Photo courtesy Rosen Plaza Hotel
FSANA Conference Accommodations Update
FSANA is pleased to host its 10th Anniversary Conference at the award-winning
Due to full booking at the Rosen Plaza for the start of the week, rooms for Monday-Wednesday (Feb 11-13) will be reserved at
Rosen Inn at Pointe Orlando which is immediately alongside the Rosen Plaza, just a 5-8 minute walk.
You can opt to book your entire stay at Rosen Inn or split your stay by choosing the Rosen Plaza for the balance of your stay, Thursday (Feb 14) onward. For reservations at either facility, call
To get our conference group rate, use group code:
Flight School Association of North America.
Taxi, Uber, and rental car services are available.
Shuttle service to the Rosen Plaza and Rosen Inn from Orlando International Airport is available by
Mears Transportation.
FSANA 10th Annual International
Flight School Operators Conference
* Meet up with old friends and make new ones
* Build new relationships
* Get it direct from federal representatives
* Hear and swap flying stories, old and new
Vendors share their latest and best products and services
* Increase your business smarts
* Newbies learn tons and make friends for life
* Double the learning topics of other years
* A guaranteed good time every year.
* Magic happens in Orlando!
Wednesday-Friday, February 13-15, 2019
Rosen Plaza Hotel at 9700 Industrial Drive (There are several Rosen hotels on International Drive. Be sure to contact the Rosen Plaza.)
Focused on the Business of Flight Training
Dynamic sessions, roundtables, exhibits for all flight school owners, operators, and anyone considering opening a flight school. This conference brings together flight training providers, vendors, suppliers, government agencies and professionals from the training industry to share tools, resources and ideas on doing business in the field of flight training. Learn/network/meet.
The 2019 conference is extra special. Not only are we celebrating our 10-year anniversary, we have doubled the learning topic opportunities of our previous conference by offering multiple concurrent session choices. Great topics, too; check them out in our registration brochure. Believe us when we say the 2019 conference & 10th anniversary celebration will be the place to be for anyone interested in the flight training industry.
Enjoy Additional Reception and Social
On Thursday at 6:30, attendees are invited to enjoy a special reception and social hosted by Republic Airline at the Rosen Plaza Hotel. This event is in addition to Wednesday's opening reception and 10th Anniversary Dinner hosted by Piedmont Airlines.
FSANA Officially Requests Relief for Affected Concerns from Government Shutdown
There are direct and real effects on the pilot training system in the United States as a result of the government shutdown that we believe can be in part alleviated through some allowance of extension of currencies of various parties engaged in the business of flight training. While it appears the government has been reopened at least temporarily at the writing of this newsletter, the effects of the previous weeks of shutdown will be ongoing as FAA staff work to catch up from the time they have not been in the office.
FSANA is working to help alleviate some of the effects of the government shutdown on flight training providers around the country. Specifically, we are aware of the fact that expiration of FAA Part 141 and 142 training programs authorizations represent a real potential threat to the continued provision of training. Additionally, the expiration of designees authorization for testing activities and the expiration of temporary airman certificates will limit students ability to continue training, testing, and to use their pilot certificates if they expire.
FSANA submitted a letter to the [Director of Flight Standards] of the FAA requesting relief and extension where appropriate to ensure that non-governmental entities and individuals who are normally authorized by governmental staff to do their activities be authorized to continue and that temporary certificates be considered valid beyond their normal 120-day currency period. These are critical requests that we hope the FAA will be able to address with the recent re-opening of the government, at least temporarily, and with limited FAA staff in the event that there is another shutdown.
If these requests are not allowed, FSANA has had direct indications from training providers that their ability to provide training will be limited or stopped.
The following are some examples of the potential effects if expiring authorizations are not able to be renewed, extended, or exempted.
Effects on 141/142 Programs
Part 141 training providers that expire will no longer be able to provide training in accordance with FAA 14 CFR 141 training requirements. They may still provide training under 14 CFR 61, but this would remove some of the allowances for reduced time minimums for their students, directly increasing the cost of training and expanding the number of hours students must complete to be eligible for ratings or certificates. Additionally, any training and testing that was then completed not under 14 CFR 141 would likely negate the ability for students to qualify in the future for Restricted ATP qualifications, additionally increasing the number of hours they would need to be eligible for future employment in some environments. FSANA is aware of at least one collegiate program that has a pending renewal and expiration of authorization and is already making plans to prioritize non-14 CFR 141 students if there is any lapse in ability to provide this training and to furlough staff that provides that training until such a time as it can be re-established.
Designee Currency Effects
FAA Designees who provide testing services on behalf of the FAA are even more critical at this time while the FAA is unable to fully provide services. Many of these designees experience currency requirements expiration for training normally provided by the FAA or renewal of their authorizations that expires at the end of calendar months. FSANA is aware of locations around the country where training normally conducted by the FAA had to be cancelled and additionally multiple examiners who are waiting renewal paperwork processing that has been unable to be completed during the shutdown. FSANA has requested that these designees be allowed to continue conducting their activities and given extensions of their authorizations until such a time as FAA staff is able to process them. If this is not possible, the testing and training system is going to begin to grind to a halt, with greater affect each month that additional expirations are experienced. This directly affects the ability to continue filling the pool of pilots required to fly in the United States.
