America's Oldest, Continuous Open-Air Market, est. 1752

Saturdays, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
(First hour reserved for those with underlying health conditions and ages 65+)
On the Riverfront at Scott Park
130 Larry Holmes Drive, Easton, PA

Free Parking - Rain or Shine - EBT Accepted

No Matter Where You Look!

Whether it's the bounty of fresh and local food, a train rumbling in the distance over the railroad bridge, or the beauty of the river and the falls at Scott Park, there is much to feed
your soul when you shop at the
Easton Farmers' Market.

Look around you when you are shopping the market tomorrow and take in the sights. Even on a not so perfect weather day, it is a joy to breathe the fresh air and shop in a safe environment.

Enjoy your market experience!
We look forward to seeing you all on the riverfront tomorrow - rain or shine.

Find us at Scott Park, on Larry Holmes Drive from 9am-1pm* (first hour for those at risk, and seniors aged 65+). FREE PARKING - Masks required. Please maintain 6' distance from other shoppers. Dogs not permitted in market area at this time.
Market Musings ....
CSA Shares and Grab Bags have a lot in common -- they may include some fresh produce that you have never encountered before or have rarely used. A few years back as a member of a CSA I had a lot of kohlrabi in my box - and I mean a lot! What to do, what to do? Google to the rescue -- Kohlrabi Soup -- and it was delicious - who would have thought?

Last week I brought home a Grab Bag from EFM vendor Cabbage Throw Farm that contained Tuscan kale and cilantro which I am familiar with but don't often use -- so Google to the rescue again -- another soup recipe: chickpeas, kale, and tomato soup with cilantro. To the Tuscan kale and cilantro I added a large juicy greenhouse red tomato from Salvaterra’s Gardens and scallions from Phillips Farms, along with the chick peas, fresh garlic, soup stock, and salt and pepper. It proved to be another winner!

Here is the original recipe from I adapted it a bit but either the original or a slightly adapted version will have you tasting some fresh goodness grown by EFM farmers!

Do you have a 'Market Musing' you would like to share with EFM shoppers? Email it to -- we'd love to hear from you!
Vendor Spotlights
Our vendors are doing everything they can to adapt to the changing retail marketplace. Click here for online and pre-ordering options.
Grown with Love
Fresh Produce, Plants & Flowers
Salvaterra's Gardens
USDA Certified Organic
Everybody loves a sale and this week Salvaterra's won't disappoint:

Spinach. 5 oz bag $3 | 1 lb bag $6
Scallions 1 bunch $2 | 2 for $3
Radishes. 1 bunch $2.50 | 2 for $4.

Also this week are lettuce mix, arugula, spinach, head lettuce (red, green, romaine), kale, collards, chard, oak choy, dill, parsley, cilantro, radishes (red, French breakfast), scallions, carrots, red beets, cherry tomatoes, slicing tomatoes.

Shop at the market or online at:

Phillips Farms
A 6th Generation Family Farm
Yes, it’s here… strawberry time at Phillips Farms! Don’t miss these first-of-the-season berries, they sell out quickly. Pair with some freshly picked Rhubarb and you’ve got yourself a fantastic dessert waiting to happen. 

Other produce at Phillips Farms you’ll find this week: Asparagus, greenhouse-grown Jersey Tomatoes, Spring Garlic, Broccoli, Fennel, Bok Choy, Leeks, Lettuce, Kale, Swiss Chard, Mizuna, Arugula, fresh herbs and so much more.

Credit cards accepted. Online ordering available at Choose Easton Farmers Market as your pickup location. $20 minimum order requested.

Cabbage Throw Farm
Certified Organic by NJ Dept. of Ag
A warm mostly sunny week has made for a bountiful harvest at Cabbage Throw Farm. Spring peas, dandelion greens, bunched spinach and head lettuce can all be found in abundance. Microgreens, baby greens, colorful cooking greens, herbs, radishes, turnips and more will also be available.

Salad Season is Here! In case you missed last week’s Cabbage Throw Farm Salad Lovers’ Bag, this one surely is a treat, includes the first round of red oak leaf lettuce, spring mesclun mix, microgreens and sugar snap peas! The $20 Grab Bag is packed with the lovely Panisse green leaf lettuce, baby rainbow chard, escarole, red dandelion greens, parsley and the first bunches of sweet red beets! Both bags are available for preorder online until 7pm on Friday at:

Comeback Orchards
Certified Organic by NJ Dept. of Ag
Pete returns to the market this week as Comeback Orchards is starting to pick the first strawberries of the season. Earliglo is the favorite on the farm, a small berry that's big on taste. Quantities will be limited, but way better than last year. Homemade salsa, ketchup and fruit butters made with Comeback's organic produce by the Bauman Family will also be available. 

Scholl Orchards
Family Owned Since 1948
It's all about fresh asparagus and rhubarb right now! It's what we love about spring produce so don't let the season pass you by - Scholl's has these wonderful veggies to add flavor to your table NOW!

Also this week... golden and red beets, cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes (red and white), radishes, sweet spring scallions, shallots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, and pink lady, Goldrush, Fuji,Pink Lady and Evercrisp apples, plus fresh pressed cider.

Primordia Mushroom Farm
Chemical Free
Primordia's barns are overflowing with golden oyster and shiitake! They have been scrambling to keep up with the harvest so they are on sale: Shiitake: $10/lb. | Golden Oyster: $8/lb
And don't miss Chicken in the Woods coming to the market this week!

