February 2016 Newsletter 

FTR Threw a Brilliant One-Year Birthday Bash!
The Great Wall Unveiling 
For those who stood in FTR's empty warehouse one year ago, the celebration on January 16th was miraculous. It was a testament to Ian Acker's dedication and to the loyal community that has grown up around him. He was quick to recognize these people and has proven himself to be the best kind of leader, and that is a humble one. Speakers for Team FTR spoke from the heart as they described their invigorating experience over the last year.  It was clear, this community has strong roots and will continue to thrive.
Ian Acker welcoming the attendees 
The gym was packed and far exceeded fundraising goals for the evening.  The new climbing wall, funded by Petzl Foundation and Momentum Indoor Climbing , was unveiled in a triumphant moment for project director Marci Warner.  She was among those who stood in the empty building last year, and envisioned the wall. Michael Kelsey' s music electrified the air and had the crowd cheering on their feet.  The Food To Recover dietitians provided healthy and delicious food, and also introduced prototypes of the Food to Recover energy bars.  News crews were in attendance eagerly interviewing key members  and taping the event . Thank you to everyone who attended and donated so generously.
Food To Recover nutritionists, FTR members,and Michael Kelsey performing
FTR Spotlight: Rachel Santizo
Rachel speaking at the Homeless Vigil December 2015
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be sleeping outside at 4 a.m. during a January snow storm in Salt Lake City? 

Rachel Santizo has. Not only has she wondered, but she has literally pulled on her snow boots and hit the streets to speak face to face with people who are homeless during this frigid hour. As part of the national "Point-in-Time" count , Rachel helped the VOA take a census of homeless individuals, an annual task required of HUD-funded organizations. She visited people camped out under viaducts, along the railroad, and behind warehouses. She was invited in to their tents.  She returned to FTR overflowing with their stories and gratitude for her life. Once homeless herself, Rachel dutifully loves and serves this population, which is often dismissed and unseen. 
Children attending the Vigil 
Once a month she rallies the FTR team and delivers necessities like granola bars, backpacks, shoes, and water to people suffering from homelessness. She will tell you, dry socks are the absolute best thing to receive. 

On December 17th of 2015 Rachel spoke on behalf of those who lost their lives to the harsh reality of homelessness. During a candle light vigil in Salt Lake City's Pioneer Park she told her very personal story of living on the streets.  She went on to speak of the generous people who valued her humanity and helped her out of a seemingly hopeless place. She says that Fit to Recover and her friendship with Ian Acker was at the heart of her transformation.  FTR is truly blessed to have a woman like Rachel Santizo who has turned around and given back what was so freely given to her. 
Sarah, Beckam, and Rachel delivering one of the paintings
The Art of Recovery
Sarah Kappos working on paintings for Volunteers of America (VOA) 2015
The time has come to say goodbye to our Recovery Day paintings.  Rachel Santizo and Sarah Kappos will be delivering them to their new home this month at the VOA's new teen shelter. It is slated to open on February 19th and FTR is thrilled to donate some original art work for their walls. Our talented community has spent months working on 3 large scale paintings, one is 8 feet long!  But don't be too sad, FTR Artist-in-Residence Sarah Kappos has three new canvases in the works. The design process is underway, and the residents of Cold Creek Behavioral Treatment Center are excited to help create new art pieces with her.

For questions about drawing and painting, writing workshops (the next one starts in mid-March!) and the sound studio, contact Sarah Kappos, newsletter editor and FTR Artist-in-Residence ( [email protected] ). 
One of the many beautiful paintings in the FTR Art Gallery
Ways to Help FTR 
Click on Smile to sign-up
Give FTR a Big Smile!

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on Amazon.com . The difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to FTR, but you have to
sign up here . So please, go buy a bunch of stuff and make FTR smile! 

FTR Donate- Velentine Heart
Click on FTR heart to donate
Another way to  help our growing non-profit, is with a one-time donation. You can also  donate on a monthly basis.

Every donation counts! Every member counts! We are all very grateful for your support! 

Established in 2013, Fit2Recover is built on the promise to make a difference in the recovery and physical fitness communities by bringing them together into one group with shared goals.   

Fit To Recover | [email protected] |  www.fit2recover.org