Volume LXXIV, No. 48 | December 1, 2024

Worship at First

Sunday, December 1

Morning Worship

8:30 & 11:15 a.m.

“Israel's Strength and Consolation”

Matthew 1:1-5

Dr. Neil C. Stewart

Sunday School Classes for all ages

10:00 a.m.

Evening Worship

6:00 p.m.

"The Song of Zechariah"

Luke 1:1-25, 57-80

Dr. Mark E. Ross

We will be live-streaming our services on Sunday

at 8:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., and 6:00 p.m.

For those who do not have internet capabilities, the morning sermon is also broadcast on 1320 AM radio at 11:00 a.m.

View bulletins here

During this time, bulletins will be available online by Sunday mornings.


Wednesday, December 4

Lunch at 11:30 a.m.; program begins at 12:15 p.m.

“Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit”

Dr. Neil C. Stewart

Jackson Hall



Wednesday, December 4

Dinner begins at 5:00 p.m. in Jackson Hall

Teaching begins at 6:00 p.m. in the Smith Chapel


Christmastime: A Time of Longing

Every human being comes into this world longing for Christmas—not just for the festivities, gifts, and traditions, but for something deeper. We yearn for ultimate joy, love, and peace. Beneath it all, whether we realize it or not, we long for redemption and the kind of life only Christ can bring.

Phillips Brooks’ immortal hymn declares, “The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight.” This intriguing line captures the essence of Christmas. In Jesus Christ, the hopes of the world and the fears that plague us all find their root and their resolution.

The Hopes of the World

We live haunted by the inevitability of sin and death, longing for a brighter future full of hope, belonging, and joy. Yet, too often, we look to temporary things—careers, relationships, material possessions, fleeting pleasures—none of which are enough to fill the hunger in our souls.

These hopes are signposts, pointing us to something greater: God, who placed eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Only in Christ—the Child born in Bethlehem—can we find the fulfillment of these longings. He alone is the source of all meaning, love, and eternal joy.

The Fears of the World

While we hope, we also fear. Unseen malevolent forces work to deceive, devour, and destroy. In the end, we fear death, the inevitable result of Adam’s fatal choice in the garden.

When King Herod and Jerusalem heard of the Messiah’s birth, they responded with fear (Matthew 2:3). Christ’s coming reveals a higher authority—One to whom we are all accountable. Yet the wonder of Christmas is that this holy God does not come to condemn but to save. Jesus casts out fear with love, conquers death with life, and offers a just mercy and a sure redemption to all who trust Him.

Dear flock, this Savior is yours. Whatever you face this Christmas, remember that in Christ, your hopes are fulfilled, your fears are silenced, and even the worst trial becomes your best friend (Romans 5:1-5). May you find peace, joy, and comfort in Him—and with Christ, may it be a very Merry Christmas.

Dr. Neil Stewart

Senior Minister

The Hopes and Fears of All The Years

Dr. Neil C. Stewart ushers us into our Advent devotional series this year as he explores how Christ meets both our hopes and our fears in his incarnation. Tap or click the video to watch.

The Nicene Creed

During the evening services of December, the Nicene Creed will be used as our Confession of Faith. This creed provides a beautiful expression of the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. It comes from the Council of Nicaea which met in A.D. 325 at the behest of the emperor Constantine to put down a heresy that denied the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Its words have remained a standard of orthodoxy since that time. A very helpful book, The Nicene Creed, by Phillip Cary is available through the church’s book service.

WOC Christmas Cheer

The Women of the Church invite all ladies to Christmas Cheer on Tuesday, December 3, at 11:00 a.m. in Jackson Hall. Please join us for sweet and savory eats, seasonal sips, carols, and fellowship. Reservations for childcare for children ages birth through K5 are available on the church app and website.

Save the Date!

The Children’s Christmas Program will be performed by our K5-5th grade Sunday School classes on Sunday, December 15, during the 10:00 a.m. Sunday School hour in the Family Life Center. 

We will have a rehearsal for all K5-5th graders on Wednesday, December 11, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. 

Church Family


Christian sympathy is extended to: 

Pam Lackland and Rick Lackland on the death of their mother, Elena Lackland, on November 24.

Congratulations to: 

Liz and Lee Gaymon on the birth of their daughter, Nora Jane Gaymon, on November 19.

Kaitlin and Patrick Gooding on the birth of their son, Grant Christian Gooding, on November 19.

Cayla and Taylor Nelson on the birth of their son, Davis Anthony Nelson, on November 20.

Butler Evers and Mary Demere who were married on Saturday, November 16, 2024. 


 Items for Church Family

Please contact Lisa Eargle at leargle@firstprescolumbia.org.


 December Calendar

3 Christmas Cheer - 11:00 a.m. in Jackson Hall. Ladies, join us for sweet and savory eats, seasonal sips, carols, and fellowship.

5 Couples in Action Christmas Caroling - 1:00 p.m. at The Blake Assisted Living

8 College Lunch - 12:30 p.m. in Jackson Hall

8 Chancel Choir Christmas Concert - during the evening worship service in the Sanctuary

12 Young Professionals Christmas Party - 6:00 p.m. at Narrow Gate Farm

13 Seniors Ministry Christmas Celebration - 5:30 p.m. in Jackson Hall

15 Children’s Christmas Program - 10:00 a.m. during our Sunday School hour in the Family Life Center. No Adult Sunday School classes will meet during this time. 

15 Youth Chorus and Brass Ensemble Christmas Concert - during the evening worship service in the Sanctuary

22 Chamber Choir Christmas: A Renaissance Christmas - during the evening worship service in the Sanctuary

24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Services - 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

30    Lord of the Rings Movie Marathon - 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. in the Wardlaw Auditorium


For more information on any upcoming events, please check our website at firstprescolumbia.org or our church app.


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