
First Things First

A weekly eNewsletter from

The First Church in Oberlin, United Church of Christ

An open and affirming, Just Peace, Green Justice, Global Mission Congregation

No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!

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Worship Resources

Sunday, November 22nd, @ 10AM

First Church - Live Stream Worship via Facebook

Thank you for your donations.

Sunday's Hymns

NCH 295: I Sing a Song of the Saints of God

NCH 299: For All the Saints

Sunday's Hymns

Sunday's Lessons:

Isaiah 25:6-9

Sunday's Order of Worship

Click the button below to follow along with the plan of Sunday's service.

Order of Worship


Our new boilers are up and running and heat has been restored to the Meeting House. Other areas of the church facility are in process. Many thanks to Gene Matthews for his diligent oversight of this project and his efforts to ensure the building remained habitable as the weather cooled.

Thank you to everyone who loaned the church space heaters. You may pick up your heaters at your convenience. All the heaters are in the alcove directly across from the office entrance.

Announcements and Events For.....

First Church, Its Mission, and Its Ministry

Totenfest - Sunday, November 24

Our annual observance of thanksgiving for those who have died in the past year will take place during worship on Sunday, November 24. During the service, there will be an opportunity to light candles of remembrance and to reflect upon what has been lost as well as how those now added to the "great cloud of witnesses" have influenced our lives in positive ways. All are welcome.

Dear First Church Members and Friends -

Ken Kress died at the Wesleyan Village Nursing Home in Elyria on November 6. More information is available in his obituary. Please remember Ken's family and friends in your prayers during this time of grief and loss.

O God of sunrise and sunset, we give you thanks for all those near to us and dear, who have walked in your light; in whose lives we have seen the light, and at whose hands we have received the mysteries of your goodness and your grace. Make us glad in all those whom you have given us out of the world, who have faithfully lived and at the last have quietly died, who are now gone before us in the heavenly places.

Jen Bertoni - Approved for Ordination Pending Call

On November 7, Jen met with the Committee on Ministry of the Living Water Association of the Heartland Conference of the United Church of Christ. Following a worship service that she created and led (including sermon), the committee had the opportunity to thoroughly question Jen and determine if she exhibited the Marks for becoming a Faithful and Effective Authorized Minister in the United Church of Christ. The committee unanimously affirmed Jen's gifts for ministry and she was granted the status of "Approved for Ordination Pending Call" which means she can now circulate her profile (i.e., ministerial resume) and once she acquires an ordainable call (e.g., local church pastorate, chaplaincy, etc...) she can be ordained. Please join in extending our heartfelt congratulations to Jen for reaching this milestone in her journey towards ordination.


If you would like to assist with the purchase of 24 poinsettias to decorate the Meeting House for Christmas you may make a donation in any amount and include information to make your donation in honor of or in memory of a loved one. This information will be included in the Christmas Eve bulletin.

Please use the form in the bulletin or in the church office. Donations may be given to Miranda in the church office.

The 24 Poinsettias will be available after Christmas Eve evening worship to those who have made a donation, until the poinsettias are gone.


Funds collected exceeding the cost of poinsettias will be donated to The UCC Christmas Fund.


Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread! 

Thanksgiving is Coming - and so is the Youth's November fundraiser! We are experimenting with a new treat this year - chocolate chip pumpkin bread! We are using Chelsey's famous recipe from Kendal Day Care, so I'm sure it will be delicious! The youth will be baking on November 23rd, and loaves will be ready for pickup after church on November 24th.  

Loaves are $12, and payment is due at pickup.

The funds raised will all go to buy gifts for children in the Holiday Helping Hands program at OCS.

I Have No Clue Who That Was

It's happened to all us - someone walks up to us at church and begins a conversation. They seem to know who you are and although you recognize them as a fellow parishioner you can't remember their name or have never been introduced. Wearing a name tag, whether a long-time attendee or recent visitor, helps model the extravagant welcome we proclaim and aspire to extend to one another. Be sure to stop by the name tag rack when you're up at the church or swing by the welcome table if you need to request one

Adult Ed event - November 24th after worship! 

Please join us November 24th after worship in the JFO Room, where Carl Jacobson will be sharing his impressions of Cuba. Refreshments will be provided. Hope to see you there! 

Carl writes, "In October, Deb and I visited Cuba for a week on a Road Scholar Tour. It was crammed with lectures and walks in the old squares of Havana, Cienfuegos and Trinidad (a city in Cuba) visits to arts, music, and social venues, including a senior center, a Sephardic Synagogue, and the Zapata Swamp Flora and Fauna Conservation Center. Though I thought I knew it well, I learned a lot from a visit to the Bay of Pigs Museo Giron. Claiming no expertise, I will offer some photos, observations on life and travel, thoughts on past and present US/Cuban relations, and hopes for the future."

Thanksgiving Day and Native American Heritage Day

In recognition of Thanksgiving Day and Native American Heritage Day, the office will be closed on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th. The office will be open again on Monday, December 2nd. Happy holidays!

Oberlin Ecumenical Carol-sing

Greetings First Church Faith Community,  

The Outreach Committee and Oberlin Ecumenical Carol-sing Task Force invite you to participate in the Oberlin Ecumenical Carol-Sing, this December 22. Many of those who participated last year share that they felt connected and inspired following this special celebration. We are positively anticipating that we again will be upheld, encouraged, and inspired as we gather, worship, and celebrate Christ’s coming.

Included below is the letter of description and invitation that we have sent to Oberlin Churches, Fellowships, and Communities.

We invite you to join us!  

If you are interested in offering a musical selection via a solo, duet, trio, small choir, a piece of art, a reading, interpretive dance, reading one of the scriptural passages, or preparing Christmas cookies, treats, etc., please contact the church at office@firstchurchoberlin.org or Becky Thompson at beckythompson139@gmail.com.

We hope you will join us! 

First Church Outreach Committee

The Oberlin Ecumenical Carol-Sing Task Force

The Wider Community

Additional Links & Information
City of Oberlin
Oberlin Bus. Partner.
ORSL Newsletter
Oberlin Community Services
Oberlin Heritage Center
Environ. Dashboard
United Church of Christ
Heartland Conference
Streams of Connection Newsletter: stay connected with the Living Water Association!
Living Water Association

If you are searching for ways to become more fully engaged in the life of the church, please contact Rev. David T. Hill by calling the church office at (440) 775-1711 or by sending an email to the church office.
First Church Anti-Racism Resources
Anti-Racism Statement
Submission information:
Deadline for articles and information is Wednesday at 10 AM.
For entire list of submission requirements, click here. Thank you.
Email information to: office@firstchurchoberlin.org

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