DPE Policy Changes Effective to Hopefully Alleviate Some Practical Testing Backlogs
Last week the FAA released FAA Notice 8900.485 that is the first of changes in DPE activity policies that FSANA and other industry representatives have been working with the FAA to effect over the past year. We told you some were coming, and here are the first of them that we hope will help alleviate some backlogs of practical tests in some areas.
The highlighted changes in this notice include that:
- DPE's may conduct the tests for which they are authorized without restriction as was previously typically established on a basis of their FSDO boundaries;
- Initial CFI practical tests can directly be scheduled with examiners who have authorization to conduct those tests. They no longer must contact a FSDO office to have an examiner assigned;
- DPE's are now authorized to give up to 3 full practical tests and an unlimited number of "retests" in a day; and,
- DPE's must provide a minimum of 24 hours notice of any practical test activity to their managing office.
These changes will allow DPE's who were previously near FSDO boundaries to operate without the previous geographic restrictions, to offer specialty tests such as glider or seaplane testing throughout the country, and for examiners who may find themselves regularly or seasonally in other areas, to provide tests without needing prior approval from local FSDO offices to do so. DPE's must still provide notification to their managing office of the tests they have scheduled, and this notice further highlighted the fact that their managing office must have at least 24 hours notice prior to the conduct of any test. The eased restrictions will provide some degree of flexibility to the potential constrictions that may have slowed practical test production in the past.
The increase in allowable number of practical tests in a day is intended to allow DPE's to "fit in" more testing activities that are short time footprints such as retesting only partial flight portions of practical tests (think 3 students who may have to do short field landings only) or shorter practical tests such as a commercial-single-engine add-on or a sea-plane add-on practical test. These tests do not require as long of times to complete and could legitimately allow a DPE to conduct more tests in a day. It is not expected that a DPE might fit in 3 full initial private pilot or commercial multi-engine initial practical tests that have much longer time requirements in a single day.
This notice is the result of input received by the FAA from the flight training community to allow for more testing to take place in each day by each DPE to help alleviate shortage issues relating to the securing of practical tests.
The FSANA lead industry task force continues to collaborate with the FAA to effect positive testing administrative changes which will allow airman practical test candidates to schedule a practical test within 14 days once they are signed off by their CFI.
Congressional Bill Proposed to Allow Deferment of Interest on Federal Loans for Collegiate Aviation Degree Recipients
Congressman Mike Coffman from Colorado has proposed a bill that would allow
"Deferral Of Loan Repayment During Accrual of Aeronautical Experience."
The text indicates that it would "deferral of repayment of a loan made under this title pursuant to section 428(b)(1)(M), 455(f)(2) or 464(c)(2)(A)" the option to be "eligible for a deferment, during which periodic installments of principal need not be paid and interest shall not accrue, for a period not to exceed 3 years following the attainment of a bachelor's degree"..."with an aviation major from an institution of higher education that has been issued a letter of authorization by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration under section 61.169 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations; and (2) is actively working to accrue the aeronautical experience required to apply for an airline transport pilot certificate."
This bill has been proposed at this time with no other action taken as yet, which means it will need to go through committee review, get modifications, eventually go for a full vote, and need to be referred to the Senate for additional consideration. In the interim, FSANA has engaged with the Congressman and his staff to discuss potential expansion of funding outlets and methodology that would expand beyond just the collegiate environment and include vocational training. FSANA believes this is critical to filling the needs for the aviation pilot and mechanic employment needs in out industry.
As this discussion moves forward, FSANA will be seeking direct input on this bill and additional considerations from members about these types of funding mechanisms. Stay tuned for more as FSANA works with this bill and related issues.
FAA NPRM Proposes Allowance of Experimental Aircraft for Training for Compensation
Historically disallowed, the FAA has recently proposed in an NPRM to
"add [regulatory] language that permits training in experimental light sport aircraft (ELSA) for compensation or hire through existing deviation authority provided in paragraph (h) of that section."
