TSA Reviewing Interim Final Rule for the Alien Flight Student Program 49 CFR Part 1552 - Open Again to Public Comments on the Regulation
In 2004, the TSA published an interim rule relating to the vetting and approval process for flight training provided to non-US citizens. Since then, the industry has been working under interim rules that were to eventually be followed by final rules. Government processes such as these do take time, and the TSA is now working to finalize a rule that will no longer be interim. In this effort, the TSA has again offered a short period of time that it will accept comments from interested parties.
These rules govern the approval processes, the types and frequency of training that training providers must have and provide for their staff, and the security and vetting processes that are conducted for potential students. They may also include things such as limitations on time periods for training to be completed, what documentation must be submitted, and what fees the providers or students will incur in the process of training approval.
The TSA has specifically noted that the goal of accepting public comments is to,
"ensure TSA has adequately considered relevant options, we are reopening the comment period on the IFR. In particular, TSA is requesting comments on three types of issues: Scope of security threat assessments (STAs), including who should receive them and the frequency of such assessments; options for reducing the burden of recordkeeping requirements, including the use of electronic records; and sources of data on costs and other programmatic impacts of the rule."
FSANA encourages flight training providers who are engaged with providing flight training to non-US citizens to carefully review this rule proposal and provide any feedback they may find helpful to the TSA to ensure that any training burden is not increased while still helping the TSA ensure that safety and security is maintained.
and must be received by June 18, 2018.
A Message from FSANA's President
We are approaching the summer season which means more flying, increased flight training and more daylight. All of these things add up to more fun for people of all ages.
FSANA is heading toward our 10th Anniversary in 2019. Our conference committee is starting to develop the much expanded content for our 2019 flight school operators conference which will include a wide selection of concurrent sessions to meet attendees diverse interests.
As we reflect back to the start of FSANA, we ask ourselves if FSANA is making a difference? The answer is 100% yes. Today, we have flight school owners, operators, managers and related staff who happily exchange in conversation and learn from each other. There is a higher level of collaboration within the industry and FSANA has been the organization that created this new culture.
On a global basis, airplanes and helicopters that navigate in the air require qualified pilots. FSANA is pleased to announce that the trade association is now welcoming members from all continents. The word international will begin to appear as we advance forward on our mission. We look forward to meeting more of our friends and associates who deliver and transfer flight education on all corners of the globe.
When asked by the news media or parents with young children about the timing for pilot less aircraft with passengers, I respond with inputs that clearly indicate that we have many years before fully pilot less aircraft will possibly be wisking people off to far away destinations.
I may be wrong but I envision human pilots to be in the cockpit of aircraft carrying people for almost ever. Safety is the cornerstone of our industry and machine decision making should always be questioned since machines are designed and created by humans. We all recognize that there are no perfect humans.
We need to continue to encourage people to get out and learn to fly and explore the vastness of the aerospace industry. Collectively, the aerospace industry generates between 2%-4% of the United States annual gross domestic product (GDP).
We are in a fun industry which brings people to a new dimension in their lives.
We are reminded on a regular basis that flight schools are in the people business. People fly airplanes first and foremost. It just so happens that people earn the privilege of being called a pilot.
FSANA continues to offer a membership dues money back guarantee to all members who operate one of our many programs during the year. We can make this offer because our programs work and they attract new customers on a regular basis.
We encourage all flight training providers to become members of FSANA. Together with our members, we continue to help shape and evolve the
"Business of Flight Training."
Bob Rockmaker
President & CEO
FSANA 10th Anniversary And 2019 Flight School Operators Conference Feb 13-15, 2019
FSANA is pleased to announce that the 2019 Flight School Operators Conference is set for Feb 13-15, 2019 at the Rosen Plaza in Orlando, Florida.
The 2019 conference will have a much expanded grouping of concurrent sessions which will increase the delivery of educational transfer for all attendees.
Room reservations for the 10th Anniversary conference and celebration will open in June and FSANA highly recommends that people book their rooms ASAP.
We will provide more information in upcoming newsletters and releases, but in the mean time, save the date in your calendar and plan to join us for another year of fantastic seminar content dedicated to providing useful information for those involved in the business of providing flight training!
Designated Pilot Examiners (DPE's) Wanted
Over 98% of all airman practical tests are administered through the FAA's Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) program. By many accounts, and especially in some areas, there is a shortage of DPE's.
In the 1990's, there were over 1,700 DPE's in the FAA's system. Today, that number hovers around 812. There are many people who think that only airline pilots can qualify to be DPE's. That is simply not true. Highly experienced instructors and general aviation pilots with experience in multiple makes and models of aircraft are equally qualifiable and may times even better candidates for service as DPEs.
