November 16, 2017

Five Functions to Use in Google Search Console
by Nimesh Dinubhai of Websrefresh

Google updated its webmaster tools formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools to Google Search Console. This rebranding happened in May 2015 after the company felt the name webmaster was outdated. It offers a number of resources that you can use to tune your site's SEO functions as well as get important information regarding those who visit it and their activities while don't the site. Generally, the Google Search Console allows you to gain varied insights on your website.
To access the search console functions you will need to verify the ownership of you intend to analyze. There are five ways of verifying domain name ownership and these are:
·         Using Google analytics
·         Use Google tag manager account
·         Upload a HTML file
·         Sign in to domain name provider
·         Add a HTML tag to the head of your site
Once you are done with the verification process, here are a number of functions you should use from the console.
1. Search Appearance
This is a tool that allows you to see how your website looks like on search results. This is important because you get to have a preview and know when you need to make any changes since the appearance and factors behind it can influence the click through rate. This section avails you the various options you have to correct or optimize factors like structured data, site links, and HTML improvement.
2. Search Traffic
This is an important section that allows you to know the structure of your internal links, the domains which link to your site and analyzes the nature of your traffic. Through search analytics found here you get to know the popular queries, pages and devices. You get an extensive report regarding the click through rate on mobile vs desktop, the average ranking of different pages and other crucial information.
3. Crawl
This section gives you the feedback and data on various aspects Google found while crawling your site. It includes errors, issues on sitemaps, URL parameters and other performance based reports about your site.
4. Index status
This is the section which tells you if the site is indexed on Google and if so how many pages from your site are listed. You get to know which pages have been blocked over robot.txt rules, which content keywords are being used and if new pages are being indexed.
5. Messaging
In this section you get a varied number of notifications from Google. The most crucial reports include any hacking incidents, new trends and if you have received any manual penalty.

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Holiday Pay Reminders
Holiday pay is not required by law. If an employer chooses to offer holiday pay, the holidays and polices should be clearly stated in the employee handbook.
Exempt from overtime employees must be paid their full weekly salary if they perform any work during the workweek, with few exceptions. If the exempt employee is ready, willing and able to work and no work is available because the company is closed for a holiday, the exempt employee must be paid for the day. This stands even if the employee is not yet eligible for holiday pay under company policy.
You must accommodate an employee's religious holidays unless doing so creates an undue hardship.
You may place a reasonable cap on how many personal days or floating holidays an employee can earn, just like vacation. But you must give the employee a reasonable opportunity to take personal days or floating holidays so that he/she may stay below the cap.
Unused personal days or floating holidays must be paid out at termination unless they are tied to a specific event, such as a birthday.
Holiday pay does not need to be counted as hours worked when calculating overtime. For example, an employee who works 40 hours of work in a week and also receives eight hours of holiday pay would be paid 48 straight-time hours for the week.
There are several options for paying employees who work on a holiday. Whichever the employer selects should be consistently applied and stated in the employee handbook.
  • Pay the hours worked at the regular rate (including any overtime) plus the promised holiday pay for the day. For example, if an employee works 10 hours on a holiday, the employer would pay eight hours at straight-time, two hours at time-and-a-half and eight hours of holiday pay at straight-time.
  • Pay holiday premium pay rate. Oftentimes this is time-and-a-half or double-time for all hours worked on a designated paid holiday, plus the promised holiday pay.
  • Payfor all hours worked at the regular rate (including any overtime) and providing another day off with pay (either a day the employee chooses or one designated by the employer).
Profiting From Proliferation?
Industry CEO’s Debate Impact Of Recent Activity Driven By Major Brands
by Dennis Nessler of

The dizzying pace of new brand launches that have taken hold of the lodging industry in recent years, and their subsequent impact on the various aspects of the business, was the focal point of a discussion among CEO’s during yesterday’s opening session at The Lodging Conference.

In the session entitled “A View From The Top,” the executives offered the perspective of brands, as well as owners and management companies.

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