Mario Andretti 
May is Learn to Fly Month - What Will You Do to Promote New Students in Aviation? 
Learn to Fly Month, which starts May 1, 2018, is a continuation of the month-long initiative that FSANA began last year intended to facilitate flight training providers in attracting new potential entrants into the field of aviation. FSANA is again encouraging flight schools and organizations to collaborate and hold events and promotions focused on getting more people to learn to fly. 

Last year, FSANA staff interviewed Mario Andretti about his love of flight and his involvement as Learn to Fly Month Honorary Chairman.

Mario is an amazing race car driver. He's won Formula One, Indy Car, World Sports Car, and of course, NASCAR. He's been awarded Driver of the Year multiple times and even Driver of the Century. But that's not all, he also has a passion for aviation.

During that interview, which is still very pertinent to this year's efforts, Andretti stressed that, as he says, "I could not have lived or could not have done [what he has done] without either general aviation, which of course I was part of, I owned aircraft since 1968, but also, commercial aviation."

He continues to note that aviation, "was a tool that allowed me to complete my career, not only [to] facilitate movements from event to event, but also to have a family with me. Otherwise, I think that even would have been impossible with the type of schedule that I was keeping."

Andretti has owned and flown aircraft such as Piper Navajos, the Mitsubishi Mu-2, and a few bigger corporate-style aircraft such as the Gulfstream IIB and Hawker 600 and 700. While Andretti did not get a pilot's certificate, he did have the opportunity to fly some unique aircraft in his lifetime under the guidance of qualified instructors.

Mario believes that aviation offers a unique and rewarding career option and encourages "young people, whether male or female, to really look at the potential that there is out there for a career in flying."

FSANA looks forward to this year's Learn to Fly Month efforts around the country. In the mean time, feel free to hear what Mario had to say last year:
How Any Flight School Can Participate This May
All flight schools across the country are invited and encouraged to participate in Learn to Fly Month, not just FSANA members. If you haven't set anything in motion for this initiative yet, it isn't too late! FSANA is providing this set of six free tools intended to help flight schools and others interested in promoting Learn to Fly Month. Please take a moment to check them out and incorporate them into your own Learn to Fly Month events. 
  • "Ideas for Flight Schools" (PDF) ... A one-pager of how to create a fun and exciting event(s) at your business
  • Customizable press release template for your flight school or organization (DOC) 
  • Color photograph of Mario Andretti (PDF) ... Credit: Courtesy of Flight School Association of North America
  • Learn to Fly Month poster with Mario Andretti (PDF) 
  • Learn to Fly Month logo graphic for print (PDF) 
  • Learn to Fly Month logo graphic for web (simply "grab" the above graphic)
FSANA encourages all flight schools and others in the industry, including the supply chain and trade associations, to be involved. To find out how to participate, contact Debbie Sparks at 561-767-6826 or send an email to info@fsana.com


Dynon Avionics Receives First FAA STC for Installation of SkyView HDX in Type Certificated Aircraft

Dynon Avionics received its first Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for its flagship SkyView HDX system. The STC's Approved Model List (AML), which initially covers many Cessna 172 models, ushers in a new era of truly affordable, safety-enhancing integrated avionics systems for type certificated aircraft.
The initial STC is for the installation of a full suite of Dynon avionics, allowing pilots to remove the vast majority of their legacy instrumentation, including their vacuum pump. The SkyView HDX system provides complete primary flight instrumentation, including synthetic vision and angle of attack, and complete engine monitoring with CHTs, EGTs, fuel flow, fuel computer, and lean assist. Also approved is Dynon's fully-integrated two axis autopilot, which features IFR approach capability when SkyView is integrated with a compatible navigator. The approved installation also includes a Mode S Transponder with 2020-compliant ADS-B Out, Navigation and Mapping with Flight Planning ADS-B Traffic and Weather display, and Electronic Flight Bag features. Backup primary flight instruments are provided by a Dynon EFIS-D10A.
Robert Hamilton, Dynon president, says, "Dynon is excited to show pilots of type certificated aircraft what they've been missing. Our safety-enhancing avionics systems have been available to experimental and light sport aircraft for over 15 years, but this is the first time that pilots of type certificated aircraft will have a truly affordable way to upgrade their whole panel." 

The initial Approved Model List (AML) covers Cessna 172F, 172G, 172H, 172I, 172K, 172L, 172M, 172N, 172P, 172Q, 172R, and 172S models. Approval does not restrict the operational use of the aircraft, and allows for flight in both IFR and VFR. Dynon will be seeking additional approvals for both single and twin-engine aircraft in the coming months.

