Season after Epiphany

Monday, January 27, 2025

Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by following Jesus, thriving in community, and healing the world.


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Pastor's Corner


I am grateful that the Rev. Steve Lundin spent his Sunday with us at First Church to explore the timely topic of "Faith in the Public Square" in light of the lectionary readings.

Like I said in worship, this isn't a Democrat vs. Republican conversation -- we get enough of that from the news! For the Church, it is discerning our response to the gospel call when we witness fear, exclusion, suffering, and oppression in our neighborhoods and world, especially for those most at risk.

For example, I think of our immigrant neighbors and the palpable fear they are experiencing. Last week, I saw in the news, an individual in Roseville took it upon themselves to place fliers in a neighborhood by Roseville High School, not far from the church, asking people to report undocumented immigrants with the words, "Nowhere to Hide." This is shameful. This is fear-provoking. This is not the way of Jesus, who told us, "when I was a stranger you welcomed me... just as you did it to the least of these, you did it unto me," (Matthew 25).

Let me be clear: I, as your pastor, am committed to keeping First Church Roseville as a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for all people. No exceptions. Those who come through our doors -- be it for worship, our Monday Meal, or one of the many support groups that meet in our building -- will find a safe haven. This is what God has called us to be. Will you join me?

See you Sunday,

Methodist Justice Organizations

Some inquired on Sunday after our conversation on "Faith in the Public Square" about Methodist related organizations that are involved in the work of advocacy and social justice. Below you will find a few active organizations working on behalf of the Methodist movement. Also, to learn more about where The United Methodist Church stands on social issues, you can read more from the United Methodist Social Principles.

Coming Soon - Zoom Class on United Methodism

What does it mean to be a United Methodist? What makes us different from other flavors of the Christian family? What forms our Christian faith and practice? These questions, and more, will be explored in a six-week Zoom Class led by Pastor Angel for those who may be new to The United Methodist Church and for those who want to rediscover our rich tradition.

We will meet via Zoom on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. starting on February 4th.

Each week we will read and discuss a chapter in the book Being United Methodist Christians: Living a Life of Grace and Hope by Andy Langford, Ann Langford Duncan, and Sally Langford.

To order a copy of the book, you can visit Amazon or Cokesbury to place an order (links below). Or, if you need help placing an order, please email Pastor Angel and he will order a copy for you to be held at the Church Office.

Ways to Support LA Fire Relief Efforts:

Friends, I am grateful for our United Methodist connection that allows for us to respond to disasters, like the fires in Los Angeles, through collaborative and strategic efforts. Below are links to support funds that are providing immediate relief to those who have lost homes and/or are finding refuge in an evacuation center. Additionally, I am including links to support our sister congregations -- Altadena UMC and Community UMC of Pacific Palisades -- who both lost their buildings.

This Week @ First Church | Mon., 1/27 - Sun., 2/2


  • Church Office Hours - 9:00 a.m. to Noon.
  • Helping Hands Monday Meal - Noon.


  • Church Office Hours - 9:00 a.m. to Noon.
  • Evening Prayer Service - 6:00 p.m. via Zoom.


  • Holy Grounds Lectionary Study - 8:00 a.m., Fig Tree Coffee.
  • Spanish Language Class - 9:30 a.m., Meeting Room.


  • Worship with Holy Communion and Sanctuary Choir - 10:15 a.m., Sanctuary. Fellowship and Refreshments to follow in Backman Hall.

January 2025 Birthdays!

1/28, Shad Begley

1/31, Al Newton

Click Here: Send Us Prayer Requests for the Church Prayer Chain

Looking Ahead & Parish Updates

Holy Grounds Lectionary Study meets on Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. at Fig Tree Coffee (217 Vernon Street). Bring your Bible and join in the conversation! This week's passage is Luke 4:21-30.

The next Children's Church will be on Sunday, February 9. Don't miss out!

Passionate about Justice? Want to put your faith to work? Join us after worship on Sunday, Feb. 16 in Heritage Chapel for the launching of the new Faith in Action Team! This new ministry team of the church will lead the congregation in acts of service, justice, and solidarity within and beyond the walls of the church. This meeting will help us hear what issues are important to us, what ministries are already happening that could be strengthened, and explore partnerships with area organizations. All are welcome! Want more info? See Kathleen Mirtoni or Pastor Angel.

Save the Date -- Pancakes with the Pastor: Tuesday, March 4 at 12:00 p.m. in Backman Hall. Celebrate 'Fat Tuesday' with Pastor Angel with pancakes and a few rounds of silly Bingo. Tickets are $15.00 which includes a meal and one Bingo card. Tickets will go on sale in the new few weeks. For more info, see Dave Sechrist or Ruth Ann Baker.

“Sock it to ‘em” Socks & Jackets Collection: Help us keep our community warm this winter. We are accepting donations of new socks and new/gently used jackets to give out during our Monday Meal. Bring them to worship or during the week. if you have any questions, please see Kathleen or Pastor.

Assisting Us in Worship - Sunday, Feb. 2

Liturgist: Kathleen Mirtoni

Coffee Hour: Connie Witherow and Robert Nicholas

Connect with Our Pastor: Rev. Angel Rivero

Pastor Angel is available by appointment Sunday through Thursday. You may schedule an appointment with him by email, phone, or through the Church Office. He is also in the Church Office on Mondays from 9:00 am to Noon for possible "drop-in". Please note that he is typically unavailable on Fridays and Saturdays for his personal / sabbath time (unless otherwise noted).

Email Pastor Angel

First United Methodist Church of Roseville is a part of the Great Northern District of the California-Nevada Conference of The United Methodist Church.

Rev. Blake Busick, Superintendent, Great Northern District

Bishop Sandra Olewine, Resident Bishop, California-Nevada Conference

"Following Jesus. Thriving in Community. Healing the World."

"To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."

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