Research shows that meaningful connections are essential to our mental and emotional well being. They're also essential to our careers. Here are some resources to inspire thinking around your connections.


In ’Tis the Season to Reflect on Your Professional Relationships, Marlo Lyons offers three steps to leverage the holiday season to foster deeper professional relationships.



In The Power of Peer Connections: Five Ways to Widen Your Circle, I share ideas for creating strong connections with peers.  


Reach Out

Is there someone you admire and have lost contact with? Reach out! Connect With One Old Colleague or Boss (requires WSJ subscription) offers tips on rekindling relationships with dormant contacts.


Be Smart

If you're timid to reach out to people in your network, this podcast, Tried-and-True Networking Tips from Decades of Experience, is worth a listen.


Give Thanks

Thank you for being part of my network and taking the time to read this far. I welcome the chance to connect or reconnect. Feel free to grab some time on my calendar.

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If you're interested in chatting about any of these topics, schedule time with me.

Each month I share five resources that resonate with me or address topics my clients are facing. If you're new to this email series, welcome! Thank you for reaching out to me, downloading one of my worksheets or subscribing on my website. If you're not finding value in the content or you get too many emails, I get it. You know what to do.