Fishers City Council SW
David Giffel
September 2022
Mayor proposes Event Center
Mayor Fadness proposes building a city-owned event center which will attract more development east of I-69 at 106th south of The District (The Yard). You can visit this link to learn more about the " Next Chapter."
I'm still doing my due diligence on this project.
Q: Why Mayor Fadness wants to build the Event Center?
A: The event center will have a direct and indirect economic impact on the city and add entertainment options and a reputation as a regional entertainment destination. The Event Center is expected to be a springboard for tens of millions of dollars in new private investment in Fishers.
Q: How will the Event Center be paid for?
A: Tax dollars and event revenues
1) A new restaurant food and beverage sales tax of 1%. This is $1 for every $100 you spend. You already pay this tax if you eat in Indianapolis, Carmel, Noblesville, or Westfield.
2) The City currently has a property tax fund called a cumulative capital development fund. This fund taxes property at 5 cents per $100 assessed value. The mayor will budget 4 cents toward the Event Center. A tax rate is not meant for any property in the tax cap because you pay a fixed amount.
3) Fishers will lease the Event Center to a management company and collect revenues from operations. The Indy Fuel Hockey Team will enter into a 20-year lease with the City.
4) The City recently purchased the Sewers. The profit once earned by HSE Utilities, will be used toward the debt payment.
NOTE: At our September 19th council meeting held at Launch Fishers, 12175 Visionary Way, you may speak at the end of regular business for 3 minutes. The public hearing on the Food and Beverage tax increase will be held on Thursday, September 6, 2022, at 5:00 P.M. at The Fishers Police Department, Training Room 4 Municipal Drive.
Q: When will construction start and end if approved?
A: Construction will start in Fall 2022 and End in Fall 2024.
Timing on more information
September 19, 2022: First Reading on Food & Beverage
September 27, 2022: Q&A Webinar with the restaurant community
October 6, 2022: Special City Council meeting for Food & Beverage Public Hearing
October 10, 2022: Vote on Food & Beverage Ordinance
What is the proposed buffer between Walnut Hills, Walnut Creek, and Delaware Crossing?
The 2023 Budget
The budget hearing is at the City Council Meeting on September 19 at 7 p.m.
Launch Fishers (12175 Visionary Way, Fishers; Huston Theater)
Presentation of the 2023 budget and public hearing (You will have an opportunity to speak about the budget at this meeting). I will post more about the budget after the presentation tonight.
Health Inspection A-B-C ratings coming soon.
Fishers will soon require all restaurants to post the Health Department Ratings visible to patrons.
Fishers City Council Meeting Agenda
Please email or text me with any input.
BOARD/COMMISSION: City Council Meeting
DATE: 9/19/2022 at 5:30 P.M.
DIRECTIONS: Launch Fishers, 12175 Visionary Way, Fishers, Indiana 46038
REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING, 5:30 p.m., Launch Fishers, Auditorium
1. Meeting Called to Order with the Pledge of Allegiance
2. Announcements:
3. Proclamations:
4. Presentations:
5. Council Committee Reports
6. Department Reports
a. Health Department Report
7. Consent Agenda:
Planning & Zoning
Home Court Estates Annexation
9. 081522 - Request to approve a voluntary annexation of 5.7 acres, known as Home Court Estates. Subject site is generally located at a common address of 11186 E 131st. Case ANX-22-7 - Final Reading: Council Action Form I Ordinance
A volunteer annexation good for Fishers taxpayers
Various Planning & Zoning Matters
10. 091922B - Request to approve a voluntary annexation of 1.76 acres, known as the Magnolia Grove Salon. Subject site is generally located at a common address of 13484 E 116 th St. Case ANX-22-11 - 1st Reading and Public Hearing: Council Action Form I Ordinance
11. 091922C - Request to approve rezone petition from R2 to C1. Subject site is located at a common address of 13484 E 116 th St. Case # RZ-22-4 - 1st Reading: Council Action Form I Ordinance
10. and 11. is a property near Krogers on Olio and 116th already in a commercial area. This annexation is good for Fishers' taxpayers.
12. 091922D - Consideration of a text amendment to the City of Fishers Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) – Sign Standards. - 1st Reading: Council Action Form I Ordinance
Extending the Duration a freestanding sign can be displayed.
Economic Development
Andretti Autosports
13. R091922G - A Resolution Approving a Project Agreement among Andretti Autosport Holding Company, LLC, the City of Fishers, Fishers Town Hall Building Corporation, City of Fishers Redevelopment Commission, and the City Economic Development Commission: Council Action Form I Exhibit A I Resolution.
See below 14 for combined comments.
14. 091922E - An Ordinance of the Council of the City of Fishers, Indiana, Authorizing the Issuance of the City of Fishers, Indiana Economic Development Revenue Bonds and Authorizing and Approving Other Actions In Respect Thereto - 1st Reading: Council Action Form I Ordinance
Item 13. and 14. - The new Andretti global headquarters would add up to 500 jobs with an expected average pay of $100,000 to the local community by early 2026. The location is in a TIF district. A $24 million bond will be sold to pay for the roads and incentives needed for the development. Andretti will then pay property taxes to pay off the bond. Based on the estimated assessed value of the property once completed, the taxes paid will cover the bond payment. The HSE referendum will about $245,000 tax dollars annually for its operational funds. I saw the contract includes an Andretti Logo to be installed on the bridge to be constructed by the City over 96th Street at Nickel Plate Trail.
