Please pray for our members, families, and friends.
We lift-up prayers for those among our community who are shut in. Be with them as they are separated in body from their loved ones.
Martha Vargas’ Friend - Martha lifts up prayers for her college roommate, Joan Fritz, who was recently diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer. She is having surgery on December 13, and we lift up prayers for her, her family, and all the medical caregivers.
Jean Davidson’s Family - Jean lift up prayers for a family member who is need of a kidney transplant.
The Kelly Family - Kim Chaney-Bay lifts up prayers for the Kelly family who recently lost a 25 year old son. May they be comforted during this difficult time.
Women in Black - David Kemp lifts up prayers for the Women in Black of Knoxville who have had several members get hurt or diagnosed with cancer recently.
Kerry and Margaret Remp - In the next few weeks Kerry and Margaret will move to Sevierville. We will miss them dearly at Highland and pray for an easy move. Please make sure you say goodbye to them!
Jan Bell's Mother- Please keep Jan and her family in your prayers as her mother, Doris Murr, has been moved to hospice care.
Millie’s Friends and Family - Millie lifts up prayers for Lisa Rogers who passed away after a battle with cancer, for Fred and Kathy Dotter who have been diagnosed with cancer, and her cousin, Jimmy Beard who will enter the military soon.
David Woody’s Friend - David lifts up prayers for his friend, Craig, who was recently hospitalized for kidney issues.
Rebecca Judy’s great-grandchild - Prayers of joy for Rebecca who will soon become a great-grandmother.
Our Country and World - Following the results of the 2024 election, there have been many prayers lifted up in our nation and in the Highland community. As we move forward we pray for peace and the spirit of democracy. We pray that good intentions and the causes of justice and equality will prevail.
Homeless - Let us pray for those who do not have a safe space to stay on any given night. As cold weather approaches, let us pray for those who are forced by life’s circumstances to sleep outside or wherever they can find.
Ukraine - Let us continue to keep the people of Ukraine in our prayers as the war there continues on well past two years.
Palestine and Israel - Prayers for peace and reconciliation as the war between Palestine and Israel continues.