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FSANA TV Commercial Now Available

To help flight schools  market their business models, FSANA has created a 30 second TV spot to help promote and attract new customers. Click to view the ad.

FSANA members will pay $1,250 for the ad which includes 10 seconds of audio along with individual branding for each school. N on members can gain access to the TV spot with a $2,500 payment.

FSANA membership starts at $150 and the value proposition for membership is greatly enhanced. The TV ad is another member benefit that FSANA is pleased to bring forward for the flight training industry.

The cost to produce a 30 second TV spot runs between $10K-$20K. FSANA recognizes that many schools simply do not have a large enough marketing budget  to handle this type of media.

Flight schools interested in securing their TV spot can call FSANA to begin the process. The turn around time is between 1-2 weeks.

Call 610-791-4359 to get your flight school TV spot arranged.
Training News

FSANA Joins Industry Associations in Letter Supporting House Flight Act

General aviation airports are critical to our national airspace system, and specifically, to many of the members of FSANA as the locations that their businesses operate and build the next generation of pilots.

The House has recently proposed the Flight Act, and FSANA along with other industry partners recently submitted a letter of support for the effort.

Senator Imhoffe noted about the bill that, "The Flight Act allows GA airports more FAA funding flexibility, expedites the environmental review process and incentivizes public private partnerships. This legislation builds upon past Congressional efforts to support GA airports and will ultimately grow the positive impact GA airports have on the larger airport ecosystem."

FSANA supports efforts that will enhance the viability and vitality of general aviation airports and is hopeful that the industry support this bill will help its continued movement in the House.

Click here or the graphic to the right to see the letter.
Training News

Jessica Cox Speaks to Crowd at Mid Island Air Service in Ronkonkoma

FSANA Ambassador, Jessica Cox, took the time to speak with a crowd at Mid Island Air Service recently. Her dedication and perseverance are an inspiration to all and she showcased that as she spoke.

For more about the event, visit the article from the South Shore Press by clicking here.

Training News

FAA ACS for Instrument and Private Pilot Updated - New Commercial ACS Effective June 12, 2017

All parties involved with receiving and/or providing training and administrating FAA practical tests should review these documents to be prepared for their implementation on that date. Students and instructors should note that examiners must apply these new and updated standards on the effective date for any subsequent testing.

The implementation of the Commercial ACS continues the FAA/Industry work to bring all training and testing efforts into the new paradigm of Airman Certification Standards, improving and expanding on the historically applied Practical Test Standards (PTS).

Updates to the Private Pilot and Instrument ACS included minimal corrections and changes, some streamlining of some tasks, and standardization of phraseology in consideration of regulatory changes over the past year since they were initially published. Of note, the Commercial Pilot ACS do include similar changes to slow flight procedures as were implemented initially last year when the Private Pilot ACS were released and put into effect.

The new versions of these standards can be found at
Regal Aviation Insurance ad
Industry News

ADS-B Rebate Brochures - Copies Available

The FAA has approximately 1,500 copies of the ADS-B Rebate brochure available for distribution. If you would like to request some of these for distribution at your airport, simply place a request on the FAA provided Google Form. The form will be available until all copies are gone.

Keep in mind that the rebate program ends September 18, 2017 or after all rebates are claimed. As of today, there were 14,267 rebates remaining. You can check on remaining rebates at
CFI Boot Camp ad

Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner

FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner." 
FSANA's core platforms include:
  • Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
  • Increasing the pilot population;
  • Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
  • Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
  • Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
  • Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
  • Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
For their part, FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.  To learn more, please contact Debbie Sparks , vice president, at or 561-767-6826. 

Central Florida Airport Seeks Flight School 
Private airport 2FA6 with 4,170 ft. long improved turf runway seeks flight school to locate onsite to provide flight instruction to local demand. New hangars being built, can buy or rent new hangar to operate. 2 miles from Florida Turnpike and 5 miles from  I-75 near Wildwood.

Airport one mile from growing area near The Villages adding 200 homes per month - great location for kids AeroCamp, many affluent grand parents to sponsor their grand kids.

For details please contact: Frank B. Arenas, 1511 Taylor Ave. Coleman, FL 33521-0600 - (352) 748-6629/FAX 748-3681
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Click on images to download sample Aero program brochures
AeroCamp brochure
AeroParty brochure
AeroSolo brochure