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July 15, 2021
From the President
I have been around the world of aviation since I was 6 years old when my father took me out to the ABE Airport to watch the airliners including the TWA Tri-Tail Constellations come and go.

We have been to the moon and back. We have witnessed the creation of the Airline Deregulation Act of October 24, 1978 by the 95th Congress. The Act allowed America's airlines to set their fares and open new and exit markets at their free will. The Act of 1978 also sunsetted the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) which was the guardian organization for the flying public.

We have watched our beloved aero machines as they were turned into killing machines by a group of bad actors on September 11, 2001 And now, we have aviation 2021 as we emerge from one of the worst plagues in generations.

We are all eyewitnesses to the "Great Aviation Reset" or GAR.

Domestic airline travel is busting at the seams. International will continue to rebound over the next 6-12 months. We are seeing a most incredible rebound in the training segment. Flight schools are busy and growing, adding both students and aircraft.

We congratulate our members, the supply chain, and the many government agencies that support our great industry.

Each of us has a role in helping to advance the aerospace industry. We are at the start line of a wonderful and exciting expansion. We are blessed to be in the aviation industry and receive enjoyment from our varied career pathways.

Our 2021 annual conference will be here in five weeks and there will be some wonderful announcements that will help propel the general aviation industry forward with excitement and positivity.

As always, please keep safety at the forefront and let the dollar come in second.
Serve your customers with quality and consistency and you will continue to advance your models forward. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you in Orlando in a few weeks.


Robert Rockmaker
President & CEO
Making Sense of the FAA's Recent Notification of Policy for Flight Training in Certain Aircraft
Last week the FAA shared an upcoming "FAA Statement on Notification of Policy for Flight Training in Certain Aircraft and the Approval Process for Aircraft Holding a Special Airworthiness Certificate in the Experimental Category" that would become effective as of July 12, 2021. Relating to further interpretations from the previously mentioned case from Warbird Adventures FSANA has noted in previous newsletters, the developments from this case continue to become broader potential effects on the overall training, and safety parts of the aviation industry.

This policy has created quite a stir so far in multiple special interest groups, raising fears that training will be difficult or not possible to obtain in these categories and most largely affected, experimental category aircraft. Many in the industry, including FSANA, are concerned that this is actually going to reduce safety for operators of these aircraft if we inhibit the ability of owners and operators to receive training in aircraft that are frequently used.

When we consider the types of aircraft affected by this policy, there are three main categories. Those categories include aircraft that are experimental, special use (most commonly Warbirds for example), and aircraft certified as primary category.

One of these seems to affect less than the others. Primary category aircraft are a very few (from what we can tell so far) numbers of aircraft that are certified under 14 CFR § 21.24. The good news is here is that a particular category doesn't seem to be a significant number of makes and models of aircraft.

The other two categories, those falling into experimental and special use aircraft will affect larger numbers of operators, and potentially affect the ability of these operators to meet insurance requirements for training received in specific makes and models without additional efforts that have historically been needed.

At this time, the FAAA is offering a LODA process for operators and/or instructors who need to receive or provide training in these aircraft.

The FAA has responded to questions from the industry about this policy indicating that:

"This action was taken following a recent court ruling so that owners of experimental aircraft could receive flight instruction in their aircraft in accordance with regulatory requirements. Flight training in an owner’s aircraft is essential to safe operations.

The process was designed to be efficient in the issuance of the LODA and provide for compliance to 91.319. The owner of an experimental aircraft or a flight instructor will simply need to provide the requisite information from the federal register notice in an email to 9-AVS-AFG-LODA@faa.gov. Once received, it will be processed in days and the applicant will receive the signed LODA from his or her respective Flight Standards District Office."

FSANA is working with other industry associations and our own legal team to determining if other relief or solutions for this policy are possible. We recognize the challenge this provides, the potential safety reduction it may create and are focused on helping the FAA, the industry, instruction providers, and operators of the affected aircraft find a solution that will work for the longer term.

FSANA will be providing more information at our upcoming conference on this topic as it is developed in August in Orlando and in future newsletters.

In the interim, we encourage anyone who thinks this policy might have an effect on them to read the full policy.

You can see the full FAA policy document released at:

FAA Making Positive Efforts on Flight Tests
There is no perfect human being and people make mistakes. FSANA has been encouraging the FAA to recognize this fact when it comes to the Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) community.

FSANA recognizes that some mistakes made by DPEs form the basis for an immediate termination. On the other hand, there are cases where a DPE needs to be provided with added guidance and/or oversight to help them get back on the centerline.

