Save the Date: FSANA Annual Conference in Las Vegas February 19-21, 2020
The 11th Annual International Flight School Conference will be held February 19-21, 2020, at
Bally's Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The conference will include multiple education tracks designed to meet the increased demand for additional content in the ever-changing world of flight training. Conference co-chairs
Chris Erlanson, CEO of Nashville Flight Training, and
David Morse, Center Manager at CAE Phoenix Flight Academy, are guiding the 2020 event to be the best ever.
New for 2020 is an afternoon mentor session on Wednesday, February 19. This session gives attendees who are interested in starting, or who have just started, a new school the opportunity to meet and chat with some of the best school owners and managers in the industry.
Attendee registration and hotel booking opens in September.
Flight School Accreditation Announcement
FSANA has begun the final phase of its long-term flight school accreditation project. When completed, accredited flight schools which become recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) and registered with their respective State Department of Educations will be eligible to accept career pilot students who have secured student loans under the USDE Title IV program.
FSANA's accreditation team was recently in Washington, DC, taking the first steps toward the establishment of a new flight school accrediting body.
G. Tyler Tenbrink, Director of Recruitment at Piedmont Airlines and FSANA's Career Airline Pilot committee Chairman explained how new career pilots, flight schools and
the airline industry will benefit.
Robert Rockmaker, FSANA president and CEO, noted that all in attendance recognized the extreme importance of the project scope. When concluded, career pilot focused people will have access to federally-backed loans and grants as supported under USDE Title IV.
FSANA is committed to bringing this project across the finish line. When completed, it will help solve the decades-long issue of flight training funding for career-focused individuals.
FSANA will be expanding its digital publications to include content focused on youth in aviation. We are seeking writing contributors in two areas.
- Contributors who are interested and experienced in writing especially for young readers on various subjects related to aerospace and youth participating in aerospace activities.
- Contributors who are interested and experienced in writing for adult and professional readers on various subjects related to the aerospace industry.
If either of these is you, please send a note of interest and some details of your writing or publications experience to
ApexChat Becomes FSANA Annual Partner
a live chat software and service provider, has partnered with FSANA to offer current members considerably discounted pricing and 50 percent off setup cost so that even the smallest FSANA members can take advantage of this valuable service.
"Partnering with FSANA is very exciting for our team at ApexChat," Jim Bert, ApexChat's co-founder, said. "We look forward to having a long-lasting relationship with all of the association's leaders and members. As the primary live-chat provider of the association, we have the opportunity to increase lead conversion at rates everyone can afford and be a vital part of the growth initiatives of all its members and the aviation industry."
Robert Rockmaker, FSANA president & CEO welcomes ApexChat as our newest Annual Partner. Rockmaker adds, "The ApexChat team will help lead our members forward with live chat which will help turn leads into profits. Human technology is another important tool that the flight training industry should embrace as part of the never-ending quest for business model improvement."
ApexChat has been providing live chat conversion software and chat agents for businesses since 2008 and services over 8,000 websites. The service is designed to capture additional leads with zero hiring or training necessary. In fact, they've found live chat can increase website leads up to 40 percent.
FSANA members can take advantage of more than just ApexChat's live chat service. The 24/7, pay-for-performance chat provider also offers:
- Text-to-Chat: An SMS integration for their chat service.
- CRM integrations that allow ApexChat to instantly deliver new leads to your CRM.
- Invitation and script customization
- Facebook Messenger integration.
- Exit Popup: An exit-intent based popup designed to give visitors one more opportunity to chat.
- Call Connect: Directly connects prospects to your office straight from the chat.
Pictures from a Recent AeroCamp at Mid Island Air
Mid Island Air Servcie (MIAS) in Ronkonkoma, NY, (Long Island) had multiple week sessions of AeroCamp this summer.
Gail Mancuso, vice president and co-owner noted that, "We had our busiest summer on record with a full slate of AeroCampers."
Here are a few pictures from some of their events.
U.S. Senator Inhofe Proposes Establishment of National Center for the Advancement of Aviation
Senator James Inhofe has proposed the establishment of National Center for the Advancement of Aviation (NCAA) to "support and promote civil, commercial and military aviation programs and address the demands and challenges associated with ensuring a safe and vibrant national aviation system."
