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A Will is a legal document that lets you tell the world who should receive your assets after your death. An “I Love You Will" basically states, I leave everything to my spouse first and then to our children equally. In real life this type of Will can become anything but loving.

Marge and Walter have three wonderful children, Beth, Dave and Mark. Beth lives locally and is the main support system for Mom and Dad. Dave and Mark live out of state. Other than a visit or two a year, they are not involved in Mom and Dad’s daily life.

Marge and Walter have a cottage on the lake, in addition to their primary home,. Beth and her family look forward to weekend visits in the summer. Her children feel like it’s their summer home because they've spent so much time there with Granny and Grandpa. Due to distance and their own busy lives, Dave and Mark haven’t been to the cottage since they were kids.
After Mom and Dad pass, could there be conflict between siblings over the cottage?
Could Beth's children be denied the pleasure of summers on the lake? Read More
5 Medicaid Myths - Don't believe idle chit-chat!
What Momma Wants, Momma Gets!
Attorney Does Not Owe Duty to Successor Trustees of Trust
Friends Helping Friends Referral Program
Dear Life Plan Family Members,

We are so grateful that you have shared your experience with friends and loved ones. Your referrals have become part of our Life Plan Family because you have recommended us. Thank you! It means so much to me and our team because you have put your trust in us. It has helped grow our business to four locations and our new Trust Funding Center, just within the last four years. You are truly remarkable and we appreciate your belief in us!

We wanted to know how we could make it even easier for you to "nudge" your friends to stop procrastinating and "get thee to a workshop". We came up with the Friends Helping Friends Referral Program. Here's how it works:
  • If you have family and friends you really think could benefit from the education provided at the Life Plan workshop, hand them a Friends Helping Friends card.
  • When they hand in the card, at the end of the workshop, they will receive a $50.00 gift card to a restaurant of their choice. (Maybe they'll even take you!)
  • That's it! Very easy! They just have to attend a Life Plan workshop, hand in the card, and chose the restaurant.
We want to know what you think. Good idea? Email Kris Cleary, our Director of Professional Relations and share your thoughts. If you like a card or two or three to hand out, let Kris know and she'll mail them right out to you.

Have an amazing day!
The Law Offices of David L. Carrier | 616-361-8400 |
Grand Rapids Holland Norton Shores Portage