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Dear Beloveds in Christ,

Happy Candlemas, also known as the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple! It’s also, as you well know, secular Groundhog Day. All three feasts/events center on light. The ancient Christian tradition of blessing candles and processing with a stream of candlelight through towns and villages and Simeon; the blind prophet in the temple proclaiming he has seen the divine light when he encounters in the infant Jesus. On Groundhog Day morning - if the groundhog sees his shadow, it’s a sign there will be will be six weeks away. Of course, the groundhog can’t see a shadow if there is no sunlight.

When I was in seminary and attended Daily Office in our seminary chapel at Sewanee, University of the South, especially when lit by candles for Evensong or Compline, my favorite prayer we recited was Simeon’s: 

“My eyes have seen your salvation,

which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,

a light for revelation to the Gentiles

and for glory to your people Israel.” 

Seminary was a bounty of learnings and opportunities, both theological and practical. There was also many challenges letting go of my previous life and preparing for a life ordained ministry. Simeon’s prayer resonated deep within my soul to illuminate and reveal that Christ has already prepared the light of the way for everything I would need. If I chose, I could keep my eyes open for where the light is revealed in even the darkest of seasons of my life, the churches where I serve and in our nations’ struggles. 

May streaming light inform your heart and spirit these last months of winter and beyond.


Sunday, February 4th

In Person & Facebook Live

Click here for instructions on how to watch the service on Facebook

Note: A Facebook account is not required.

Click here for the Bulletin

Sunday, February 4th

No need to sign up in advance -- just come worship and sing!

Did you know you can give to St. Peter's securely through our online giving site? Make your pledge, give one-time or designate a special gift to one of our ministries.


A Prayer for Priest-In-Charge Discernment

May the search for clergy be guided by wisdom, discernment, and divine inspiration. May those involved in the process find strength and clarity in their decisions, seeking leaders who embody compassion, integrity, and a deep commitment to the spiritual well-being of the community. May their efforts be blessed with success in discovering individuals dedicated to serving with humility and love.


Mark Your Calendars!

  • Sunday, February 4th at 9AM - First Sunday Breakfast
  • Sunday, February 11th at 11AM - Parish Annual Meeting
  • Tuesday, February 13th - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
  • Wednesday, February 14th at 7PM - Ash Wednesday Service
  • Sunday, March 17th at 10AM - Bishop Gallagher Visitation


First Sunday Breakfast is This Weekend!

February's First Sunday Breakfast is

happening this Sunday the 4th at 9AM! 

Please bring something to share (bagels, quiche, fruit, coffee cake, muffins, or something else) or just bring yourself. If you would like to bring something, please let Lynn Maruskin ([email protected]) or Cheryl Murphy ([email protected]) know!

Calling all St. Peter’s parishioners!  

Please complete this survey in the next two weeks as part of an important effort in our ongoing search for a new Priest-In-Charge.  Use this link to access the survey:

Developed by Holy Cow! Consulting, this assessment survey is designed specifically for pastoral transitions and strategic planning in smaller congregations who worship either in person or online.  The survey can help St. Peter’s measure what is important to our congregation:

  • Discover where our members would like to go in the future
  • Get a read on important aspects of our congregation's organizational culture
  • Gauge readiness for change
  • Assess the perceptions of our members in key areas of the congregation's ministry
  • Prepare for a search for our next Priest-In-Charge

Thank you in advance for your completion of this important survey. We want your voice heard and to recognize your significant role in the future of St. Peter's!

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to John Jacobs ([email protected]) or Mike Iacono ([email protected])

If you have trouble with the link above, please contact Emily at [email protected]

Lenten Series Possibilities - Your Input Needed!

Lent is a sacred season in the Christian tradition to set aside time to reflect, learn, and pray in ways that can help you clear space for a deeper connection to God.

For the Lenten season, Rev. Kate would like to offer a 5 week series of formation for adults starting Sunday Feb. 18th. There are three possibilities and she needs your help choosing the one that the most people would like to participate by completing the survey via the link below.

The Three Possible Series are:

1) An engaging Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark

2) The Sanctuary Program: a series focusing on Mental Health and Wellbeing for the church with a spiritual focus

3) Prayer and Contemplative Practice series: How to pray, types of prayer, prayer and contemplative practice

The series' works best when you are able to commit to coming to most of the 5 classes - you can indicate your preference for day/times in the survey.

Please complete this survey by Feb. 10th so Kate+ can plan for the series. Your input is valuable!

