Voice your opinion on masking for children in Massachusetts - Click here to fill out survey - see details below

MA PTA Survey on Masking
This survey is being conducted by Massachusetts (Parent Teacher Association) PTA. Data from this will be shared with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and posted on our website and Facebook. This is your chance for your voice to be heard. As a state-wide Advocacy group, this survey will help guide Massachusetts PTA’s Advocacy efforts for every child in Massachusetts.

This is a brief, simple survey. Please take a few minutes to complete it as soon as possible. The survey will close at noon on Friday, February 18th, 2022. We encourage you to share this survey with family and friends who can weigh in on the masking decisions relating to our children, families and teachers. Thank you for your input. We truly appreciate it.

As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any thoughts or concerns at 
This is the email address we will use to monitor questions specifically about this survey.

In case you missed it...
Bills Update
We are disappointed, but not surprised. MA medical freedom bills S1122 & H4151 were “sent to study” which means they are dead. That’s it. Our legislators did not do the right thing once again. (We really need to stop electing them!)

To be honest, we knew when we started out this would be the most likely outcome but we also knew “you will fail at 100% of the things you do not try." And if we had to do it again we would because despite them killing the bills we still accomplished a lot in the past year. We put the pressure on them big time!

With our action item, we send over 60,000 letters in support of S1122 and that is not counting all the personal emails sent and phone calls made so that number is actually much higher. The legislators know the will of the people and they are choosing not to listen.

The bills gave us an opportunity to meet with and educate many of the legislators so they can’t say they didn’t know the facts and dangers of their policies. And we can use the fact they did not vote to protect our rights and ignored the will of the people come election time.

In just one year we grew from a committee of 6 people to a list of over 13,000 Massachusetts residents like you that care about their right to make decisions about their own bodies. Now we can get the word out quickly to many people when there are important events happening. Big rally coming up? We can send out an email to our whole list, or if there is, for example, a Board of Health meeting in Salem we can send out an email to just folks in Salem and surrounding towns.

We truly appreciate you all for sending letters, making phones, signing petitions, and showing up to rallies!!! I know it's disappointing but we are not giving up. The best way out of this is to vote these people out! Please consider running for office, any office, from school board to state representative to senator. You do not need any special qualification to run, but a passion for protecting the people of Massachusetts and integrity. If you are considering running please reach out. We can connect you with people and training resources to help you.

With gratitude,

The Health Rights MA leadership team
Share C19 vaxx injury stories
Health Rights MA is collecting C19 Vaxx injury stories from Massachusetts residents, for those that want to share them. We are setting up meetings with legislators and they are saying these shots are safe and effective. We need to share the truth with them.

Please fill out this private form if you are willing to share your story and you live in Massachusetts. We will only share the information you give us with legislators unless we contact you to seek further permission.

We may reach out and ask you if you’re willing or able to attend a meeting to share your story. Please use this form and share widely if you know of any groups or boards that may have people from Massachusetts.

We need to find committed people passionate about health freedom that want to help make real change at our legislature here in MA. If you are looking to volunteer or get more involved in helping these bills see some action please fill out this short questionnaire.