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May 30, 2024
FAA Reauthorization Bill H.R.3935 Signed into Law - Includes FSANA Lead Language
This past week the bill that reauthorizes FAA funding, H.R. 3935 entitled the "Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act" was signed into law by the White House after passing through the U.S. House and Senate. At 1083 pages, there is much in the bill that goes beyond just continuing funding for the FAA from the U.S. Government.

A variety of sections saw legislative content that ranged from airport planning, passenger rights, planning for NextGen and aviation workforce needs. Included in some of the language was language that relates directly to flight training, some of which was worked for by FSANA with our lobby consultants and legislative contacts.

FSANA thanks the bipartisan leadership in the U.S. House and Senate along with the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for their focus to complete the massive bill which contains many benefits for the GA community.

FSANA has been working for several years in the DPE sector relating to the provision of airman practical tests. FSANA is pleased that Congress has included language which creates an office to oversee the DPE program on a national basis. FSANA started down this pathway over 4 years ago by starting the conversations and then advancing forward with the 2021 DPE ARAC which also recommended the creation of a centralized DPE oversight office.

While the 2021 DPE ARAC provided recommendations to the FAA, many of those recommendations have yet to be implemented. Part of this process is providing the required funding from Congress to the FAA to allow the implementation of those recommendations. Several items were included in this bill that will push these efforts forward. Some of the highlights of what will be required relating to changes for practical tests and DPEs include:

  • Improvements to the Designee Locator Tool - The FAA will be required to display credentials and aircraft qualifications of a DPE and display the scheduling availability of a DPE to administer a test or proficiency check to an airman.

  • National DPE Oversight and Coordination - The FAA is given the task to "establish an office to provide oversight and facilitation national coordination of designated pilot examiners appointed..." The goal of this office would be to help standardize and manage DPEs throughout the system to include policy, guidance, and regulations across the FAA pertaining to the selection, training, duties, and deployment of designated pilot examiners." A key part of this is to help better understand the deployment needs of DPEs to meet the testing demands around the United States.

  • Report Wait Time for DPE Services - A tasking was included that the FAA will be required to report "the estimated total time individuals in each region were forced to wait to schedule an appointment with a designated pilot examiner," and "the primary reasons and best ways to reduce wait ." This will require some development of measurement tools and specific metrics to provide timely and comparable data. FSANA is hopeful that we can provide input from the flight training community on best metrics to evaluate this question.

  • Basic Med for DPEs - As recommended in the DPE ARAC that was completed in 2021, it was included here that the FAA not later than 3 years after the signing of the bill make changes to policy and regulations that would allow a DPE to meet medical qualifications using BasicMed and continue to provide administration of tests or proficiency checks. Currently, unlike CFIs who may do this, DPEs are still prohibited from complying with medical requirements using the BasicMed process. This law will require the FAA to adjust that discrepancy.

Another flight training-related part of the bill makes it so the FAA may not require a flight instructor, registered owner, lessor, or lessee of an aircraft that falls into experimental, limited, or primary category aircraft to be required to have a deviation authority anymore. This will be the case as long as the flight instructor is not providing both the training and the aircraft, that the aircraft is not broadly advertised as available for flight training, checking, or testing, and that no person receives compensation for use of the aircraft for a specific flight during which flight training, checking, or testing was received, other than expenses for owning, operating, and maintaining the aircraft.

Note was also made that the FAA shall, "Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall issue a final rule for the rulemaking activity titled ‘‘Removal of the Expiration Date on a Flight Instructor Certificate’’, published in Fall 2022 in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (RIN 2120–AL25)" This is a regulatory process that FSANA has been monitoring and will carefully evaluate when it is finalized. It will be important to fully understand how flight training providers, students, and the DPEs that test students will be able to ensure that CFIs are "qualified" and current to exercise those privileges under any changes that are made to the currency requirements.

There is much more you could dig into in the bill, and we encourage those in the aviation community to review the bill. These few points were some that FSANA felt were important to highlight and ones that the organization was directly engaged with developing in some instances. It is part of the work that the associations in aviation engage in on behalf of their members and the aviation community.

