Feather Duster is Half Price

So is the Carpet Sweepa


Our Best Feather Duster Ever!

Your Testimonials

Make Me So Very Happy!

Dear Friends,

Have you been procrastinating about sending me your testimonial? Is your perfectionism holding you back from sharing your excitement over our system and tools. Please send them to me. Thank you so much!


We have some great sales going on right now!

Then Coupon Code is 31BABYSTEPS to save 31% on items that have not been deeply discounted! Now is your chance to save big!

The FlyLady Feather Duster is Half Price at only $19.95! 

Get your Carpet Sweepa now while we have them $24.95!

Kitchen Scrubbas are only$10.00!

Dust and Shine is more than half price! $29.95

The FlyLady Ultimate Package is $100 off.

The Pack of Inspiration is only $99.99!

There are many other of our tools have special prices!

Check out our FlyShop!

Thank you so much for your love and support! Your purchases from our FlyShop keep our mission going! That mission is to help you get rid of the CHAOS in your home and life!

God Bless You All!


Blessing the World 22 Times in One Day

Dear FlyLady,

Your Feather Duster is just so awesome! I never knew???? As a child, my mother would make us dust and or hand wash every surface and knick knack (which were in extreme abundance) twice a month on Saturday morning before we could watch cartoons or play. I HATED DUSTING!!! Upon moving out, I avoided it as much as possible. Then I turned to my dusting wand on my vacuum. Didn't work too well, but I WAS dusting.

When I started getting your newsletter, about 2 weeks ago, I was reading your website and hearing all the wonderful comments about your duster. Then, when I signed up, I didn't want to be the only one without one, so I ordered one. It came yesterday! I was bushed after working all day, but I wanted to give this NEW thing a try, thinking it would prove what I always suspected, DUSTING IS WORK!

Well, you have definitely proved me wrong! I got soooooo excited I called my mother in Nebraska, I live in Illinois. She just laughed! She doesn't understand, but I plan to buy her one for Christmas! I dusted my whole house, closets, ceilings, air returns, behind the washer and dryer, the furnace room, EVERYWHERE!!! I had to shake it out 22 times!!!!! The house smells so much fresher! My allergies are very bad today, due to all of my vigorous dusting, but I know that will improve greatly now.

I just had to write and thank you! At 45 I have found, you CAN teach a not-so-old dog a new trick!

Flying on now,
FlyBaby C.

FlyLady Here: It is all about making something fun. Whatever duster you use your attitude has to change with it. Dusting can be fun if you think it is. Our duster is made with ostrich feathers if you buy one someplace else make sure it says ostrich on it. Nothing works better. Those disposable dusters they advertise on TV can't come close to the feather duster action of Mother Nature.

Now I never dreamed that someone could shake their duster 22 times. This is a great testimonial. I didn't even know our dusters could do this. The key is to keep shaking that duster outside. Hey if it gets too dirty all you have to do is shake it good and put a bit of baby shampoo on it and swish it around in warm water. Blot it dry and then blow dry it. It gets so poofy then. The reason ostrich feathers work so well is because they have no oil in them and a million tiny feathers that grab hold of the dust. They also love the light. If you store them in a dark place they are not happy.

Dear FlyLady,

Just wanted to share with you that I love my feather duster. I never seem to have time to keep my dashboard clean (perfectionism). Where does all the dust come from anyway?

So, I got to thinking that I could try my feather duster on it. It's long enough to reach everything. I decided to try it. Well, in a couple of minutes, my entire dashboard area was beautifully dust-free, radio and camera system, door compartments and all.

I have tried to dust it before with my Swiffer duster, but the feather duster worked better and faster! Then I blessed the world and went inside and kept on happily dusting! Love.

A Flybaby in Georgia

Dear FlyLady,

Let me start by saying, I HATE TO DUST! Don't we all? So when I started with FlyLady and saw DUSTING was on the Home Blessing List, my Inner Princess "Belle" whined: "But I don't wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaa."

It meant a can of furniture spray and a cloth and a couple of hours wiping down every surface in the house. UGGGGGGGGHHHHH! And the spray made me sneeze more than the dust.Sooooooooooooooo after awhile I didn't do it all. Until I joined FlyLady and bought my feather dusters. I read many testimonials from different people using the dusters and they made dusting sound fun. I also loved the idea of "blessing the world."

When the box arrived, I really couldn't wait to open it. I tried the FlyLady Feather Duster and got LAYERS of dust off furniture. I was finally able clean my ceiling fans and grab the cobwebs off the ceilings. It never happened with a cloth and those disposable dusters drove me crazy having to change the pads and all. But now I dust every week. It takes minutes instead of hours and it may not be perfect, but it's getting done. Yes, it may be old fashioned but it gets the job done and, contrary to the clever advertising, my FlyLady feather duster traps the dust in the feathers; it does not just push it around.

One day, perhaps, others will realize what I already know: Disposable cloths and dusters can't beat my FlyLady Feather Duster for getting the job done. The dusters make the dust, and me, FLY.


FlyLady here: We have a Premium Feather Duster.
Feather dusting my whole house takes 2 minutes. In this video I am showing you how to dust; it took longer than 2 minutes! You never have to see dust again! 
Do you have a testimonial for me? Send it to [email protected] with MY TESTIMONIAL FOR FLYLADY in the subject line.
FlyLady Sales

You are not behind! I don't want you to try to catch up; 
I just want you to jump in where we are. O.K.?

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