4th Quarter
In This Issue
Team Spotlights
General Info
Civic Alerts
New Hires
Division Updates
Message from the Sheriff
Sheriff Hennen
We’ve now stepped into 2023 and I’d like to recap all the achievements of the past year, but that would take up more space than I have, so I will simply highlight some of the more significant successes. Please know that the accomplishments were a result of teamwork, leadership, and action taken by all levels and divisions of the Sheriff’s Office. Your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed and is very much appreciated.  

Body Worn Cameras Implemented
After a number of years in the planning stage, and working through the pandemic, Scott County Sheriff's Deputies are now equipped with Axon body worn cameras. We are very excited to have them, and we've already seen an increase in capabilities to gather evidence both with the cameras, and with the Evidence.com program, which allows us to upload directly to the County Attorney's Office, as well as receive uploads from crime victims. Our squad cameras will also be replaced this spring and will be integrated with the Axon system.  
Drone Team
We now have a drone team to respond to requests from deputies and partner agencies to assist in search and rescue, officer safety, and various other functions. We have five FAA-Licensed Drone Pilots and two drones on standby.  
Jail Floor Resurfacing Project
This is part of a larger, long-term project to improve the overall appearance of the jail. As funding is approved, additional improvements will continue to be made.  

Jail Study Completed
In 2019 the Scott County Sheriff, along with other leaders from his Office and Jail Administration, requested assistance in evaluating the existing business model and adequacy of staffing resources at the Scott County Jail. In February 2022, the Matrix Consulting Group was brought on to complete a workforce analysis. As a result of their findings and recommendations, we were able to hire additional COs, implement the Coordinated Response program (more info below), and hire Medical Assistants. You can check out the entire study here!
Police Explorer Program
We've teamed up with Savage Police Department to offer a Police Explorer program/post designed to give young people an opportunity to explore a career in law enforcement or a related field in the criminal justice system. Deputy Smith, Deputy Marshall, and Deputy T. Kes are Explorer Advisors, along with Sergeant Edwinson, who is an Advisor and Supervisor.

Homicide Cases
Three homicides occurred in the county that have kept our investigators very busy!
Staffing Numbers
We welcomed 31 new employees in 2022! That means there was a lot of time dedicated to interview panels, background investigations, training, etc. Thank you to everyone for their dedication and hard work during these transitions and welcoming our new employees onboard!

Employee Wellness
  • Wellness Program - This voluntary program is an opportunity for employees to proactively seek out additional support benefits. Psychologist Kiri Faul will continue to schedule sessions every 6 - 8 weeks.
  • Breach Point for Police Officers Seminar - Approximately 200 LEOs attended this training co-hosted by SCSO and Carver County SO discussing a variety of best practice approaches in addressing the traumas and triumphs associated with modern law enforcement.

Upcoming Events
  • Polar Plunge (2/18) - Sheriff's Office staff have participated in this event to raise funds for Special Olympics of MN for the past 14 years! We haven't had an SCSO team for many years, but I would love to see our office represented. Please let me know if you are interested in creating a team for next year. You can find more information on forming/joining a team here!
  • President's Day (2/21) - County offices closed.

2023 Project/Program Updates
Coordinated Response Unit - Coordinated Response is a new program and partnership between Scott County Human Services and the Sheriff’s Department, Savage Police Department and Shakopee Police Department. This program will have three full-time embedded social workers into those jurisdictions, and one full-time social worker in the jail, to help resolve mental health crisis’ with adults, children, and families in the community. This program will provide short term outreach and coordination, with the overall goal to connect residents with available services to reduce future law enforcement involvement. We spent a lot of time and energy working on this over the past few years applying for the grants and coordinating with HHS to decide what approach would best work for our specific needs. Watch for more information about this program in our upcoming SCENE article.
Jail Safety Barriers - These safety railings on the upper tiers are scheduled to be installed over the next few years (one housing unit per year - beginning winter 2023) to prevent inmates from attempting suicide.

Jail Study - Following the recommendation of the recent Jail Study, the County Board approved adding 8 additional Corrections Officers and 4 Medical Assistants (these were the only levy-funded positions added for the entire county.). In addition to these positions, we have plans to bring on the remaining recommended positions over the next 2 years. Thank you for all the hard work on this study and we will be sharing more detailed information at the upcoming jail staff meetings.
Rescue and Recovery Vehicle - We have been recently awarded a federal grant to purchase a rescue vehicle. We will begin the procurement process this winter but expect the delivery to take at least a year.
The record snowfall this winter has repeatedly put me in my happy place – riding my tractor fitted with a snowblower. My childhood dream of becoming a farmer obviously didn’t pan out, so hopping on my John Deere “tractor” is the closest thing I’ve got. It may sound counterintuitive to some, but this seemingly mundane chore has become something I look forward to – a mini mental health escape. Needless to say, the driveways in my neighborhood are always clean and the backyard pond is clear for my kids to skate. 😊

What's your happy place?

