First Thing Monday Morning - March 30, 2020
A Message from your Chamber President:
Good morning,
As we enter the third week of the COVID-19 crisis hitting the Winter Haven area, it's still so hard to accept what is happening around us as reality. But it is unfortunately so. I've been incredibly impressed with how the community has responded and lifted each other up during this time.
There was little news this weekend from the state and federal level, however during last night's Presidential briefing the CDC guidelines for social distancing, including no gatherings over 10 people, were extended through April 30. As you likely received in a text alert on Saturday, the Florida Surgeon General also issued an advisory urging persons 65 years or older and persons with certain underlying medical conditions to stay home for 14 days; and all employers are encouraged to utilize telework as much as possible.
As I mentioned to you in Friday's update, we are working on setting up a series of webinars on the aid packages and are here to help you navigate them as more guidance is issued at the federal level. Please keep an eye on your email or reach out to myself or
Karen Speer
, our business recovery information coordinator, with questions. We may not have all of the answers yet, but we will work to get them for you.
All my best -
Katie Worthington Decker
Your Chamber President
Conference Call:
Understanding how the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Affects Your Business
April 1, 2020
1:00 p.m.
Chamber member
has invited us to join them on a call they are hosting for their clients regarding the first stimulus bill passed March 18, the
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Rachel Comella with CertiPay will present an overview of this new bill. She will discuss the specific details of the new legislation, including paid sick leave, emergency family medical leave, the payroll tax credit and the health plan mandate. She will also have a live Q and A during the webinar session.
- Understanding the COVID-19 Paid Leave Bill
- What employers need to know
- Who is covered?
- Which employers must follow this new bill?
This call is limited to the first 150 people who dial in.
If you are unable to join the call, we have asked CertiPay that it be recorded so we can share it with you on our blog. We plan on having multiple calls like this over the coming weeks so do not worry if you try to join but it is full.
Time: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 01:00 PM
Meeting ID: 120 306 715
Dial by phone: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Webinar: Tips to Pivot to Remote Working
Thursday, April 2
9:30am - 10:30am
We’ve all been thrust into new ways of working, so how can we take the lessons learned from this to navigate the next few weeks but also find more efficient and effective ways to manage our business in the future?
workforce management, will walk us through these key ways to pivot your working environment and your staff to remote working when needed.
- Technology needs for a remote workforce, and who is responsible for costs
- When and who can work remotely
- Managing and motivating remote working staff
- Training new remote workers
- Policies and procedures best practices
Webinar: Workforce Management and Business Continuity Planning for your Operations
Thursday, April 2
11:30am - 12:30pm
As the uncertainty around the coronavirus pandemic continues to evolve, we may feel like most things are out of our control, but there are ways to take back some of that control for ourselves and for our teams.
In this webinar, Juanita Coley with
Solid Rock Consu
lting, LLC
, will specifically look at managing and transitioning
medium to large teams
through times of change. She will discuss how we can take the lessons learned from today to navigate the next few weeks, and also find more efficient and effective ways to manage business in the future.
Juanita will cover the following key points in this webinar:
- Workforce Management
- Business Continuity Planning
- Onsite and Remote Working Teams
- Capacity Planning
It's Happenin' In the Haven: Episode 11 -
Scream Test
Now Available.
In Episode 11 -
Scream Test
we hear from
Ginger Cook
, a co-producer and Unit Production Manager for the full-length thriller film, Scream Test, which filmed almost entirely in Winter Haven this spring. Ginger shares information about the film and what their experience has been like recording with Dolphin Image Studios and in Winter Haven. We also learn about the nonprofit
Heart for Winter Haven
and the housing initiative in Winter Haven to help prevent homelessness with
Brad Beatty
There is a lot on our minds these days and taking the US Census probably isn't one of them. But it IS very important to our future that you take the less than 10 minutes to take the survey as it helps determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities like ours each year.
Watch your mail for your online code and hop on to respond
to complete today!
Newton Peach Marketing
knows that now more than ever you need your business seen and heard. has waved all set up fees and is offering help with social media pages for your business!
Call 863.602.6414 for assistance
Law Office of Allan L. Casey
is offering to help businesses in their efforts to obtain public assistance due to the coronavirus by offering free legal advice regarding these programs and their applications.
Call (863) 294-4468 for more information.
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2020 Banker's Cup Citizens of the Year Award, Winter Haven's highest honor.
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2020 Banker's Cup Citizens of the Year Award, Winter Haven's highest honor. The awards will be given during the Celebrate Winter Haven event to be held Thursday, September 24, 2020. All nominations must be received by April 1, 2020.
Click here
to learn more about the Banker's Cup Award and nominate a deserving individual today!
esources for Furloughed or Laid Off Employees
Thank You To Our
Community Investor Level Members