Pricing for the certified/PMA versions of approved Dynon products will be the same as existing experimental/light sport products. The STC for Cessna 172 aircraft is priced at $2,000. The first installations will be available in the coming weeks via US Sport Aircraft + Thrust Flight in Texas, Merrill Field Instruments in Alaska, and a Dynon-affiliated facility in the Pacific Northwest.
For more information, visit www.dynon.aero/certified


AeroCamp logo AeroCamp Season Approaching
AeroCamp is one of the many FSANA member programs designed to attract and help share the aviation and aerosapce experience with young people. The AeroCamp toolkit provides a complete A-to-Z overview with sample syllabi, business and financial plans along with a large range of graphics. The AeroCamp toolkit alone is valued at over $7,000 and FSANA members receive it as part of their membership.
Below is an AeroCamp ad from Triad Aviation Academy in Greensboro, NC. 
AeroCamp is a great way to introduce young people to the aviation industry while also enjoying above average profit margins. FSANA offers a 100% money back guarantee if a school does not earn enough to cover their annual FSANA membership dues. Contact FSANA to learn how you can launch AeroCamp in your community.
FSANA Membership Money-Back Guarantee - AeroCamp programs being held around the country have proven so successful that the Flight School Association is offering a membership dues money-back guarantee to any first-year member who runs a FSANA AeroCamp program. If by running an AeroCamp program following FSANA's AeroCamp toolkit guidelines for one summer season, your facility does not earn enough profit to cover your annual dues payment, your payment amount will be refunded or, if you prefer, your FSANA membership will be extended for a second year. Offer limited to flight school operators as defined in FSANA's membership application. Proof of AeroCamp operation required.  

Best Buy Card Winners from 2018 Flight School Operators Conference Survey
FSANA is please to announce that the following people have won Best Buy gift cards for providing feedback to the 2018 International Flight School Operators Conference Survey.
Joey Cook                   Express Jet
Verna Fitzsimmons      Kansas State University Polytechnic
Lorcan Kelly               Av-Ed Flight School
Del Kienholz               Channel Islands Aviation
Richard Middaugh       Prior Aviation Service
Roland Pinto               Meiya Group Global
Ronnie Greathouse      Coast Flight Training
G. Tyler Tenbrink         Piedmont Airlines
Ryan Tingley               CHI Aerospace
We are always looking for feedback on how to improve our products and services which includes the yearly conference. To help do that, FSANA conducted a feedback survey of attendees and picked several winners from those that provided feedback.
Thanks to all those that provided feedback and congratulations to the winners!

Call for 2019 (10th Anniversary) Flight School Operators Conference Presenters and Topics 
The 2018 International Flight School Operators Conference may have just been last month but we have already begun planning for next year. 
The 2019 conference will change format a little, moving to a series of multiple, concurrent presentation tracks over a two-day span. This will increase educational programming and provide for added content focus. 
The conference will be in Orlando during February of 2019. If there are topics you would like to see covered that relate to flight training, please let us know.  Additionally, if there is a subject area that you might want to present to attendees, get in touch with us and we will see if your content is a good fit for the conference. The content topics can include anything that impacts the flight training industry. This includes the supply chain that helps keep the industry moving forward. Please contact FSANA at 610-791-4359 or email info@fsana.com. Include "FSANA 2019 Conference"  in the subject line.


New SEVP Portal Launching
On March 23, 2018, SEVP launched the SEVP Portal, a new tool that allows F-1 students on post-completion optional practical training and M-1 students on practical training to report certain information directly to SEVP.

Learn more about the SEVP Portal and how to ensure eligible students can create an account on Study in the States. For more in-depth information about how to use the portal, visit the SEVP Portal Help section.
Learn more about this at:
Regal Aviation Insurance ad
Flight Academy Advisors ad

ERAU Offers Aviation English Training Course
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University has recently rolled out a new training course focused on ensuring pilot training applicants meet FAA English language requirements.
The Aviation English for Flight Training course is a great way to prepare for flight training. Being proficient in the English language is absolutely necessary for safety and efficiency in flight school. We are proud to provide this program which will teach English skills, but with equal focus on aviation knowledge. Learn more about this at:

Director of Flight Operations Sought at Kansas State Polytechnic
A full-time position that reports directly to the CE and Dean of the Campus, this position is responsible for the succesful operation of the flight school. A salary range between $80,947 - $145,704 highlights competitive salary ranges that will be adjusted based on applicant qualifications and experience. Click here for a pdf of the job posting or by visiting

Check Airmen Wanted - $45,000 at AeroGuard Flight Training Center in Phoenix, AZ)
Main reponsibility includes conducting FAR 141 recurrent training, check out flights on new hire CFIs, spot checks on line CFIs, perform remedial training, and observation flights. Must have CFI, CFII, and MEI certificates with 6 months experience as a CFI and be able to pass a Part 141 stage check pilot proficiency check for both single and multi-engine airplanes.  AeroGuard offers a variety of benefits: Paid PTO, medical, dental, vision and 401K with company match.
Submit a resume to recruiter@flyaeroguard.com or call for more information at 623-580-7913.

Full Time Faculty Flight Instructor at WMU
Western Michigan University is seeking a full time faculty flight instructor based in Battle Creek, MI. This position is salaried, has full time benefits and retirement, and a competitive pay level for qualified candidates. Visit https://www.wmujobs.org/applicants/jsp/shared/position/JobDetails_css.jsp?postingId=190273 for information about the position or to apply.

Flight Instructor Sought 
Wanted CFI for 141 flight school, added ratings a plus, but not required.  When not instructing, right seat on Navajo available for qualified applicant. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890 vern@moyeraviation.com.

Charter Captain Wanted
Wanted Captain for 135 charter operation in Northeast. Flying Navajos & Seneca Minimum 1500 TT, 200 MEL. Respond to  Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890  vern@moyeraviation.com
We want feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of  Flight Schools News eMonthly Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.
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AeroCamp brochure
AeroParty brochure
AeroSolo brochure