Thanks for reading! As always, please reach out to me directly, at any time, to chat about anything on your mind.

Team Spotlights
Star Employee || Stephanie Vogelsang
Position/Title: Senior Administrative Specialist

What do you do? 
Primary civil process

How did you get started in this field? 
I began working here in June of 2009 when another employee informed me of a temporary position.

What do you like best about your job? 
My team!

What advice would you give to a new hire at the SCSO? 
There's a lot to learn and you won't learn it in a day. Be patient, breathe, ask questions, it'll come.

What was your best day on the job? 
I don't know that I have a "best" day but if I'm able to go home and know that I was able to help someone, those are the days I like.

What do you do when you aren't working? 
Hang out with my kids, husband, and dog. Watch football, hockey, or baseball, and read.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I'm terrified of public speaking!
ICLD Spotlight
What is the Institute for Credible Leadership?

ICLD is a series of 46 college-level leadership development courses. There are four phases within ICLD, each containing lectures, discussion, and books to read amounting to 180 hours of learning. The ICLD series is an educational journey designed to provide a comprehensive education on leadership, ethics, characters, supervision, communication and self-development.

How to receive a graduate certificate and coin:

In order to receive a final certificate and coin, you need to fill out a paper certificate request form found on the "My Courses" page on MNLET. The MSA logo with link to the form is right after the last ICLD Phase IV course. This is the only way MSA is notified of course completions.
ICLD training is available to all Sheriff's Office employees. We are all leaders in this organization no matter our position, assignment, or rank.

Are you interested in taking ICLD classes? Get started here!

First time user? Your log in is (all lowercase):
Username: first and last name all together (ex. johnsmith)
Password: your agency email
Tenure Service Awards
Spencer Etienne || 5 Years
Kent Anderson || 10 Years
Corrections Sergeant
Ken Dvorak || 15 Years
Sheriff's Sergeant
Cassie Koch || 15 Years
Accounting & Contracts Mgmt Coord
Tracy O'Day || 15 Years
911 Dispatcher
Michael Schultz || 15 Years
John Kvasnicka || 25 Years
Civil Sergeant
General Info
Referral and recruitment bonus information
The referral and recruitment bonus has been extended through 12/31/2023! What could that mean for you? Here are some details!

Hiring Bonus Pilot Program: Eligible for the positions/classifications of Sheriff's Deputy, Corrections Officer, Corrections Officer - DSS, and 911 Dispatcher.

Referral Bonus Pilot Program: All Scott County employees are eligible for this program. If you refer a person who is subsequently hired into any of the above referenced positions, you will be eligible for the bonus payments as outlined below. Employees may earn up to 5 separate referral bonuses during the pilot program period.

Bonus Payments Overview: Bonus payments are made to both the employee hired and the person who had the referral. Note - bonuses are taxable income.
  • A $500 lump sum bonus earned upon the referred, newly hired employee's first date of employment.
  • A $500 lump sum bonus earned upon successful completion of the referred person's probationary period.
  • A $1,000 lump sum bonus at the successful completion of the referred employee's second full year of service.
FBI-LEEDA Trilogy Leadership Course
Lieutenant Caleb Madden and Sergeant Anna Galvez recently completed the Trilogy Leadership Course through FBI-LEEDA (Law Enforcement Executive Development Association) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa!

The LEEDA program is a dynamic, intensive, and challenging training specifically designed to prepare law enforcement leaders for command level positions. They cover topics such as credibility, command discipline, and liability, dealing with problem employees, and leading change within an organization.

Great job Caleb and Anna!
The Chili Cook-Off Champions
This year there were over 8 different chilis and 30 tasters at the Chili Cook-Off!

It was a close race - so close there needed to be a tie-breaker! Sarah Deppe is the 2022 Chili Champ with her winning vegan recipe! In second place was Nick Peters and in third was Derek Willow.

Thank you to everyone who entered and tasted; $250.00 were raised for the Giving Tree!

Congratulations to the winners and we'll see you all next year!
Civic Alerts
MSA Life Saving Award
Sheriff Hennen presented Deputy Amy Weckman, Dr. Andrew Stevens, and Ian Brekhus each with a Life Saving Award from the Minnesota Sheriff's Association (MSA) during their annual Winter Conference on 12/5. Nominations are submitted by Sheriff's Offices statewide to the MSA, and are issued to anyone who, under the direction of the Sheriff's Office, performed extraordinary actions to save the life of a person that would have likely died if not for that action.
On 12/3/21, Ian was hanging holiday lights for his company when his coworker was electrocuted, then fell unconscious and was not breathing. Ian immediately called 9-1-1 and was instructed to begin CPR.

