An Update from FSANA's President
Can you believe that 2020 is almost over and in the rearview mirror? What a year it has been for America, the world, aviation, the flight training industry and FSANA.
It seems like we just returned from our annual conference in Las Vegas at the end of February 2020. Soon after, America and the rest of the world was faced with COVID. From the end of March through June 2020, FSANA was almost non-stop working with flight schools and all things COVID.
We would like to thank our Board, industry partners and government officials who helped us to navigate during this unprecedented time in our lives. FSANA assisted many flight schools with COVID related matters. It has been a humbling experience and we are pleased that so many schools took the necessary steps to follow the CDC and CISA guidelines with respect to COVID.
When I speak with flight school owners and managers across America and beyond, I am reminded just how wonderful an industry we are blessed to be part of. Yes, it has been rough for business owners along with the millions of people who have been impacted by lay-offs and/or reduced work hours.
FSANA is very proud of the many wonderful flight schools that help build the pilots for tomorrow. The aviation and aerospace future is bright and together, we will continue to embrace this wonderful industry. All combined, the aviation and aerospace industry is responsible for between 2%-4% of America's annual GDP.
People in the aviation and aerospace industry tend to be explorers, resilient and a focused community which tries to stay on the positive side. Many flight schools are back to their pre COVID numbers and some are actually up with new students and hours flown. FSANA's primary role during COVID was and is to help educate schools on what was possible during the COVID crisis and the next steps as COVID becomes part of history.
Last week, myself and several FSANA Board members participated on various panels during the online Redbird Migration conference. I participated on a panel discussion with NAFI and SAFE to discuss the "State of the Flight Training Industry". You can view the session by clicking here.
As we head toward the end of 2020 which is coming fast, make no mistake that all of us in the flight training segment need to encourage people to start and/or continue their flight training. Right now, there is not a shortage of career pilots and CFI's. However, we can expect to return to the pre COVID days in the not to distant future.
Here is why I say this. The medical industry continues to learn about COVID and ways to combat it and new vaccines are coming soon. Airlines and airports are evolving new customer processes in order to help people remain as safe as possible from illness.
Human behavior creates the "Lets go, explore and visit" concept. Over the next 4-6 months, domestic airline flights will continue to head back toward load factors of 80% plus. Due to the wide variety of COVID policies established by each country, the long haul international passenger routes will take another 18-24 months before we see the return to pre COVID enplanements. The need for pilots will again surface as the world begins to once again travel for business and pleasure.
Zoom, Go To Meeting and other software platforms are wonderful however nothing is better than being face to face with people for that human connectivity that is not available via the E world.
Stay safe, be well and remain positive as we head into the Holidays. The new year is around the corner and lets make 2021 a great year. We look forward to seeing many of you at our 2021 conference. Based on feedback, we expect a record turnout and hope to see you in Orlando.
Bob Rockmaker
President & CEO
FSANA had planned to launch our new website in late March however COVID helped rearrange our priorities. Our members came first and we worked 6-7 days a week to help flight schools with the worst business environment in modern day history.
Please take a moment and view our new website still at We hope you find it more navigable as we continue to expand content resources. New back end tools will allows FSANA to do more with this than the previous site. We are working to incorporate items that will help both flight schools and the general public to better understand the world of flight and the options for becoming a pilot.
Two of the newest resources include:
The flight school search is intended for potential students (customers) to find member training providers. The flight school search allows the user to search using a wide selection of criteria. If a person wants to find a school that does private pilot accelerated training, they can locate the school easily.
The supplier search is intended for training providers to find businesses that supply all types of products and/or services for the flight training industry.
2021 FSANA Flight School Operators Conference Hotel Room Registration Now Open
Start planning now for the FSANA Annual Conference in Orlando, March 3-5, 2021. Hosted at The Rosen Plaza in Orlando, FL, attendees can now book their hotel room.
As the training market continues to evolve in America, we see more and more conference attendees every year.
New schools continue to pop up and existing schools are growing. The conference will again have multiple education tracks designed to meet the increasing demand for added content in the ever-changing world of flight training.
Attendee Rooms Booking
Click here to book your room reservation online, or for guests that prefer to phone in their reservations, they may call our Reservation Center at 1-407-996-9700 to secure a reservation. The name of the group is listed as Flight School Conference.
Exhibitor/Sponsor Information
Interested in exhibiting or sponsoring at this conference? FSANA welcomes participants who are interested in engaging with top flight training providers. Click Here for the 2021 FSANA Conference Exhibitor/Sponsor Brochure to learn more.