Temporary Airman Certificates Expiring
The expiration of temporary airman certificates without an ability to obtain either new temporary airman certificates or the permanent certificates means that pilots will not be able to exercise their pilot privileges during any certificate lapse in currency. This also means that student pilots who are continuing training would not be able to do so and any pilots who have expired certificates would not be able to test for subsequent pilot ratings or certificates (a current pilot certificate is required for an FAA practical test). FSANA has asked that the FAA allow temporary certificates to be considered valid for longer than the standard 120-day period until such a time as the FAA is able to catch back up on processing or have staff available to issue new temporary certificates for those that experience expiration. The first to be affected by these will not actually be recipients of temporary certificates issued during the shutdown since December 19th, 2019, but those that had previously received temporary certificates back in November and some cases October for whom the shutdown delayed the process of certificates that would normally have already been received.
These are but a few of the examples of the effects of the shutdown on current flight training and testing operations around the country, but they are ones that FSANA is hopeful the FAA will be able to provide some relief.
We cannot guarantee that all the answers will be what we all hope, but FSANA has already had response from senior FAA staff that these are issues they are working on with priority and that they expect some relief and positive improvement to be available within the next couple of days. FSANA will provide updated information or any communication of relief when possible.
South Florida Regional Helicopter Safety Stand-down
Ft Lauderdale
Friday, February 15, 2019
Banyan Aviation at 5360 NW 20th Terrace, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309; phone 954-491-3170
Free Safety Education for Managers, Pilots and Maintainers
This full day of helicopter-specific content is intended for everyone on your safety team. Speakers from industry and government will discuss the real problems facing small helicopter operations in the greater South Florida region. Complimentary coffee and Danish and lunch will be provided. AMT and WINGS credits are available.
What to Tell Customers about Expiring Temporary Airman Certificates Obtained During or After the Shutdown
In consideration of the recent government shutdown, it is important for flight training providers to share with their customers who have obtained pilot certificates and/or ratings during that time that delays in the receipt of any permanent airman certificates to replace temporary certificates may be experienced. In previous shutdowns, as the FAA's airman registry processing service caught up, some of the individuals who had received temporary airman certificates did experience their expiration (120 days from their issuance) prior to receipt of the permanent plastic certificate.
Airmen experiencing expiry of their temporary airman certificate can only obtain a new temporary airman certificate by visiting their local FSDO office for a replacement while the permanent certificate is in process. Airmen who are approaching expiry of their temporary certificate are advised to contact their local FSDO and schedule an appointment to obtain a replacement temporary certificate if they plan to exercise the privileges of their certificate.
Another option may be to go to the FAA's Airman Services web page at
https://amsrvs.registry.faa.gov/amsrvs/Logon.asp and request an extension of temporary authority. This would need to be done prior to the expiration of a temporary certificate. Airman may also go into their IACRA account (assuming the practical test was processed using IACRA) and review the status of their application. If it indicates that it was "transferred to registry" it means the FAA has finalized processing of the certificate or rating and it is likely that a permanent certificate will be received shortly. An airman may choose to wait for this to arrive if they will not be exercising the privileges of their pilot certificate in what may be a short period of time between the expiry of a temporary airman certificate and the receipt of the plastic permanent certificate from the FAA.
An airman who has received a temporary certificate, and then before the 120 days passes obtains yet another rating or certificate is able to use the subsequent temporary certificate, again, until its expiry.
Understanding of this process is something that flight training providers can help spread with their customers as they obtain ratings and certificates during the government shutdown or after it. We all expect that the FAA will catch up on its processing but FSANA feels it important to help spread understanding of how this has worked in the past and how it is likely to proceed as a result of the most recent government shutdown.
The FAA recently released the following instructions. Click here to see what they are recommending.
Record Breaking Year for Alsim
2018 was Alsim's best year to date, selling close to 50 simulators to clients around the world, driven by the huge global demand for airline-ready pilots. Alsim understands from their clients that high fidelity, high immersion simulation is the best way to train the sheer volume of students that the FTOs are facing today. One hour of training in a simulator is a full solid hour, the sim is available all day every day, no matter the weather conditions. Alsim's clients feel the simulator is a much better and safer learning environment, and it is much more cost-effective. This helps Alsim understand the high demand for multiple orders; to mention a few: Egnatia ordered six simulators, Alsim won the bid for the five CAFUC simulators, four simulators with Kent State University, and 3 with Astonfly.
Alsim expects this growth and high demand to continue. In order to meet both, the company is in the process of expanding their production facilities in France and the USA later in 2019. Alsim marks its 25th anniversary in 2019 and is very much looking forward to another 25 years of supporting the global flight training market with its innovative training solutions.
Read more by clicking here.
Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner
FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner."
FSANA's core platforms include:
- Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
- Increasing the pilot population;
- Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
- Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
- Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
- Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
- Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.
To learn more, please contact
Debbie Sparks
, vice president, at
or 561-767-6826 or Dave Eiskowitz, development director, at dave@fsana.com or 610-737-5207.
University Air Center Flight School, Gainesville Florida
Looking for Certified Flight Instructors-Instrument for a full time busy flight school.
We fly Piper Warrior, Cessna 172 (G1000), Cessna 182 (Garmin glass), Cessna 210 and Piper Aztec. We have the option of time as flight instructor then move into the Caravan for Part 91 operations then to our Charter department flying Citation Jets. Come join the UAC team!
Flight Instructor Sought
Wanted CFI for 141 flight school, added ratings a plus, but not required. When not instructing, right seat on Navajo available for qualified applicant. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890
Charter Captain Wanted
Wanted Captain for 135 charter operation in Northeast. Flying Navajos & Seneca Minimum 1500 TT, 200 MEL. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890
We welcome feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of
Flight Training News
Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.