You can see the entire bill text by clicking here.
GA Safety Performance Update
The General Aviation Joint Safety Committee (GAJSC) provides updates on a wide selection of GA safety metrics. As a member of this committee, FSANA and many others in the industry track data such as the fatal accident rates in general aviation.

A critical data metric that many follow, is the fatal rates for accidents in general aviation. The good news is that General Aviation Safety Performance data for the fiscal year 2024 year to date is currently trending below the 3-year baseline when it comes to the GA accidental fatal rate.

This isn't just data that a few in the industry track, it is data that everyone can look at. FSANA encourages flight training organizations and all GA pilots to study the latest set of data metrics to better understand where the highest safety risks are located.

As GA airman enhance their understanding of the various risk envelopes in the GA space, they will become better equipped to improve their decision-making when exercising their airman privileges.

Identifying the level of risk is the first step in helping to become a safer GA pilot. The data metrics are compiled by the FAA. Click here to view the latest GA safety performance data.

Click here or the slide title sheet below to see the most recent data presentation.
Third DPE Symposium October 23-24, 2024, Orlando
Locking in dates of October 23 and 24, 2024, FSANA will again host a conference for DPEs, this time in Orlando, Florida. A hotbed of training and home to a large number of DPEs in the United States, Florida is a natural location to host this, the third DPE Symposium.

"Our goal is to bring together current and future DPEs and the FAA to allow them to discuss concerns, common issues in the field, and best practices as a group," said FSANA President & CEO Bob Rockmaker.

He continued, "The first two DPE Symposiums benefited all attendees and learners and provided for quality exchange of information and process regarding all aspects of airman practical testing".

The Symposium provides a unique opportunity to share information in person between DPEs from around the country which does not happen anywhere else.

The Symposium will be hosted at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando. Conference and hotel registration information will be available later in June. Until then, hold the date in your calendar if you are a current DPE, working to become a DPE or want to learn about the DPE segment of the GA industry.

Early bird registration and hotel reservations will be opened in June, so watch for some more communication from us when this is opened up. A program outline will also follow soon.
2024 DPE Symposium
NASA ASRS System Not Just a "Get out of Jail Free"
Most training providers, instructors, and pilots in general have heard of the "NASA form" they might file if they think they might have accidentally broken some regulation, airspace, or otherwise might have some sort of violation as a pilot. But there is much more to this program.

The Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) is an important facet of the continuing effort by government, industry, and individuals to maintain and improve aviation safety. The ASRS collects voluntarily submitted aviation safety incident/situation reports from pilots, controllers, DPEs, and others. Without the reports, the data cannot be analyzed and help our industry learn from mistakes and avoid future accidents.

FSANA works with many committees, some of which leverage ASRS data. The data in these reports, and from other FAA data helps us craft safety discussions to improve overall safety.

With that said, few know how many topical areas are appropriate for ASRS reports to be filed. Most think of them only for pilots, but they are perfectly applicable to other airman activities also. ATC controllers, DPEs, UAS operators, mechanics, and dispatchers are all able to identify and report on actual or potential discrepancies and deficiencies in aviation safety.

The data that is collected in ASRS reports allows ASRS to act on the information these reports contain. It identifies system deficiencies, and issues alerting messages to persons in a position to correct them. That is all of us as an industry.

FSANA would like to encourage everyone to learn more about this program, and not just file a report when they think they may need it to "get out of jail free," when something has gone wrong. Designed and operated by NASA, the NASA ASRS security system ensures the confidentiality and anonymity of the reporter, and other parties as appropriate, involved in a reported occurrence or incident. The FAA will not seek, and NASA will not release or make available to the FAA, any report filed with NASA under the ASRS or any other information that might reveal the identity of any party involved in an occurrence or incident reported under the ASRS.

You can learn more about this program, and help by submitting reports that will help bolster the data breadth to keep us all aware of concerns and might just make us all safer later.