Wonderful news to share: Primorida received notice last week that they have been approved for a USDA REAP grant for their whole farm solar electric installation! They still have a bit of paperwork and pre-installation preparation to do, but by the end of this year, they should be able to generate most if not all of their electricity on site with the power of the sun. Mushroom farms are electricity hogs -- requiring a lot of power to run automated environmental systems that regulate temperature, humidity, oxygen levels, light levels, etc. So this system will reduce the carbon footprint of the farm significantly, and also ease the cost of what has often been a staggering electric bill.

The Backyard Growers
EFM's Longest Running Vendor
Richard and Ed are over the moon this week with a new plant offering - moon flower vine which is perfect for a trellis as it will grow from 12 to 15 feet. Enjoy its large fragrant evening blooms until the first frost.

This week is your last opportunity to buy marigold,zinnia,wax begonia,bacopa,wave petunia,and lobelia plants. Nice selection of single potted tomato, pepper (sweet and hot varieties). New for 2020 Asian basil plants available in coir pots. Limited supply of hot peppers and moon flowers!!
From the Creamery
Cheese,Yogurt & Butter
Valley Milkhouse
An Artisan Creamery in the
heart of the Oley Valley
This week:

Foxtail feta, Ironweed halloumi, cultured butter and buttermilk!

Plus a selection of VMH's soft ripened and aged cheeses! 

Just Baked
Sweet and Savory
Tomblers Bakery
Baking for 25 Years
NEW! Tomblers now has online ordering for easy pickup at EFM! Order and pay online by no later than 11 am on Friday for pickup at EFM on Saturday. Order your favorite pasties and cookies, shoo-fly pies, Welsh tea cakes and pierogies.

At the market this week also look for different varieties of rhubarb pies and other fruit pies.

Order at: Tomblers Online

Flour Shop Bakery
Keepin' it Local
More sweetness from Mary & Mike. There's a bit of sunshine in every bite of their fruit pastries as they source local and fresh produce from Scholl's and other growers in the valley, including their own organic garden.

Artisan breads made with organic flour, tarts, danish, cookies, scones, muffins and more -- find all of your favorite FSB items at the market,

Seasonal Sweets & Savories

Mini pie of the week: strawberry rhubarb crumb

Also featuring one of their best ever selling tarts: Almond Joy; as well as chicken curry pie - a mild Indian style curry of chicken, cashews and coconut.

Cash & Credit Accepted
From the Pasture
Meat, Eggs (and More)
Breakaway Farms
Grass-fed, locally-raised, clean meats
A message from Farmer Nate:

Our mission at Breakaway Farms is to help facilitate building strong relationships… why? Because we recognize that without each other, we are nothing! Our nation is no stranger to adversity… we have pushed through some of the toughest of times and come out stronger than ever. We have come together as a community, fighting for, nurturing and healing our nation and here we are, doing it again! At Breakaway Farms we recognize that relationships are at the core of what makes us great. During a time like this, now more than ever, we cannot stress enough the importance of strengthening the bond between families and community in any way you can.

Visit Breakaway's tent on Saturday and choose your favorite meats, eggs from pasture-raised hens, and specially prepared products.
Or order now at for delivery to the market. Place your order by 1pm TODAY!

Local Beverages - Fermented | Crafted | Roasted
Portch Tea
A family farm fermentory
Pre-Order at and select the 'Easton Market Location!'

Here's the Line-up:
Bite Me (4% ABV): Ginger, Tulsi & Coriander
BLAM-O! (4% ABV): Blueberries & Chamomile
Simón Limón (4% ABV): Lemongrass, Lemon Balm, & Lemon Verbena
Tolino Vineyards
A family owned winery & vineyard
This weekend, relax with a finely crafted wine from Tolino's. At the market this Saturday:

Chardonnay - $19.99
Pinot Grigio - $14.99
Vidal - $11.99
The 050 - $11.99
Next Generation - $11.99
Papas Red - $14.99
Chambourcin - $19.99
Sunnyside - $11.99
Fieldstone Coffee Roasters
Sharing their passion for coffee
Stop over at the Fieldstone tent at EFM and pick up your coffee for the week: bagged fresh roasted coffee and cold brew growlers.

Drinks are available curbside at the Easton Public Market. Order online at before you leave the farmers market and pick up at the public market for your ride home.
Please note that some of your favorite vendors may not be at the market right now. Some have been affected personally by COVID-19, and others are not permitted at this time due to regulations prohibiting outdoor cooking or food preparation. We look forward to some of these vendors rejoining us later in the season
How to Get to the Parking Lots:
Since Larry Holmes Drive is closed to traffic during the market hours, you'll need to access the parking lots at Ferry & Second Streets (turn right off of Ferry St., just past the US Post Office), or via Green and Northampton Streets (turn at the Grand Eastonian Hotel).
Fresh Food on a Mission!
Did you know that the Highmark Farmstand at the Easton Public Market helps support all the programs of the Greater Easton Development Partnership, including the Easton Farmers' Market, The Easton Ambassadors, Easton Main Street Initiative, Easton Composting Program, Easton Garden Works, West Ward Community Initiative, Live at Falls, and Easton Out Loud? Whew! That's a lot!

Thank you to our Sponsors
for Supporting our Local Food System
Easton Farmers' Market
Scott Park
130 Larry Holmes Drive
Easton, PA 18042
Easton Farmers' Market is program of
Greater Easton Development Partnership