You are invited to worship with us on Sunday, November 6th!

This week is the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost!

Worship begins at 11:00am

in person and on Facebook Live!

Sunday School is at 9:45am

Facebook Link for Worship

This week is All Saints' Sunday! Join us as we remember all of the saints in our lives, both past and present!

TODAY is your last chance to submit names of your loved ones to be included on the list of saints in this week's worship guide. 

Email names to Catherine

Sunday May have been Commitment Sunday, but it’s not too late to make your commitment by submitting your good and perfect gifts! Submit your Covenant Card ASAP to be included in our 2023 Operating Budget!

Covenant Card
Time & Talent
Visit our Stewardship page
Upcoming Ministry Opportunities
Email Catherine to RSVP

November 10th at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall

Join our new Garden Club: Blossoms and Beans!

Meets on the second Thursday of the month

7:00pm-8:30pm in the Fellowship Hall

Ask Jeff MacKenzie for details. Questions about plant problems, seedlings, compost issues, and all things botanical are welcome!

Field Trip to

Presbyterian Village of Athens

Thursday, November 10th

Meet at the church at 10:00am!

We will be provided a tour by PVA Chaplin Christin Norman and former FPC intern Courtney Pittman!

Lunch will be at PVA with our church family members who are residents at PVA!

Spots limited. Sign up by emailing Catherine at [email protected] or by calling the office at (770)786-7321 

Email Catherine

American Red Cross Blood Drive at FPC

November 23rd | 10:00am-3:00pm | FPC Fellowship Hall

Donors can sign up at redcrossblood.org using the sponsor code firstprescov

Walk-ins are welcome!

Get ready to roll up your sleeve, lay back and take it easy for about 30 minutes and then get cookies for your effort. Can you believe it cookies for taking it easy. Yes indeed, First Presbyterian is hosting a American Red Cross Blood Drive and everyone is welcome. This is a critical time for the need of blood donations. Please go to the American Red Cross website and look up our event and sign up for a spot that best works for you. However, "walk in's" are welcome and anyone who comes to the event will be given the chance to donate. Anyone that gives a donation or tries to give a donation will be welcome at the cookie and juice table (really good cookies). Please put November 23rd on your calendar and come visit with some of your church members working the event.

Join us before for our last Jammies and Jesus of the season this Sunday, November 6th!

Click here for the Jammies and Jesus Zoom link!
Music Ministry News and Notes

The Chancel Choir has begun rehearsing music for Advent and Christmas, and we would love to have you join us! For the next couple of months, a portion of the rehearsal from 7:20 to 7:50 is dedicated to rehearsing Lessons & Carols, which will be accompanied by a string quartet and percussion on Sunday, December 11th. 

"Grace Notes & Gospel Gab" is a new email offering from our Director of Music and Worship Arts, Alicia Taylor. Subscribe to learn about FPC’s music ministry and the history behind special worship services.

Subscribe to Grace Notes & Gospel Gab

Children 3 years old through 1st grade are invited to Joyful Noise at 4:30pm to ring bells, sing praise, participate in a rhythm band, and puppetry arts.

Hallelujah Kids! meets at 5:00pm for 2nd through 8th graders to learn to ring tone chimes and handbells, sing praise, participate in a drumming circle, and puppetry arts.

Childcare will be available from 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM each Wednesday at the church for parents who are involved in the church music ministry.

Please contact Alicia Taylor at 770-656-6848 or at [email protected] with any questions

Ways to serve in our community
Covington FUMC Food Ministry
Volunteers Needed to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community!
Click the link below for ways to serve!
Volunteer information
General Ministry Information

Neeley’s Notions is an email offering that gives Neeley the chance to start a conversation about the inspirations and influences she thinks about while writing her weekly sermon. The email will be sent on Friday mornings when the Spirit leads, and you can reply to the email with your thoughts and stories for Neeley to read.

Neeley's Notions on All Saints' Day will be coming out on Friday, so be sure to subscribe to get it in your inbox! Read an excerpt below then click the button to subscribe.