15. R091922H - A Request to Approve First Amendment to Project Agreement by and among Ompi of America, Inc., the City of Fishers, Hamilton County, Indiana, Fishers Town Hall Building Corporation, and the City of Fishers Redevelopment Commission: Council Action Form I Exhibit A I Resolution
Stevanato plans to hire 515 employees by 2031 with an average salary of $70,000. Stevanato Group is a leading global provider of drug containment, drug delivery, and diagnostic solutions to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and life sciences industries.
Next Phase of the Fishers District
16. Introduction - Next Phase of the Fishers District
I mention above.
This is to begin the rezoning process for the Next Phase proposal.
18. R091922I - A Resolution of the Common Council for the City of Fishers, Indiana Finding a Need for the Leasing of Certain Municipal Facilities and an Event Center and Approving Matters Related Thereto: Council Action Form I Exhibit A I Resolution
17 and 18 need council approval to advance the Next Phase project. The Mayor will present the need.
19. 091922J - An Ordinance of the City of Fishers, Hamilton County, Indiana Adopting the City of Fishers Food & Beverage Tax - 1st Reading: Council Action Form I Ordinance
The Food and Beverage Tax increase is a 1% sales Tax Increase for anyone who eats at a restaurant in Fishers but not in any other surrounding city. If this does not pass, the Event Center will not happen.
$100/month spent at a restaurant = $12 per year
$250/month spent at a restaurant = $30 per year
$500/month spent at a restaurant = $60 per year.
Fishers Arts & Municipal Complex Financing
20. R091922A - A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Fishers, Indiana Approving Execution of a Lease with the Fishers Town Hall Building Corporation for Certain Municipal Facilities and Related Matters - Public Hearing: Council Action Form I Exhibit A I Resolution
I know a lease allows a city debt not to count against the State Constitutional Debt limit of 2% of the total assessed value. Leasing is a common practice in almost every large city. This is needed to secure the financing for the new City and Arts Center.
96th & Allisonville Financing
21. R091922B - A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Fishers, Indiana, Approving Certain Matters in Connection with an Amendment to the Declaratory Resolution for the Consolidated Fishers/I-69 Economic Development Area, the Creation of a New Allocation Area and the Approval of a Plan Amendment for Said Area: Council Action Form I Resolution
22. 091922A - An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Fishers, Indiana, Authorizing the Issuance of the City of Fishers, Indiana Taxable Economic Development Revenue Bonds and Authorizing and Approving Other Actions In Respect Thereto - 1st Reading: Council Action Form I Ordinance
21 and 22 is a step to paying for replacing the Michigan Left at 96th and Allisonville. The area will be a new Tax Increment Finance (TIF) area. The TIF area will sell a bond to pay for the road infrastructure required to build the mix unit retail, apartment, condo, park road, and other infrastructure needed for the project. The property taxes paid by that property will then be used to pay the bond.
Sewer Additional Appropriations
Item 23, 24, and 25 is a resolution for spending on the sewers to cover some increased costs and a requirement by the state for the council to approve the additional spending.
23. R091922C - A resolution of the Common Council authorizing the City Controller to appropriate additional Sewer Operating Funds to the City of Fishers Municipal Budget - Public Hearing: Council Action Form I Exhibit A I Exhibit B I Resolution
24. R091922D - A resolution of the Common Council authorizing the City Controller to appropriate additional Sewer Bond Funds to the City of Fishers Municipal Budget - Public Hearing: Council Action Form I Exhibit A I Exhibit B I Resolution
25. R091922E - A resolution of the Common Council authorizing the City Controller to appropriate additional Sanitary Sewer Inspection Funds to the City of Fishers Municipal Budget - Public Hearing: Council Action Form I Exhibit A I Exhibit B I Resolution
2023 Municipal Budget
This is a public hearing. YOU can speak at the meeting but remember this will only be for 3 minutes.
This is required by state law for transparency.
The law requires redistricting after the census. The city hired consultants to follow the laws using the 2020 census data. Exhibit A is the current districts. Exhibit B is the new districts.
Various Matters
29. 091922I - An Ordinance of the City of Fishers Amending Section 35.30 of the City of Fishers Code of Ordinances Regarding Permit Re-Inspection Fees - 1st Reading: Council Action Form I Ordinance
Some builders are not following the standards set for Fishers' quality. The inspection fee increase is to motivate the builders not to cut corners.
1. Any other Unfinished / New Business
2. Community Comment
3. Meeting Adjournment
Fishers Property Issue & Complaints - (Please let me know if you need assistance)
Hungry? Hurting? Safety Net Assistance?
Have you lost hope and are in dire financial need? Contact the Delaware Township and meet with a caseworker. Link Debbie Driskell is our Trustee and can help you get back on your feet.
Paid for by Giffel Campaign