FSANA is committed to striving for never ending improvement. America's foreign flight training providers are best in class and that is why America's flight schools provide more foreign flight training than anywhere else in the world.
FSANA is working with SEVP to build upon our already quality foreign flight training segment. To help FSANA and SEVP better understand how SEVP can better serve their customers, we are sending FSANA members a survey which will provide feedback which will help to build and improve the customer metrics that SEVP delivers to the education industry with emphasis on the flight training segment.
When completed, the survey results will be shared with SEVP. Flight school names will not be shared with SEVP in order to help keep all parties comfortable during this process.
U.S. Department of Labor Proposed Rule Update on "Independent Contractor versus Employee" Determination
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has published a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) to help clarify the definition of employee under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as it relates to independent contractors.”
This is of significant interest to the flight training community in which many operators have a mix of staff and independent contractors operating in their flight training operations, pay all their service providers as independent contractors, or are unsure if the way they manage their training staff qualifies as independent contractor work relationships or should be more traditional staffing (with taxes withheld) relationships.
The U.S. DOL noted the following:
“The rule we proposed today continues our work to simplify the compliance landscape for businesses and to improve conditions for workers,” said Wage and Hour Division Administrator Cheryl Stanton. “The Department believes that streamlining and clarifying the test to identify independent contractors will reduce worker misclassification, reduce litigation, increase efficiency, and increase job satisfaction and flexibility.”
For flight training operators who are in question of the proper status of their employees, some highlights of this proposed rule include the following bullet points:
“The Department’s proposed rule:
- Adopts an “economic reality” test to determine a worker’s status as an FLSA employee or an independent contractor. The test considers whether a worker is in business for himself or herself (independent contractor) or is economically dependent on a putative employer for work (employee);
- Identifies and explains two “core factors,” specifically the nature and degree of the worker’s control over the work, and the worker’s opportunity for profit or loss based on initiative and/or investment. These factors help determine if a worker is economically dependent on someone else’s business or is in business for himself or herself;
- Identifies three other factors that may serve as additional guideposts in the analysis: the amount of skill required for the work; the degree of permanence of the working relationship between the worker and the potential employer; and whether the work is part of an integrated unit of production; and
- Advises that the actual practice is more relevant than what may be contractually or theoretically possible in determining whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor.”
While this is currently a PROPOSED rule, and one that is open for public comment (for 30 days since its publication on September 25, 2020), it is one that is likely to proceed forward and bolster previous interpretations of what constitutes an “employee” vs. an “independent contractor”.
To view or comment on this NPRM directly, visit:
FSANA has actively worked in the past to help share information such as this, such as previously shared discussions relating to the difference between an employee and an independent contractor for flight training providers with focus on tests of this relationship related to who controls scheduling or resources and how customers are sourced in flight training operations.
FSANA is planning to conduct a "Members Only Webinar" on this topic in the near future and all members will be notified. Topics will include the "Look Back" period and timing considerations for when a business should consider moving independent contractors into employee status.
It remains a concern of FSANA that many flight training providers may be operating in a grey area of these interpretations and that in the great majority of cases, training providers such as CFIs more likely fall into the category of “employee” than “independent contractor” and that incorrect categorization of these staff poses significant potential current and retroactive taxing implications for training providers if not managed properly.
This current proposal takes this interpretation further if implemented and FSANA strongly encourages any training provider to actively work with their accounting and legal resources to ensure proper compliance and minimize any potential negative implications for incorrect staffing compensation practices.
If any further information about this proposed rule becomes available, FSANA will continue to share it with our members and readers.
Boeing Issues 20 Year Pilot & Technician and Commercial Market Outlook Reports
Boeing recently issued its updated reports relating to the aviation commercial market and demands on personnel for our aviation industries. While there is much data to be reviewed in each of these reports, both of them indicate an expected growth in the aviation sector.
The Commercial Market Outlook highlights an expected 4% grown in traffic and 3.2% growth in fleets internationally over the next 20 years.
As fleets and traffic are expected to grow, the Pilot and Technician Outlook that while a current downturn in airline utilization of staff is being experienced, the longer term expectations are for increase demand for pilot and technicians as service levels return to normal.
Both of these factors effect demand for flight training providers to keep the pilot supply pipeline producing requisite trained pilots for the foreseable future.
For more about thes reports, visit each one individually at:
AOPA Offers Free Learn-to-Fly Publication
Flight Training, AOPA’s multimedia brand dedicated to inspiring and educating student pilots, has produced a special issue titled You Can Fly: Your Path to Become a Pilot. Custom You Can Fly countertop displays filled with the special issues are available at no charge to flight schools in the United States.