FSANA Flight Training Advocacy Day in DC
US Capital profile
FSANA is pleased to announce its first annual "Flight Training Advocacy Day" in Washington, DC, September 17 and 18, 2024. The program is as follows:

September 17 - Reception in the evening with legislators and staff
September 18 - Breakfast with legislators
September 18 - Meetings with legislators and their staff on the Hill

FSANA encourages everyone to mark their calendars for this historic event. This will be a major opportunity to meet with your legislators to discuss critical talking points which impact your business. Registration is planned to open in June. Please watch for more information.
TSA Updates Flight Training Security Program
On May 1, the TSA released its updated final rule relating to the Flight Training Security Program. The program works with verification of citizenship for those pursuing flight training and authorization of non-U.S. citizen training recipients, updates to this program are pertinent to all flight training providers. These regulations become effective on July 30, 2024.

The goal of this program remains to “prevent flight schools from providing flight training to any individuals who are not U.S. citizens or nationals, and who have not been vetted by the Federal Government to determine whether the flight training candidate is a security threat.”
Continuing the definition that a “flight school” shall be considered any provider of training, including an individual flight instructor. “the scope of 49 U.S.C. 44939 includes persons “operating as a flight instructor, pilot school, or aviation training center.” The rules apply to providers of training including Part 61, 121, 1235, and simulator-based training.

Some of this regulation's changes provide relief to flight training providers and their customers. Highlights of the helpful changes include:

  • Flight training provider security awareness training changing to being required every 24 calendar months instead of yearly;

  • Extension of Security Threat Assessment (STA) approvals to 5 years for candidates;

  • Upgrades to the online flight training provider portal.

While there is a small increase from $130 to $140 in the fee for candidates seeking to complete an application fee, the extended time allowance will reduce overall costs and application processes over a normal course of training.

Training providers, especially those who provide training to non U.S. citizens are encouraged to be familiar with the final rule and its changes.

You can see the entire rule by clicking here.
FSANA Wellness Committee and Mental Health
FSANA has created a wellness committee to address a variety of mental health challenges that are real and happening at both flight schools and the overall GA community. The committee held the kickoff meeting during the 15th annual International Flight School Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, earlier in 2024.

All flight schools should have a wellness plan that will assist staff members to better understand the challenges that surround aviation mental health in both the air and ground.
The next committee meeting is being planned for June 2024 and FSANA members are welcome to join the committee.

If you are a FSANA member and have experience, expertise, or just interested in working with FSANA on pilot wellness concerns, please reach out to us to be included in the committee work.
Advocacy Day 2024 ad
FAA Updates ACS/PTS Documents -
Effective Implementation Date May 31, 2024
Not to be thought of as an April Fools joke, the FAA published on April 1st, 2024, much-awaited updated Airman Certification Standards and Practical Test Standards for numerous certification tests.

Applicants, CFIs, and DPEs are encouraged to become familiar with the updated and new documents for upcoming testing activities.

The documents are available for review now, but do not become immediately effective. These testing standards will become effective as of May 31, 2024. All tests after that day will be conducted in accordance with the new standards.

Tecnam P-Mentor Achieves FAA Certificate
Tecnam recently announced that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded full Type Certificate to the P-MENTOR with the number A00067IB for Part 23 of the FAA Regulations.

Tecnam is now on track to begin deliveries to flight schools across the United States, starting with the first (20) to HCH Aviation in partnership with Stephen F. Austin State University in Austin, Texas, followed by Kilo Charlie Aviation in New Century, Kansas and EpicSky Flight Academy in Des Moines, Iowa.

The P-Mentor is a two-seat aircraft, powered by the Rotax 912isC3, featuring the Garmin G3X IFR touch screen suite with PBN/RNAV/AFCS capabilities. The P-Mentor is designed to offer effective and efficient VFR/IFR training. The P-Mentor’s fuel consumption is just 3.70 US Gal/h (14 lt/h) contributing to a very low cost of operations averaging $65 per hour.

The entry into service of the P-MENTOR two-seater IFR training aircraft has been eagerly awaited by a large number of flight schools who have been demanding a replacement for the many hundreds of “legacy” FAR23/CS23 IFR training aircraft currently in service around the world. This aircraft will open up many profitable opportunities within the flight training market and revolutionize the training paradigm.