FSANA is leading an industry wide working group which is working with the FAA on a wide array of topics, all related to the airman practical testing process. A part of this work includes
working with the FAA at the national level to evaluate the process and need for DPEs around the country. The FAA and FSANA is encouraging airman who feel they meet the DPE requirements to begin the application process.
Becoming a DPE isn't something that happens overnight, it takes time and some effort. It takes a dedication to service, to following FAA procedures and processes, and an ability to be a good representative of the FAA as a designee. If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for becoming a DPE, more information is available.
Reminder Airman Testing Feedback Sought by FAA
FSANA has previously noted that feedback is sought about FAA practical test procedures and experiences.
To gain more direct feedback, the FAA has established an email address to send any concerns, questions and/or positive feedback about the practical testing process and those that provide the tests. The email is as follows:
Applicants and flight training providers are encouraged to use this address to directly contact the FAA at the national level to have any concerns addressed and reviewed. This is a customer centric feedback opportunity for the practical test segment of airmen testing.
FSANA encourages applicants, DPEs, and training providers to use this feedback mechanism to provide information about testing experiences and processes so national policy can be reviewed and modified as appropriate.
BAY FLIGHT 2018 to be held on Saturday, October 27, 2018 New conference announced for San Francisco Bay Area pilots.
On Saturday, October 27th, San Carlos Flight Center, SCFC, will host a full day conference for San Francisco Bay area general aviation pilots. Launching a new annual conference, "BAY FLIGHT 2018" will feature safety seminars, panel discussions, and speakers for pilots interested in staying current about the latest topics in aviation, learning new skills and techniques, and hearing from leaders in the field. Taking place at the Seaport Conference Center in Redwood City, CA, the event will be anchored by a keynote address by Rod Machado. The pilots, aircraft owners, controllers, and educators in attendance will be able to choose between three tracks of panels, presentations, and seminars, ending the day with an Air Traffic Control panel discussion on ways to improve pilot/controller communication.
BAY FLIGHT 2018 is the natural extension of San Carlos Flight Center's active safety seminar and guest speaker program. For more than 6 years, the San Carlos Flight Center has hosted events every Wednesday evening and every Saturday at noon at their office at San Carlos Airport. The events welcome local pilots for ongoing training, discussion, and exposure to the latest and greatest in general aviation, and has become the center of the pilot community at San Carlos Airport. Each year, more than 2,300 Bay Area pilots attend one or more events at San Carlos Flight Center.
The inaugural BAY FLIGHT 2018 event begins at 9:00 AM Saturday morning with a kick-off presentation by noted aviation educator and humorist, Rod Machado. "I am thrilled that we finally have a venue large enough to invite Rod Machado in to speak to us," said Dave Kramer, FAASTeam Member and Seminar Coordinator at SCFC. "We have had many great presenters over the years, but we have always hoped someday to welcome in Mr. Machado."
The day continues with 12 breakout sessions and seminars in three tracks. Some of the seminar topics are pulled from the most popular and oft-repeated safety seminar topics at the San Carlos Flight Center.
Hangaround LLC Hosts Drawing for Free Custom Website that Promotes General Aviation
Hangaround, LLC is hosting a drawing to give one lucky aviation organization a free custom website plus a year of free hosting.
Hangaround is on a mission to increase interest and spread awareness of general aviation while making it more accessible and connected. One of the ways we are doing this is by helping ensure every aviation organization is easily accessible online. Participation and growth in general aviation has been decreasing in the last decade, but we believe that the reversal of this trend can begin with something as simple as a strong online presence.
We are excited to invite you to our giveaway and kindly request that you share this opportunity with your network of aviation organizations.
The giveaway will run through the end of May, and a winner will be announced on June 1st, 2018.
A link to the contest entry form and more information can be found here:
For any questions, concerns or information on our company, please visit or send an email to
Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner
FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner."
FSANA's core platforms include:
- Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
- Increasing the pilot population;
- Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
- Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
- Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
- Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
- Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.
To learn more, please contact
Debbie Sparks
, vice president, at
or 561-767-6826 or Dave Eiskowitz, development director, at or 610-737-5207.
Wanted CFI for 141 flight school, added ratings a plus, but not required.
When not instructing, right seat on Navajo available for qualified applicant.
Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890
Charter Captain Wanted
Wanted Captain for 135 charter operation in Northeast. Flying Navajos & Seneca Minimum 1500 TT, 200 MEL.
Respond to
Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890
We welcome feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of
Flight Training News
Send your thoughts to