Inhofe noted that he has "heard from the aviation community that more improvements still need to be made to cut red tape, empower the voices of pilots, invest in airport infrastructure, and ensure more opportunities for a trained aviation workforce."
Feedback is desired and can be submitted to Inhofe no later than August 31 at:
Information about the proposed legislation can be viewed at:
HFI 2020 Scholarships: Achieve Your Dream
Helicopter Foundation International (HFI), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, annually offers up to 22 scholarships to help support students who are studying to become part of tomorrow's helicopter industry. If you meet the eligibility requirements listed below, HFI encourages applications at
Commercial Helicopter Pilot Rating Scholarship
- Have a private helicopter license
- Be enrolled in a commercial helicopter pilot rating program at an FAA-approved Part 141 school or international equivalent
- Expect to receive your commercial helicopter pilot rating after January 1, 2019 (if you will receive your rating before this date, you are not eligible to apply).
Bill Sanderson Aviation Maintenance Technician Scholarship
- Be about to graduate from an FAA-approved Part 147 aviation maintenance technician school, or be a recent recipient (within the last two years) of an airframe and powerplant (A&P) certificate
- If you are a non-U.S. citizen, have your respective country's FAA-equivalent tests completed and provide proof of foreign citizenship.
Maintenance Technician Certificate Scholarship
- Be enrolled in a maintenance technician certificate program at an FAA-approved Part 147 school or international equivalent
- Expect to receive your maintenance technician certificate after January 1, 2019 (if you will receive your certificate before this date, you are not eligible to apply).
Michelle North Scholarship for Safety
- Have your commercial pilot rating
- Demonstrate an outstanding aptitude for safe flying and aviation best practices.
Southern Utah University (SUU) Rotor Aviation Scholarship
- Be working toward ratings up to CFI
- Be enrolled in an SUU degree programs
Flight1 Tech G1000 Enterprise Flight Simulator Has Received FAA AATD Approval
Flight1Tech announced that its G1000® Enterprise flight simulator achieved AATD approval from the FAA in May of this year. This approval allows customers to log time toward an instrument rating as well as maintaining IFR proficiency using the sim.
Jim Rhoads, founder and chief engineer at Flight1Tech, comments, "The FAA approval is the culmination of four years' work on this system plus decades of software development expertise. We designed the system for single-pilot IFR proficiency, so every button and knob, cursor push and side-stick movement mimics the airplane very closely. We built the system to be durable enough for college and flight school use, so we design and manufacture most of the hardware ourselves."
Flight1Tech offers Cirrus (G5 or G6 versions), Piper NXi, and Cessna single-engine G1000 platforms. Flight1Tech's instructor workstation, VisPro (used for years by other sim providers), is continuing to evolve, bringing even more advanced flight training capabilities to the simulator. Rhoads continues, "We feel the platform exceeds capabilities offered by systems priced well above us. We are very excited to see the attention the system is getting from all areas of the market."
For more information or to schedule a personal demo at AirVenture 2019, contact Flight1Tech at
www.flight1tech.com or call 877-727-4568.
Email feedback concerns about FAA practical tests to:
Enrollment Specialist Join our team of professionals at our busy flight academy located in the heart of Fort Worth, Texas. Epic Helicopters offers fixed wing and helicopter pilot training to international, domestic and veteran flight students at our exclusive campus at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport (KFTW). We are seeking a highly motivated, personable and experienced specialist to foster our continued growth in the pilot training market. Respond to resumes@epichelicopters.com.
University Air Center Flight School, Gainesville Florida Looking for Certified Flight Instructors-Instrument for a full time busy flight school. We fly Piper Warrior, Cessna 172 (G1000), Cessna 182 (Garmin glass), Cessna 210 and Piper Aztec. We have the option of time as flight instructor then move into the Caravan for Part 91 operations then to our Charter department flying Citation Jets. Come join the UAC team! Email resume to PamL@universityaircenter.com.
Flight Instructor Sought Wanted CFI for 141 flight school, added ratings a plus, but not required. When not instructing, right seat on Navajo available for qualified applicant. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890 or vern@moyeraviation.com.
Charter Captain Wanted Wanted Captain for 135 charter operation in Northeast. Flying Navajos & Seneca Minimum 1500 TT, 200 MEL. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890 or vern@moyeraviation.com.
Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments
in an upcoming edition of
Flight Training News.
Send your thoughts to