As FSANA has been navigating the DPE space, we are pleased that FSANA has had reports of instances where the FAA has taken a more active approach when a review is required for a DPE according to Bob Rockmaker, President & CEO of FSANA. Placing a DPE in the "Suspension" level before a full termination allows the FAA to fully study and understand the basis for potential concern.

FSANA and our industry working group congratulate the FAA and the "Airman Testing Branch" for their efforts to raise the bar with all levels of process within the Designee DPE program. The FAA spirit of co-operation and collaboration is what helps make for the greatest aviation system in the world.
AOPA Flight Training Experience Survey
Closes July 15, 2021
Time is almost up! The 2021 Flight Training Experience Survey is coming to a close at noon (Eastern) July 15, 2021. The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association announced the return of the 2021 Flight Training Experience Survey in May in an effort to continue seeking out and recognizing flight training excellence.

Anyone who has taken flight training—initial or recurrent—during the past 12 months can candidly assess the process and rate their individual experience through our proven template for taking testimonials from consumers of aviation training services.
From new student pilots to experienced aviators shaking off rust or taking on new challenges, participants in the (usually) annual survey can help AOPA identify and acknowledge flight schools and flight instructors that stand out as examples of excellence in their fields.

In addition, data collected by the survey allows the identification and monitoring of emerging trends in the flight training industry that help schools and instructors to adapt.

Just Over a Month Until the 12th Annual International Flight School Operators Conference - August 18-20, 2021
With just over a month to go before the 12th Annual International Flight School Operators Conference in Orlando, FSANA is working hard to finalize preparations for vendors, speakers, and meeting coordination to provide the best possible in-person conference experience for attendees.

If you haven't made plans to be there yet, there is still time. Do it now!

DATE: August 18-20, 2021
LOCATION: Rosen Plaza in Orlando, Florida

The 2021 conference will set the stage for the strong rebound that is already taking hold in the flight training arena. FSANA is dedicated to the pursuit of helping flight schools achieve their goals. Our ongoing advocacy for the training market continues to help create the next generation of aviators.

Please visit https://www.fsana.com/details.php for the latest information on the 2021 conference.

This year's conference will highlight current conditions and efforts in the flight training community to move forward from the effects of the last year, to work with current and expected market conditions, and to share best practices and efforts from other flight training providers around the country.

New schools continue to pop up and existing schools are growing. The conference will again have multiple education tracks designed to meet the increasing demand for added content in the ever-changing world of flight training.

Book Your Room at Rosen Plaza
Guests who prefer to phone in their reservations can call the hotel Reservation Center at 800-627-8258. Conference group name is Flight School Conference. Callers may also use group code 70073.

To secure the special room rate, please book your room by July 25, 2021.

Conference Registration and Program
FSANA staff, board and conference committee members have worked hard to put together a productive and beneficial slate of content for the 2021 conference. The conference program is available to view and registration is open.

Want to sponsor or exhibit at this year's conference? Click the following link for more info:
New FAA Aeronautical Chart Users' Guide Issued
Recently the FAA issued a new edition of the FAA Aeronautical Chart Users Guide which became effective June 17, 2021.

Produced by the FAA, the guide is good for new and experienced pilots alike as a reference for all FAA produced charts. The definitive guide to symbology and information in and on FAA charts, users can use this guide for initial study all the way through finding those rare nuggets of charting quiz challenge.

Instructors, training providers, students, and DPEs are encouraged to update their reference to this most current version of the guide in their training and testing efforts.

Check out the update guide by visiting:
FAA Issues AD on Some Grumman Aircraft Used in Flight Training
Some flight training operators operating Grumman aircraft may be affected by a recent AD issued by the FAA affecting Grumman AA-1, AA-1A, AA-1B, AA-1C, and AA-5 airplanes. The FAA recently released an AD on these aircraft noting that:

"The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all True Flight Holdings LLC Models AA-1, AA-1A, AA-1B, AA-1C, and AA-5 airplanes. This AD was prompted by the report of an accident of an airplane exhibiting bondline corrosion and delamination of the horizontal stabilizers. This AD requires inspecting the horizontal stabilizers, including the bondlines, for cracks, buckles, corrosion, delamination, rust, and previous repair and repairing or replacing parts and applying corrosion inhibitor as necessary. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products."

Operators of these aircraft are encouraged to review and comply with the AD that becomes effective July 27, 2021. More information about this AD can be found at:
Growing Flight Training Academy is Ready to Fill Industry Demand for Pilots as Carrier Strategies for Hiring Evolve
Earlier this week, American Airlines began delaying or canceling hundreds of flights due to a shortage of airline personnel, including pilots, a problem they anticipate continuing through July. Delta Airlines then promptly followed with the announcement that it would hire more than 1,000 pilots by summer 2022. Christopher Schoensee, owner and president of Paragon Flight Training, headquartered at Page Field in Fort Myers, Florida, said his flight training academy, which is already looking at a record year for 2021, has been strategically gearing up for the increased pilot demand for some time and is ready to help fill the pipeline.

