The First Word 01.03.2022
With the passing of Secretary Ridley, we end the year with a heavy heart. If you were able to attend his memorial service, it was a testament to the impact his life had on our state and nation. We were very fortunate to have Secretary Ridley, his expertise and he will be sorely missed. You can view an article here that provides a great overview of his life and work. It is a a true testament to a remarkable man.

To honor Secretary Ridley's legacy, in conjunction with the AOGC, a scholarship fund is being established in his name at Oklahoma State University focused on the College of Engineering and Construction management. The goal is to raise $25,000 to establish the fund perpetually, and the primary financial asks are $1,000 and $2,500. If you are interested in participating, please contact me directly.
It is my hope you had a peaceful holiday season with your family & friends! As we enter 2023 we are excited a successful year full of blessings. There have been many developments with OTA over the last few months. Here is the most up to date:

The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority corrected Open Meeting Act violations Tuesday by re-voting on design contracts for its $5 billion ACCESS Oklahoma turnpike program.

In December, the Cleveland County District Court found the OTA had violated the state’s Open Meeting Act by using vague wording in agendas for two key meetings that authorized ACCESS projects. Because that ruling invalidated the board’s votes for construction contracts and put the ACCESS program on pause, the agency re-voted on the contracts — approving all of them unanimously. Oklahoma Turnpike Authority corrects Open Meeting violations keeping ACCESS project on pause | KGOU

The legislature is gearing up for the 1 session of the 59th legislature. We will be expecting bills introduced impacting the OTA and eminent domain. House and Senate leadership have been formally elected and they have adopted each bodies respective rules for the 59th Legislature. Currently we have 3 volunteers to serve on the legislative committee. If you are interested please give us a call or email (contact info at the bottom of the newsletter)

Serving you, during this eventful year, is a true honor. I am excited to see what ACEC OKLAHOMA can accomplish in 2023 and I look forward to talking to you soon!

All the best,

Mike Thompson
Federal PPP Update

Despite Senator Inhofe's 11th hour efforts, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) prevented a resolution from passing through the national defense authorization effort.

This was an issue we lobbied heavily on with the support of many of our members, with the support of our federal representatives. Unfortunately, leaders from other states continue to create uncertainty for our industry.

The US Congress begins its next legislative session in early January and we will continue to monitor this situation in hopes of achieving a resolution.
Reminder: Project Management Bootcamp Presented by PSMJ
For over 20 years, sending key staff through PSMJ's A/E/C Project Management Bootcamp has been standard practice for engineering firms committed to superior financial results, ecstatic clients, and a winning culture. Smart executives know their most valuable contributors will return with new confidence and new skills to deliver eye-popping profit and project performance. Now ACEC Oklahoma has partnered with PSMJ to bring this breakthrough event to Tulsa, Williams Center Tower 1. You can read more about the bootcamp here.
Where: Williams Center Tower 1. One West 3rd St, First Floor St. Francis Room, Tulsa OK 74103
When: Feb 22-23

The Final Registration deadline is January 20, 2023 ($1,695 Member / $1,795 Non-Member)

Space is limited! Please sign up quickly to ensure your spot. You will be invoiced upon signing up for the session.
The Oklahoma Engineering Foundation Annual Campaign has begun. When you give to OEF you support the work of MATHCOUNTS Oklahoma, the Oklahoma Engineering Fair and the Oklahoma Engineering College Scholarship. If you give $25 or more, you will receive an OEF sticker designed to affix to your car, laptop, or water bottle, etc. For more information visit
MATHCOUNTS Oklahoma needs proctors and graders for the upcoming Oklahoma MATHCOUNTS season. Competitions are scheduled throughout the state January 28, February 4, February 11, February 17, and February 25. The state competition is March 4. For more information visit
The Oklahoma Engineering Fair is scheduled for February 23. Sponsorships are available. Please contact Jennifer McCollum, Executive Director, for more information at (405) 528-1435 or [email protected]
Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • January 13th is the EEA National Deadline

  • February 9: Board and General Membership Meeting in Tulsa, we will be sending out a sign up link soon.

  • April 20th: 930am Board and 1130am General Membership Meeting, OKC

  • Midwest States Conference, Springfield MO June 7-9

  • Annual Meeting. Washington DC June 11-14

FEDERAL PAC Goal Reached!

Congratulations! Thank you, we successfully reached our federal PAC goal. This marks the second year in a row we have reached this milestone. With the legislative session fast approaching, you can always contribute to our state or federal PAC to help us support our industry champions.

Our State PAC is gearing up and we need a new PAC Board Member! If you are interested please email [email protected] with your interest and we will get in touch soon!
Mike Thompson
President & CEO
220 N.E. 28th Street, Suite 135
Oklahoma City, OK 73105