Redesigned and relaunched!
The redesigned is providing a more accessible picture of injury in agriculture. New features and design changes include an interactive map display, more data granularity for search and filters, and customizable email alerts. In order to utilize these improvements and search thousands of unique incidents, create an account by visiting and clicking “Register.”

A press release has been prepared to announce the redesign. It will be sent to media the week of June 23, during the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health (ISASH) conference in Des Moines. 
"This is the first issue of the AgInjuryNews quarterly newsletter. We hope that these will keep our users and collaborators better informed of ongoing initiatives and milestone achieves. As always, if you have any questions, please connect with us."

A media 'first'
AgInjuryNews has been used by journalists from the New York Times, Washington Post and Politico to enhance farm safety stories. Recently, reporter Tamara Scully, writing for the New York agricultural weekly “Country Folks,” notched another “first” for AgInjuryNews with her article . “ This is the first known case of a journalist finding AgInjuryNews on her own, and using it to draft and publish a news media report focused on U.S. ag injuries,” said project leader Bryan Weichelt, Ph.D. This case is a prime example of what we envision for news media: using data from AIN to localize a story, either on a tight deadline or as part of an enterprise/investigative story.

Peer-reviewed publications
As AgInjuryNews grows, so do the publishing possibilities. In the past 18 months, seven peer-reviewed articles have been published.
  • Weichelt B, Heimonen T, Gorucu S, Redmond E, Vechinski J, Pfulghoeft K, Bendixsen C, Salzwedel M, Scott E, Namkoong K, Purschwitz MA, Rautiainen R, Murphy D. Redesigning a Non-Traditional Sentinel Surveillance System for Collecting and Disseminating Near Real-Time Agricultural Injury Reports. JMIR Form Res (forthcoming). doi:10.2196/13621

  • Weichelt B, Gorucu S, Murphy D, Pena A, Salzwedel M, Lee BC. (2019) Agricultural Youth Injuries: A Review of 2015-2017 Cases from U.S. News Media Reports, Journal of Agromedicine,

  • Murphy D, Gorucu S, Weichelt B, Scott E, Purschwitz M. Using multiple coding schemes for classification and coding of agricultural injury. Am J Ind Med. 2019; 62: 87–98.

  • Gorucu S, Weichelt B, Pate M. (2019). Fatal Agricultural Injuries in Pennsylvania, 2015-2017: Comparative Analysis of Two Systems’ Data Collection Methods and Datasets. J. Agric. Safety and Health. (in press).

  • Weichelt B, Bendixsen C (2018). A Review of 2016–2017 Agricultural Youth Injuries Involving Skid Steers and a Call for Intervention and Translational Research, Journal of Agromedicine, 23:4, 374-380,

  • Weichelt B, Salzwedel M., Heiberger S, Lee BC. (2018). Establishing a Publicly Available National Database of U.S News Articles Reporting Agriculture-Related Injuries and Fatalities. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 61(8), 667-674.

Thank you, steering committee
The AgInjuryNews team wants to thank the National Steering Committee members for continuing to provide valuable guidance: Rebecca Adams, Glen Blahey, Jana Davidson, Vanessa Galvan, Frank Gasperini, Marcy Harrington, Tomi Heimonen, Brandi Janssen, Bill Kriese, Lisa Lundy, Dennis Murphy, Kang Namkoong, Risto Rautiainen, Erika Scott and Amanda Wickman.

The Steering Committee was established in January of 2017 and met in-person in April of 2017. The committee continues to meet, and sub-committees often advise on aspects of the system including data collection strategies, injury coding, system development and usability, dissemination and media relations.

What they're saying
“Although the articles are sobering, AgInjuryNews gets people discussing important safety precautions. Instead of general statistics, the articles really hit home and make many of these incidents very relatable, as the victim could easily be a friend, neighbor or family member. AgInjuryNews is a wonderful resource for our Progressive Agriculture Safety Day program. It enables our coordinators and volunteers to identify incidents in their county, region or state, giving them a focus as they customize their Safety Day to address local community needs. AgInjuryNews also provides justification to planned Safety Day lessons. When our coordinators present to school boards, planning committees and other organizations, AgInjuryNews helps them show why the topics are relevant, valuable and why safety practices to prevent future incidents need to be reinforced to protect our next generation of farmers, ranchers and agricultural leaders.”

-        Jana Davidson, Education Content Specialist, Progressive Agriculture Foundation

The core team
Bryan Weichelt PhD, MBA, Associate Research Scientist, NFMC
Emily Redmond 
Research Coordinator & Data Specialist, NFMC
Serap Gorucu PhD,
Penn State University

Follow us
This is the first issue of the AgInjuryNews quarterly e-newsletter. To unsubscribe, email