“The airlines’ model of hiring and training pilots has been evolving. We are seeing interest by the major carriers to consider the benefits of working with technically advanced, professional, private flight training academies that can pivot with the industry to safely, quickly and expertly train the commercial airline pilots of the future,” Schoensee said.

It was the anticipation of the pilot shortage and the need to accommodate increased demand for the company’s services that served as the impetus for Paragon Flight Training’s ambitious growth plan, which began in 2018 with the investment of additional advanced flight simulators, followed by a two-phased strategic growth plan in 2020 that is now seeing significant results.

In March 2021, the company entered into a 10-year agreement with Lee County Port Authority, an effort that will triple Paragon Flight’s aircraft fleet operations at Page Field while expanding their training and technology services. The project includes the construction of a 14,000-square-foot maintenance and MRO facility that broke ground in March, as well as an 8,000-square-foot pilot development learning center, slated for completion in 2022. The company also hired aviation industry insider and former commercial airline pilot, Captain Lee Collins, for additional strategy heft.

“We have acted aggressively in recent years to build up our flight training might and capabilities and are more than ready to provide solutions to the challenge the industry is presenting with the pilot shortage,” Schoensee said.

Schoensee noted that email leads coming into Paragon Flight for information on flight training services have steadily increased from strong pre-pandemic levels of 140 - 150 per month to nearly 200 in April and May. Moreover, of those recent queries, nearly 50% are inquiring about training as career pilots, a jump from 35% pre-pandemic, when the majority of queries were for recreational flight training as well as the specialized training Paragon offers for domestic and military personnel.

“The aviation industry is having a moment, both for negative and positive reasons, but there is no doubt that we are in a pivotal era that will guide pilot training and talent acquisition for at least the next decade. For those who are prepared to be leaders, it’s a great time to be in the industry,” Schoensee said.

About Paragon Flight Training
Paragon Flight is an award-winning flight academy headquartered at Page Field in Fort Myers, Florida. With FAA and SEVIS accreditations, a fleet of nearly 20 planes, and advanced simulator technology onsite, the company trains commercial, professional, and recreational pilots as well as offering military pilot training for domestic and foreign governments. The company is in the process of a 22,000-combined-square-foot expansion slated for completion in fourth quarter 2021. Learn more at ParagonFlight.com.
An ALSIM ALX for Liberty University
ALSIM Simulators is excited to announce the sale of an ALX to Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, USA. This will be Liberty’s first ALSIM simulator.

Liberty opted for all available flight models in the ALSIM ALX, which starts with a single engine piston close to a Cessna 172 and reconfigures to a medium jet similar to an Airbus 320.The ALX has many advanced features including complex overhead, dual FMS and ALSIM’s new visual system. The versatile device provides a wide range of flight training services from a student pilot’s first flight with an analogue flight deck to the more advanced jet orientation training.

The ALX is ALSIM’s best-selling device to date with more than 100 installed worldwide.

Liberty owns and operates over 25+ aircraft primarily Cessna 172, and Piper Seminoles. Two years ago Liberty moved into a world class simulator facility that provides exceptional training environment with over 19 certified training devices including four Level 5 FTDs. Liberty also has a nationwide network of 90+ affiliate flight schools that enable aspiring pilots to pursue an online Bachelor of Science in Aviation degree while completing their flight training at an approved Flight Training Affiliate (FTA) located near their place of residence.
Dr. Scott Firsing of ALSIM’s North America office adds: “We have been engaged with the professional and welcoming Liberty staff for many years. During this time, many of their FTAs like Cirrus Aviation, Paragon Flight Training and Lanier Flight Center have purchased ALSIM devices. Together we share common goals of making a difference in the aerospace community and providing pilots with the most advanced and realistic training tools available.”
Liberty’s Simulation Program Manager for Training and Research and Development, Kevin Martin explains: “Aviation has a history of feast or famine, we recognize that the ALSIM ALX provides our program with a multi-faceted device, capable of being scalable to meet the industry requirements now, and into the future. The ALX will allow us to tailor our courses to provide a stellar training program in each of our cognates, Missions, Military, and Commercial Corporate degree tracks. The ALSIM ALX is a complete training system and we are looking forward to continued collaboration between ALSIM and Liberty University.”
Liberty’s Dean, Dr. Rick Roof stated: “Our acquisition of the ALSIM-ALX reflects our commitment to invest in the latest tools and advanced training methods for preparing aviators of excellence. Our world-class simulation center and partnership with ALSIM are intended to ensure we have the resources and training innovations needed to fulfill our mission to train, mentor and equip Champions for Christ for careers in the aviation industry.” “The ALX was selected because it will allow us to offer each of our flight students the unique opportunity to train on multiple, advanced aircraft so they are exceptionally prepared to pursue their calling no matter where they eventually serve in the world of aviation.“ Roof said.
Both ALSIM and Liberty will be present at EAA Airventure Oshkosh in late July 2021.