The publication explains to prospective students what they should expect—from the first introductory flight in a general aviation airplane through initial training. Flight Training’s editors detailed the steps to become a pilot, different paths to the sky, medical certification options, training airplanes they’ll fly, gear they’ll need, modern technology used in flight training, paying for training, and more.
Flight schools that have not received a countertop display can request one, while supplies last, by email ( If your school already received a display and needs additional magazines, they can be requested from the same address.
Starr Insurance Companies Launches Starr Gate Usage-Based Aviation Insurance for Pilots Who Rent
Starr Insurance Companies recently announced the launch of Starr Gate, a new kind of general aviation policy providing pilots who rent aircraft with unprecedented flexibility for their insurance needs through “high-definition underwriting” and usage-based pricing with a tool that can also improve a pilot’s skills.
Starr’s offering has established a way for pilots to pay for coverage based on when they are flying. The program includes the ability to access CloudAhoy, a popular third-party, cloud-based pilot analytics tool, for a potential discount on the premium.
“This product is a significant innovation for Starr,” said Maurice R. Greenberg, Chairman and CEO of Starr Insurance Companies. “For the thousands of pilots around the U.S., it’s a smarter way to get coverage. We’re leveraging technology to enhance safety and tailor coverage to match the market’s actual needs.”
Jim Anderson, Senior Vice President of Starr Aviation, said: “Starr Gate is better aligned with a pilot’s skills and flight time. With CloudAhoy data, we can write coverage in high definition. It’s customized insurance that can make you a better pilot.”
“Giving pilots the flexibility to buy on-demand coverage could not have come at a better time as we begin to emerge from this public health crisis,” Anderson said. “Qualified pilots can obtain coverage for when they fly. If you’re not flying now, apply for the coverage you need when you do start to fly again.”
Starr Gate is available now directly to pilots through a convenient iPad app, accessible in the Apple App Store, as well as through insurance brokers.
“Using data-driven technology to provide quantitative, objective feedback to pilots has always been part of our vision,” said Chuck Shavit, the creator and CEO of CloudAhoy. “We are delighted to see it used in a positive way to reward pilots, and to promote safety and proficiency.”
FAA Updates Knowledge Test Databases
The FAA recently updated a number of the FAA Knowledge Test databases. Of particular note was updates to the Fundamentals of Instructing database of questions to incorporate changes from the Aviation Instructor’s Handbook (FAA-H-8093-9B) that was updated in May of this year. CFI candidates are strongly encouraged to review this content if they have upcoming knowledge tests.
The recent updates also saw the inclusion of new questions for the ATP, Commercial, and Instrument pilot tests.
Convertible ALSIM AL40/42 Simulator Available
ALSIM has announced the launch of the convertible simulator AL40/42. It combines two popular Diamond aircrafts, DA40 & DA42, in one device, bringing flexibility to flight schools.
The device reproduces the Diamond specific interior cockpits and flight decks. Changing from the DA42 to the DA40 configuration is fast and easy and is performed by swapping only the dashboard and the middle console. The conversion kit provides two cockpit and central panels, including all a/c system switches, Garmin avionics, as well as the specific power levers, fuel selection and yaw trim panels. The switch of the central panel can be optional as the DA40 configuration will be compatible with the DA42’s one.
The simulator includes real Garmin G1000 NXI and GFC 700 Autopilot / Flight Director, the latest VFR-VS image generator and visual system with 210° screen and the instructor station designed for instructor’s comfort.
This simulator is specifically designed for PPL, IR and CPL training needs and is compliant with the latest aviation standards from EASA (FNPT II) and the FAA (AATD & FTD 5) to TC (FTD 2) and CAAC (FTD 5).
The specific ALSIM simulators AL40 and AL42 will also be available with the conversion kit and can be upgraded at any time. More about ALSIM and their available products for flight training providers can be found at:
Entrol Sells an A32 FNPT II MCC Simulator to Cannes Aviation Academy
Cannes Aviation Academy has purchased an entrol A32 FNPT II MCC simulator.
This simulator will be installed in Cannes Mandelieu Airport. It will be used for APS MCC, and ATPL, in line with the skills demanded by the airlines to fly a commercial twin jet.
This unit will also have a vibration system to simulate situations such as turbulence, taxiing and landings, which enhances the realism of simulation significantly.
"To advance our development and expand our training program, the acquisition of an MCC simulator was imperative to meet the demand of our students for the integrated ATP program and the modular program, rather than having to outsource it with less flexibility and at a more expensive cost.
