30PM Handbell Rehearsal

7PM Boy Scouts Leaders Mtg~LH

7:30PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal


Friday, Jan 17

6:30PM Al-Anon~LH 

Sunday, January 19

10AM Worship

11AM Congregational Meeting

11AM WOW Choir Rehearsal

11:30AM Coffee Cove

12:30PM Cub Scouts~ LH

1PM Phila Freedom Choir Rehearsal~FH

4:30PM Cub Scouts~LH


Monday, Jan 20

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Rabbit Hill & Church Office Closed

7PM Boy Scouts~FH


Tuesday, Jan 21

10AM Knitting~LO

6:30PM Girl Scouts/Troop 5140~FH

7PM Rabbit Hill Board Meeting~ Library


Wednesday, Jan 22

12PM Garden Club of Springfield Mtg~LH

6:30PM Session Meeting~Library


Thursday, Jan 23

6:30PM Handbell Rehearsal

7PM Boy Scouts Leaders Mtg~LH

7:30PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal


Friday, Jan 24

6:30PM Al-Anon~LH

6PM Rabbit Hill Hop-A-Thon~FH


Here's how to get in touch with Pastor Kate...


call or text~ 856-889-6172


Need help of any kind?

Our deacons and pastor make a special effort to stay in touch and be available for anyone who may need help. They will be glad to provide meals, grocery shop, pick up prescriptions, chat on the phone, send encouraging texts. Do not go without the help you need. We implore those who fall into higher risk categories to not take unnecessary risks. Please let us help. If you don't have your deacons contact information, you may email or call Kara in the church office., 610-543-5110.

Click here to see who your First Presby Deacon is!

First Presbyterian Church | 610-543-5110 | | | FPC YouTube Channel | Facebook

Open Office Hours:

Monday through Thursday 9AM to 1PM

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