International Flight School Operators Conference Announced
FSANA is pleased to announce that its 9th Annual Flight School Operators Conference will take place in San Diego from February 12-15, 2018.
This conference will again bring together flight school operators, vendors, training suppliers, government agencies and professionals from the training industry to share tools, resources and ideas on how to improve business practices in the field of flight training.
The conference will be held at the Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa on Mission Bay. Conference registration is now open.
Plan ahead and book your travel with special room rates for attendees.
Interested in being a sponsor or exhibitor at the conference?  
Call for Presentations:
Have something specific you want to see covered at the upcoming conference? Or, have something you think would be a good presentation for conference attendees? Please send an email by October 31 to info@fsana.com with your suggested topic(s) and tell us if you would like to be a presenter. Place "2018 Presentation" in the subject line.


Survey of Expected Wait Time for Practical Test by FSANA - Input Wanted

The Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is seeking input on what is considered a reasonable period of time from when a student has completed all training for a rating or certificate and is ready for a practical test until the time which a practical test can be administered by the FAA or a Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE).

We recognize that faster is always desirable, but as FSANA works with the FAA to evaluate examination administration capacity throughout the country, we are seeking input from the flight training community to determine what would be considered reasonable wait periods to schedule and complete a practical test.

Alsim Joins as FSANA Partner
FSANA is pleased to announce that the industry-recognized provider of simulation solutions, Alsim, has joined the group of partners that support the FSANA mission.
Scott Firsing, PhD., North America Sales & Business Development, states "We are excited to participate in the conversation of the future of flight training. Alsim is joining FSANA at a crucial time when more pilots are needed. We look forward to working with flight schools across the continent to help produce high quality pilots and increase flight safety using ever advancing technology."
"We are pleased that Alsim has become a FSANA 'Partner' as we continue to collaborate with the flight training providers across the Americas and beyond," said FSANA president, Robert Rockmaker.
Changes to Advisory Circular on Currency Requirements and Guidance for the Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Check (AC61-98D) Open for Public Comment 
The FAA has proposed changes to AC 61-98D, Currency Requirements and Guidance for the Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Check. This a good opportunity for the flight training community to review the document and any proposed changes and then provide feedback before any changes to the document become final. Comments are due by November 13, 2017. 
The proposed document is now open for public comment and available at 
http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/draft_docs/afs_ac .
Flight Academy Advisors ad
Simhawk Launches Its New Sim Search Tool Along with Other Enhancements
Simhawk Inc., now provides access to 93% of civil flight simulators around the world, and has made a number of enhancements to its platform to make it even easier for buyers and sellers of flight simulator time to use.

"We've heard repeatedly from our users that they want to be able to quickly search across all potential providers and determine who has availability that matches their needs and pricing," said Chris Weinberg, CEO of Simhawk. "Our new simulator search tool enables Buyers to search all of the simulators in the world in two clicks."

The results can be filtered by a variety of criteria including specific aircraft models, engines, locations, and regulatory approvals. Buyers can now choose who they want proposals from and specify any other requirements they have such as schedule and budget. Additionally, Buyers and Sellers can now see each other's identities when using the platform.

Sellers can now use their own terms and conditions and contracts to sell simulator time or training via Simhawk. The company has also eliminated commissions on completed transactions. Simhawk's improved schedule interface also allows Sellers to more easily respond to requests for training courses that include activities such as ground school and briefing and to specify quantities of training hours without specific dates.

"These changes make it even easier for both Buyers and Sellers to use Simhawk," said Weinberg. "The new Simhawk provides users on both sides of the transaction with an open marketplace where they can quickly and efficiently find options and opportunities that they might otherwise not."

About Simhawk 
Simhawk is the world's first and only global flight simulator marketplace that matches buyers and sellers of flight simulator time and training. Customers that need to buy simulator time or training services can find the best available options without having to contact multiple providers. Simhawk also provides simulator operators and training service providers with a cost effective way of selling excess capacity and availability to a global network of customers. 
For more information about Simhawk, please visit simhawk.com.
Contact: Tel: +1 (802) 858-4188, x 1000; Email: info@simhawk.com 

CFI Boot Camp ad
Regal Aviation Insurance ad
Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner

FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner." 
FSANA's core platforms include:
  • Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
  • Increasing the pilot population;
  • Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
  • Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
  • Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
  • Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
  • Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
For their part, FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.  To learn more, please contact Debbie Sparks , vice president, at dsparks@fsana.com or 561-767-6826. 


Central Florida Airport Seeks Flight School 
Private airport 2FA6 with 4,170 ft. long improved turf runway seeks flight school to locate onsite to provide flight instruction to local demand. New hangars being built, can buy or rent new hangar to operate. 2 miles from Florida Turnpike and 5 miles from  I-75 near Wildwood.
Airport one mile from growing area near The Villages adding 200 homes per month - great location for kids AeroCamp, many affluent grandparents to sponsor their grandkids. 
For details please contact: Frank B. Arenas, 1511 Taylor Ave. Coleman, FL 33521-0600 - freeflight@cfl.rr.com (352) 748-6629/FAX 748-3681 www.freeflightairport.com.
Flight Instructor Sought
Flight instructor needed to head up innovative light sport flight school on the New Hampshire seacoast. Full time position with salary plus flight time. Respond to 978-764-2988.
Flight Instructor Sought 
Wanted CFI for 141 flight school, added ratings a plus, but not required.  When not instructing, right seat on Navajo available for qualified applicant. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mts., Pa. 800-321-5890 vern@moyeraviation.com.

Charter Captain Wanted
Wanted Captain for 135 charter operation in Northeast. Flying Navajos & Seneca Minimum 1500 TT, 200 MEL. Respond to  Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mts., Pa. 800-321-5890  vern@moyeraviation.com
We want feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of  Flight Schools News eMonthly Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.
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