Just recently, I had the humble honor of participating in the service in Witness to the Resurrection of my beloved childhood pastor, Frank Colladay. As I pause and give thanks this All Saints' Day, I share with you a glimpse of his influence on my faith journey through a few of the words I wrote for his funeral.

"Here is the church, here is the steeple, Open it up and see all the people!” Frank would sit on the top step in the front of the sanctuary on Sunday mornings and say these words. And sweet goodness did Frank love God’s people. Frank was always reminding us of God’s love with a big hug or saying, “Know you are loved my dear,” when the phone call was coming to an end. Frank laid a foundation for me as a little girl of who God is and what divine love looks like. He taught me the expansive and inclusive understanding of the kingdom.

Subscribe to Neeley's Notions
We have started a "Children's Church" monthly email offering!
Click HERE or the button below to subscribe and stay up to date on all of our children's ministry at FPC!

Greetings in the name of the Lord! What a joy it is to serve in ministry with you! As we walk on this journey of faith together, we will send out a monthly newsletter with ministry opportunities for Children and Families. Be on the lookout for ways to connect with one another! 

With joy,

Rev. Erin Morgan

Associate Pastor for Faith Formation

Subscribe to Children's Church
Church Calendar

People to Think About this Week

New Members: Lonnie and Beth Lamb

Welcome to our newest official members of FPC, Lonnie and Beth Lamb! Beth and Lonnie started attending worship at FPC in November 2021 and as of October's session meeting they are now officially members of FPC! Welcome!

A Note from Neeley

The Lane family has good news to share! Robert is home! While holding space for the grief of saying goodbye to college athletics, Robert is excited about being home in Covington full time. 

Robert is now working with Main Street Properties. Please join our family in celebrating all being under one roof at home in Covington, GA! 

Announcement on Troy's Website

PDA is working with affected presbyteries and international partners to assess the aftermath of Hurricane Ian and offer resources and support. emergency grants have been disbursed and National Response Team members are deployed. 

As people of faith, we stand ready to partner with presbyteries, congregations and communities to meet the immediate and long-term needs.

If you'd like to contribute to PDA's disaster response, please visit


November Birthdays

Please keep the following people and their families in your prayers this week:


  • Joe Burns, brother of Cathy Dobbs
  • Stephanie Fortson, broken hip
  • Patrick Carmichael
  • Donald Vining, brother of Danny Vining - vision loss
  • Beverly Beasley, friend of Jean Elder - caring for husband who has leukemia
  • Larry Cox, brother-in-law of Randy Layton - cancer
  • Bob Darby, friend of Jeff Mackenzie - leg amputated, kidney problems
  • Bruce Hamilton, brother-in-law of Theodosia Wade - cancer
  • Karen Lein Kaasa, sister-in-law of Julie MacKenzie - home health care
  • Lonnie Lamb - chemotherapy
  • Gary Lott, brother of Tricia Hinton - recovering at home following two brain surgeries
  • Linea Lott, niece of Tricia Hinton - leukemia
  • Richard, friend of Miriam and Jack Wheeler - cell mutation
  • Tony Taylor, brother of Alicia Taylor -gradually gaining strength with physical therapy
  • Blair Weaver - health issues
  • Joyce Williams, sister of Danny Vining - Alzheimer’s
  • Martha Young, grandmother of Cotton Young - lung cancer


  • Congratulations to Robert Lane on his new full time position at Main Street Land and Properties! 


  • Our prayers are with the family and friends of Lynn Hudgins who passed on October 19, 2022.

Independent and Assisted Living

  • Penny Blakeney - The Oaks Assisted Living
  • Julia Brubaker - Benton House
  • Jean Elder - Florida with her daughter
  • Dot Fincher - Merryvale
  • Travis Moss - Westbury, Conyers
  • Louise White - Merryvale

Military Service

  • Billy Scarborough - Marines
  • Koen Ardis - Navy

Please click HERE to update your prayer requests or send new prayer requests.

You will be sent a check-in after three weeks.

In your email please indicate if you would like your request to be confidential or added to our prayer list.