The link to the survey is HERE

If you have any questions regarding the series or the survey, please contact Rev. Kate: [email protected]

Memorial Service for Amy Lister

A service to celebrate Amy’s life will be held on Saturday, February 10th at 11AM at St. Peter’s Church with a reception immediately following at the Weston Art & Innovation Center.

Please see Amy's obituary in the Weston OWL for more details:

Bishop Gallagher to Visit St. Peter's on March 17th!

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Carol Gallagher, Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Mass., will be visiting St. Peter’s on Sunday, March 17th. During her visit, Bishop Gallagher can offer the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, Reception (for those who wish to be received from the Catholic Church into the Episcopal Church), or Reaffirmation of Faith.

There will be a catered lunch after the service with Bishop Gallagher present to visit with parishioners and visitors.

Please contact Kate+ for further information and for scheduling formation for any of these rites.  

To read Bishop Gallagher's full bio, click HERE

Important Note!!! There will only be ONE service at 10AM 

for Sunday, March 17th

Calling All Sunday Readers and Ushers!

We would love to extend an invitation to the community for more readers and ushers during the Sunday 8AM and 10AM services. All are welcome! Training is available.

Sign up here to help out for the Epiphany Season!

If you wish to schedule a meeting to learn more about the role of reader and usher, or to receive training, please contact Kate+ at [email protected]

In every newsletter, you may find the sign-ups for Sunday lectors, litanists, and ushers under "Worship Information" below. Sign-ups are open for the Epiphany season. Readings may be found above through the link to the bulletin. You may also request the readings from Emily at [email protected]


Men's Coat Drive for Afghan Ministry

A number of new Afghan refugees have been resettled in Manchester, New Hampshire. We have an urgent need for men's coats. If you have a coat in good condition to donate, please bring it to St. Peter's at 320 Boston Post Rd. by January 26th during office hours: Mon-Thurs 9-2pm and Fri 9-1pm or on Sunday morning. There is a place inside the side door entrance to leave donations. Please contact Hansi Dean ([email protected]) or Karen Montague ([email protected]) with any questions!

Afghan Ministry Update

They Came for the Judges

Podcast 204 in the “Criminal” series with the above title, is a riveting account of what happened to the Afghanistan Women judges when the Taliban took over on August 15, 2021. One of the first things the Taliban did was to empty the prisons. And in turn, many of those prisoners went after the women who had sentenced judgement on them. Shortly thereafter, two Supreme Court justices were assassinated. Word spread and the judges and their families went into hiding. One of the other Supreme Court justices, Geeti Roeen, has made her way to Manchester after a harrowing escape and two years in a refugee camp with her husband and three children. You can read her story HERE.

Geeti was there for our Tuesday Brookside gathering and despite significant social and educational differences, she fits right in. She brought along her very precocious 3 year old son who happily played with the other children. These women, every single one of them, are brave and resilient and doing the best they can starting over in Manchester NH. At the end of another joyful, chaotic Brookside Tuesday, one of the women who was first to get her license, started her car in the parking lot and proceeded to blast Afghan music as her car warmed up. She then proceeded to grab some of the other women and volunteers and a dance party ensued with a lot of clapping, chirping and laughing. Their strength comes from each other and moments like this.

Thank you to everyone who donated coats during the January coat drive. A critical need with new families arriving every week.

With gratitude,

Karen & Hansi


Sign Up to be a Worship Leader/Lay Assistant

Please consider signing up to serve as a Lector, Litanist, Usher, (8:00am/10:00am), or Crucifer (10:00am only)

Lector = reads the Scripture readings

Litanist = leads Prayers of the People

Crucifer = carries the cross

Usher = greets and directs members and visitors

Sign up here to help out for the Epiphany Season!

All are welcome, those with experience and novices alike! You can request to receive the readings in advance. Haven't done this before and want to try it out before committing? Contact the Parish Office.


Pastoral Care.png

Do You Have a Pastoral Need?

For pastoral support or emergencies or for any other church matter, please call the Rev. Kate Bast at 360-379-9803. We encourage you to let her know if you are in the hospital or have some other need that calls for pastoral support.







St. Peter's Leadership

The Rev. Kate Bast, Bridge Priest: [email protected]

Bobby DeRegis, Director of Music

Emily Linthicum, Parish Administrator

Michael Iacono, Co-Warden 

John Jacobs, Co-Warden

St. Peter's Episcopal Church | 320 Boston Post Road | Weston, MA 02493

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