We thoroughly tested and evaluated entrol's A320-based A32 FNPT II MCC simulator and concluded that it is a capable, sophisticated and realistic machine, ideal for the development of advanced airline multi-crew skills. We were also impressed with Entrol's skills and quality of service.
We are therefore pleased to announce that we will soon be offering MCC and APS MCC training to the highest standards, allowing us to deliver the full ATP integrated into our school. In addition to providing MCC and APS MCC stand-alone training" comments Mathieu Di Costanzo, Cannes Aviation Academy's CEO.
DPEs Available to Travel to Help Training Providers Source Practical Tests
FSANA has been collecting DPE names who have expressed a willingness to travel to help flight training providers secure practical tests since our last newsletter.
This list is published on the FSANA website and is kept up-to-date with contact information, so if you are a flight training provider who is finding a challenge of scheduling DPEs in your local area, feel free to reach out to these individuals and you may be able to have them help serve some of your local testing needs.
This effort is being made in general, but also as many DPEs have self selected to delay a return to providing practical tests during the effects of COVID-19 periods and in some locations. FSANA will continue to hep provide this information as the flight training industry continues to move forward with both new and existing students in all phases of their training.
If you are a DPE who is not on this list but would like to be, please let us know by emailing us at with your email and phone number and we will add you.
COVID-19 Resources for Flight Training Providers
As the flight training industry moves forward amidst various COVID-19 effects, FSANA will continue to providelinks and resources that are useful for flight training providers.
At this time, the links and notifications below are some that we have found that may be of use depending on your operation and local restrictions that are in place.
CISA Updates memo to better include flight training
Version 4.0 of this memo came was issued on August 18, 2020 and continues to include "flight instructors" as essential workforce.
FAA Memorandum: "Information for Airport Sponsors Considering COVID-19 Restrictions or Accommodations"
"Prohibiting certain flights (e.g., certain locations, types of aircraft, and types of operations): As is normally the case, actions such as these may violate Federal law and the airport’s grant assurances, unless approved in advance by the FAA (and, in some cases, the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST) as well). To seek such approval, the airport sponsor should contact the applicable FAA Airports District Office to discuss the matter."
Part 141 Training Interruptions Related to COVID-19 and Applicable Deviations to Order 8900.1
The FAA has offered a deviation memo for FAA Part 141 training providers to better accommodate for distance learning in parts of the approved TCOs.
FAA Dedicates Web Page for FAA COVID-19 Relief For Certificate Holders: Policy Deviations, Exemptions and Rule Changes
Visit the following link for regular updates to deviations and policies:
Useful COVID-19 Related Links
International CFIs Available to Work
International CFIs available to work immediately with two years of work authorization in the United States. Most of the candidates have both CFI and CFII. Please contact Brett Hart (503) 726-8378 or email if you have any openings.
Busy Western New York Flight School seeks a Part 141 Chief Flight Instructor.
Duties include managing flight school, liaison with local schools and universities, managing Veteran’s Administration system, information sessions and tours, marketing and oversight of fleet maintenance.
Tired of the heat and humidity in Florida? Come to Western New York where summer temperatures almost never get as high as 90!
University Air Center Flight School, Gainesville Florida Looking for Certified Flight Instructors-Instrument for a full time busy flight school. We fly Piper Warrior, Cessna 172 (G1000), Cessna 182 (Garmin glass), Cessna 210 and Piper Aztec. We have the option of time as flight instructor then move into the Caravan for Part 91 operations then to our Charter department flying Citation Jets. Come join the UAC team! Email resume to
Flight School Needs Cessna 172 Aircraft Gainesville Florida
If you have Cessna 172 aircraft that might be useable in a flight training program, contact Mike at to discuss possibilities.
Tell us what is important to you as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments in an upcoming edition of Flight Training News. Send your thoughts to
V I S I O N A R Y •• P A R T N E R S
D E V E L O P E R •• P A R T N E R S
B U I L D E R •• P A R T N E R S
L E A D E R •• P A R T N E R S
The above organizations are annual supporters of the FSANA mission and work of the association and its members. The follow organizations join our Partners in supporting FSANA's 2020 Flight School Operators Conference.
Established in 2009, the Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is the first and only association of its kind dedicated solely to the flight training industry. FSANA represents flight schools, firms that provide products and services to the flight training or aviation industry, and other supporting partners.
The Mission of the Flight School Association is to support, promote and advocate for the business of flight training; to provide knowledge, programs and services that help its members thrive and better serve their customers and communities; to foster best business practices; to educate and inspire youth; to increase the global pilot population; to improve general aviation safety; and to work in alliance with the aviation and aerospace industry.