Minutes after the call was placed, Dr. Stevens and Deputy Weckman arrived on-scene and began administering life-saving assistance to the victim, including shocking him multiple times with an AED and providing oxygen. They were able to restart his heart before he was transported to Hennepin County Medical Center for further treatment. From the time Ian placed the call to the time the victim was loaded into the ambulance, only 20 minutes had passed. Due to their fast response and quick thinking, the victim was able to make a full recovery!

If you'd like to learn more, check out the article here!
2022 Season's Greetings Christmas Card Contest winner
This year's winner of the 6th annual Season's Greeting Christmas Card Contest is Jordan Elementary School 4th grader Hank Jensen! Captain Collins personally delivered Hank's prizes, including a gift card to his favorite restaurant and some Sheriff's Office goodies!

Runners-up this year included Tolynn Manning, who is also a 4th grader at Jordan Elementary, and Phoebe Wagner, a 5th grader at Falcon Ridge Elementary in New Prague. Tolynn and Phoebe received bags of fun prizes for their entries.

Hank's design was featured on this year's Scott County greeting card that was mailed to our agency partners, sponsors, and various officials.

For more information, check out the story here!
New Hires
Omar Diaz-Gomez - Corrections Officer
Omar was with the Marine Corps for 4 years and stationed in San Diego with VMFA-232. He is looking forward to helping the community and being a role model in the Hispanic community. In Omar's free time he likes to go to the gym as well as play and watch soccer.
Martin Omerichamoi - Corrections Officer
Martin worked as a former security officer. His medication major is in criminal justice with a minor in law enforcement and education. He enjoys helping others from different backgrounds and people from all walks of life. He is looking forward to being with the Scott County Sheriff's Office for life because is his favorite home like no other and encourages people to join Scott County! He enjoys running, reading books, hunting, fishing, and traveling.
Patrick Kenoyer - Corrections Officer
Patrick loves law and order and being part of a law enforcement team again is a great feeling! Previously he has worked in corrections for the State of Minnesota, but more recently he was a landscaping foreman. He has also worked as a power lineman and is currently a Sergeant with the Minnesota National Guard.
Javon Hering - Corrections Officer
Javon began working at the Sheriff's Office on 11/28. He was previously employed at the DOC at Oak Park Heights. He enjoys his career in corrections and made a change to the Sheriff's Office as he was looking for a place he could be invested in and is also invested in him. He lives in the Twin Cities with his family. He attended MSU Crookston and South Dakota State where he played football. He studied Sociology and Criminal Justice and has also coached football at multiple universities!
Tyler Nadeau - Corrections Officer
Tyler began working with the Sheriff's Office on 11/11. He has experience in security and retail. Tyler has a BA from MSU Mankato in Law Enforcement.
Shay Stai - Corrections Officer
Shay began working with the Sheriff's Office on 11/11. Shay served for five years with the Minnesota Department of Corrections and took some time off from her career to spend time with her children. She is excited to get back in the field! She is looking forward to the fast pace and involvement in a smaller team that our agency is able to offer.
Hasan Zejnilovic - Corrections Officer
Hasan began working for the Sheriff's Office on 11/11. He has an extensive history in security management and some experience in law enforcement and patient care. He is a graduate of MCTC with a degree in Law Enforcement. He is excited to now be part of the world of corrections and to work on a team with an environment that, while busy, is structured. Hasan is a soccer fanatic and played in high school and college.
Arthur Gesswein - Corrections Officer
Arthur has a background in machining and worked as a machinist for 15 years before he decided on a career change and determined that corrections was what he wanted to do. His hobbies include skiing, snowmobiling, fishing, and riding his Harley. His mother-in-law worked as a Scott County Deputy and his wife worked for Prior Lake PD and the Scott County Attorney's Office!
Stacy Siegle - Accountant
Stacy's name might look a bit familiar to some; she has been with Scott County since 2019! She began working at Public Works and this past year worked as the Accounts Payable lead in the county's centralized Accounting office.
Division Updates
Promotions & New Assignments
Jon Pherson - Credit River Deputy
Jon Pherson is the newest Credit River Contract Deputy! He will be joining Deputy Jeff Strack in providing dedicated law enforcement services to the nearly 6,000 residents there.

Scott County has provided Credit River with a Contract Deputy since it transitioned from a township in 2021.

Jon is excited to get to know the residents of Credit River to better understand how to meet the specific needs of their community.

Congratulations, Jon!
What's your favorite movie genre?
Last time we asked you...
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
Here's what you said:
Please remember, this is an INTERNAL employee newsletter that may or may not contain sensitive and even confidential information. We ask that you please DO NOT forward or share this newsletter with anyone outside the Sheriff's Office.
Our mission is to serve and protect our communities, property, and the rights of all; with dignity, compassion, respect, and integrity.