More about Alsim at: www.alsim.com.
FSANA to Host First Annual Designated Pilot Examiners Symposium
FSANA is hosting the first annual Designated Pilot Examiners Symposium for the flight examiner community in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday October 27, 2021, with pre-events scheduled for Tuesday. The conference will bring together DPEs and those interested in becoming DPEs to share and exchange information which will lead to improvements in the examiner segment. FAA officials will be on hand to share their insights and observations on the Designee system.

Designated Pilot Examiners (DPE) form the backbone of the airman practical testing system in America. There are over 800 DPEs in the Designee system and they are responsible for providing over 40,000 airman practical tests each year.

The event kicks off on Tuesday October 26 at 2:00 pm with a session for those wanting to become DPEs in the future. There will be an open forum and discussion afterward. The following day will be a series of general sessions along with a workshop where attendees will break into smaller groups.

Symposium registration opens in July so please watch for more information.
DPEs Available to Travel to Help Training Providers Source Practical Tests
FSANA has been collecting DPE names who have expressed a willingness to travel to help flight training providers secure practical tests since our last newsletter.

This list is published on the FSANA website and is kept up-to-date with contact information, so if you are a flight training provider who is finding a challenge of scheduling DPEs in your local area, feel free to reach out to these individuals and you may be able to have them help serve some of your local testing needs.

This effort is being made in general, but also as many DPEs have self selected to delay a return to providing practical tests during the effects of COVID-19 periods and in some locations. FSANA will continue to hep provide this information as the flight training industry continues to move forward with both new and existing students in all phases of their training.

If you are a DPE who is not on this list but would like to be, please let us know by emailing us at info@fsana.com with your email and phone number and we will add you.
Have feedback concerns about FAA practical tests? Email inquiries here
College of DuPage seeks full-time, tenure track faculty member/s to teach Aviation courses starting in Fall, 2021. Faculty duties include classroom instruction, assessment, curriculum development, advising students, professional inquiry, committee work and engaging with instructional technology.

Teaching responsibilities may include both stand-alone developmental writing courses and co-requisite, accelerated, or paired sections of developmental and first-year college writing. Teaching assignments may include various delivery modes, such as face-to-face, on-line, hybrid and/or blended formats during days, evenings and weekends. Click here for more information.
Flight Instructor Wanted - Potential to Transition to SIC Charter Work in Navajo
Teach basic and advanced flight and ground training with university affiliated school in Tobyhanna, PA at Moyer Aviation. If interested, contact vern.moyer@moyeraviation.com.
International CFIs Available to Work
International CFIs available to work immediately with two years of work authorization in the United States. Most of the candidates have both CFI and CFII. Please contact Brett Hart (503) 726-8378 or email bhart@flyhaa.com if you have any openings.
University Air Center Flight School, Gainesville Florida  Looking for Certified Flight Instructors-Instrument for a full time busy flight school. We fly Piper Warrior, Cessna 172 (G1000), Cessna 182 (Garmin glass), Cessna 210 and Piper Aztec. We have the option of time as flight instructor then move into the Caravan for Part 91 operations then to our Charter department flying Citation Jets. Come join the UAC team! Email resume to PamL@universityaircenter.com.
Flight School Needs Cessna 172 Aircraft Ocean City, Maryland
If you have Cessna 172 aircraft that might be useable in a flight training program, contact Mike at mfreed@flyoceanaviation.com to discuss possibilities.
Tell us what is important to you as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments in an upcoming edition of Flight Training News. Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.
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B U I L D E R •• P A R T N E R S
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Established in 2009, the Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is the first and only association of its kind dedicated solely to the flight training industry. FSANA represents flight schools, firms that provide products and services to the flight training or aviation industry, and other supporting partners.

The Mission of the Flight School Association is to support, promote and advocate for the business of flight training; to provide knowledge, programs and services that help its members thrive and better serve their customers and communities; to foster best business practices; to educate and inspire youth; to increase the global pilot population; to improve general aviation safety; and to work in alliance with the aviation and aerospace industry.

fsana.com / 610-791-4359 / bob@fsana.com