Oberlin Ecumenical Carol-sing
Greetings First Church Faith Community,
The Outreach Committee and Oberlin Ecumenical Carol-sing Task Force invite you to participate in the Oberlin Ecumenical Carol-Sing, this December 22. Many of those who participated last year share that they felt connected and inspired following this special celebration. We are positively anticipating that we again will be upheld, encouraged, and inspired as we gather, worship, and celebrate Christ’s coming.
Included below is the letter of description and invitation that we have sent to Oberlin Churches, Fellowships, and Communities.
We invite you to join us!
If you are interested in offering a musical selection via a solo, duet, trio, small choir, a piece of art, a reading, interpretive dance, reading one of the scriptural passages, or preparing Christmas cookies, treats, etc., please contact the church at office@firstchurchoberlin.org or Becky Thompson at beckythompson139@gmail.com.
We hope you will join us!
First Church Outreach Committee
The Oberlin Ecumenical Carol-Sing Task Force