With the P-Mentor, Tecnam is once again confirming its leadership in flight training while innovating the market and raising the standards. This important certification milestone will create and secure new and significant revenue streams for Tecnam, built on a foundation of over 75 years of aircraft manufacturing.

You can find more info on the P-Mentor at https://tecnam.com/aircraft/pmentor/
Bye Aerospace Charts New Course:
Rod Zastrow Promoted to CEO
Bye Aerospace, a global leader in sustainable electric aviation, recently announced a strategic shift to the execution phase of its eFlyer program with an alignment to its leadership team. Rod Zastrow, currently serving as president and chief operating officer (COO), has been promoted to CEO and president. The company founder, George Bye, remains chairman and continues with his innovation and technology support as chief technology officer (CTO).

As CEO and president, Rod Zastrow continues to spearhead the final stages of FAA certification and commence production of the highly anticipated eFlyer 2, on track to be the world’s first FAA Part 23-certified electric airplane. With an impressive background as the former chair and CEO of Spartan Global Aviation Training, Zastrow brings extensive expertise in pilot training, aircraft maintenance, logistics, and global business development. Zastrow's accomplishments also include a distinguished career as a senior USAF leader, F-15 combat pilot, and Fighter Weapons School “Top Gun” graduate.

This transition reflects Bye Aerospace's commitment to fostering innovation and maintaining its position at the forefront of aerospace technology. Under George Bye's tenure, the company has achieved numerous milestones and solidified its reputation for groundbreaking advancements in the aviation industry. As he continues in the role of CTO, George Bye will focus on driving forward-looking technological initiatives and product integration strategies while spearheading the company's research and development efforts.

"We are thrilled to announce Rod Zastrow as our new CEO and president," said George Bye. "His leadership skills, strategic vision, deep understanding of our industry, and enthusiasm bring fresh energy to Bye Aerospace’s critical execution phase of growth."

"George Bye has been instrumental in guiding Bye Aerospace to its current position of prominence in the aerospace industry. His visionary leadership and relentless pursuit of innovation have been integral to our success," said Rod Zastrow. "Unity and continuity are the themes of this transition. Together with our talented team, we are committed to driving innovation, delivering exceptional results, and charting a course for sustainable growth. We look forward to building on our legacy of excellence and shaping the future of aerospace."

Learn more about Bye Aerospace at www.byeaerospace.com
FSANA has been collecting DPE names who have expressed a willingness to travel to help flight training providers secure practical tests.

The latest List of Travel-Willing DPEs with contact information is available on the FSANA website. If you are a flight training provider who is finding a challenge of scheduling DPEs in your local area, feel free to reach out to these individuals. They may be able to serve some of your local testing needs.

If you are a DPE who is not on this list but would like to be, please let us know. Write us at info@fsana.com with your name, city, state, email and phone number and we will add you.

Have feedback concerns about FAA practical tests? Email inquiries here
Email Feedback Concerns about FAA Practical Tests to:
Tell us what is important to you as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments in an upcoming edition of Flight Training News. Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.
Legislative Advocates are flight schools, businesses and individuals who support FSANA’s efforts to advocate for public policy that benefits the flight training industry.
Annual Partners are flight schools, businesses and individuals who support FSANA’s ongoing efforts to strengthen the flight training industry.
V I S I O N A R Y •• P A R T N E R S

D E V E L O P E R •• P A R T N E R S
B U I L D E R •• P A R T N E R S
L E A D E R •• P A R T N E R S
Established in 2009, the Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is the first and only association of its kind dedicated solely to the flight training industry. FSANA represents flight schools, firms that provide products and services to the flight training or aviation industry, and other supporting partners.

The Mission of the Flight School Association is to support, promote and advocate for the business of flight training; to provide knowledge, programs and services that help its members thrive and better serve their customers and communities; to foster best business practices; to educate and inspire youth; to increase the global pilot population; to improve general aviation safety; and to work in alliance with the aviation and aerospace industry.

fsana.com / 610-791-4359 / bob@fsana.com