I am grateful that the Rev. Steve Lundin spent his Sunday with us at First Church to explore the timely topic of "Faith in the Public Square" in light of the lectionary readings.
Like I said in worship, this isn't a Democrat vs. Republican conversation -- we get enough of that from the news! For the Church, it is discerning our response to the gospel call when we witness fear, exclusion, suffering, and oppression in our neighborhoods and world, especially for those most at risk.
For example, I think of our immigrant neighbors and the palpable fear they are experiencing. Last week, I saw in the news, an individual in Roseville took it upon themselves to place fliers in a neighborhood by Roseville High School, not far from the church, asking people to report undocumented immigrants with the words, "Nowhere to Hide." This is shameful. This is fear-provoking. This is not the way of Jesus, who told us, "when I was a stranger you welcomed me... just as you did it to the least of these, you did it unto me," (Matthew 25).
Let me be clear: I, as your pastor, am committed to keeping First Church Roseville as a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for all people. No exceptions. Those who come through our doors -- be it for worship, our Monday Meal, or one of the many support groups that meet in our building -- will find a safe haven. This is what God has called us to be. Will you join me?
See you Sunday,