This is something that was not allowed in the past, and in response to industry requests, proposed rules are now available for comment from the aviation industry. Justification for this proposal specifically cited,
"the currently limited supply of adequate aircraft for the flight training of light sport and ultralight operators."
This is not an indication that any and all experimental aircraft would be able to be used for compensation based training, but that under certain conditions it would be more easily able to be conducted.
The FAA noted that:
"To ensure these aircraft are used solely for the purpose of flight training and to better control and monitor the use of ELSA for flight training, the FAA proposes to require a LODA for operators who intend to conduct flight training compensation or hire using ELSA The 2004 Light Sport Final Rule created the LODA process to allow training for compensation or hire using certain categories of experimental aircraft."
and that,
"The FAA would issue a LODA on the basis of the eligibility of the aircraft and its maintenance requirements, the applicant, (6) the instructor, and the type of training desired. LODA holders would be required to own or lease the aircraft and would be ultimately responsible for ensuring that the aircraft, training, maintenance and instructor(s) meet the requirements specified by the LODA. The aircraft would be required to have completed its initial flight testing, have been granted an experimental airworthiness certificate and be maintained in accordance with either an FAA approved inspection program, in accordance with the provisions of 91.409(b) or 91.409(e), (f)(4), and (g). The aircraft must have been inspected by an FAA-certificated mechanic with airframe and powerplant ratings, a certified repairman with the appropriate qualifications for the subject aircraft, or a certified repair station in accordance with the requirements of 91.319(g)."
FSANA encourages flight training providers to review this and provide feedback as appropriate.
Flight School Conference Program Doubling in Size
The 10th annual conference program is now available and registration is open.
Attendee Registration Now Open
Room reservations are now open for the 2019 Flight School Operators Conference Feb 13-15, 2019 at the Rosen Plaza in Orlando, Florida.
The FSANA conference committee has been hard at work. The 2019 conference will double the content offerings and many flight schools will want to send more than one person.
Please book your room now since the hotel will sell out. The 2019 conference & 10th anniversary celebration will be the place to be for anyone interested in the flight training industry.
To reserve your room,
call 800-627-8258 and request GROUP RATE
for Flight School Association Of North America 10th Annual Conference.
Ground Transportation
Ground Transportation to the Rosen Plaza from Orlando International Airport is available by Mears Transportation.
Enrollment Resources - Company focused on helping convert potential students into customers expanding services to flight training industry
FSANA is pleased to announce that Enrollment Resources has become an annual "Partner".
The company is now focusing on expanding their services to flight training providers to help increase customer conversion:
Improving conversion rates in terms of marketing and admissions is based in lean management -- a production methodology used in manufacturing airplanes, as an example. If in working with a school we can increase the lead to sit ratio from 5% to 7% that's only a 2% improvement. Yet 7 over 5 is a 40% lift...Tiny incremental process improvements translate into significant lifts in enrollments.
Suzanne, myself and our entire team at Enrollment Resources are excited about joining the Flight School industry. When travelling we are so grateful that quality pilots are up front and we are excited that trend will continue, thanks to the good work of flight schools, supported by the
Flight School Association of North America.
As we meet with various members we will offer you free sessions on our GAP analysis, which we call Scorecard. We can teach you some tricks that you can implement yourself that will increase your Enrollments right away.
We at ER are excited about joining the group and will do our best to help!
Warm regards,
Gregg Meiklejohn, co-founder & CEO
Alsim Opens New Demo Center and Sim Lab in Florida
ALSIM has once again expanded its presence in North America with a new joint Alsim/Cirrus Aviation demonstration center and simulation lab in Florida, United States. Officially opening this week, the new facility at Sarasota Bradenton International Airport contains Alsim's latest simulation products including the AL172 and AL250.
This mix of both generic and type-specific simulators with Alsim's High Definition Visual Systems complements each other and covers several important elements of VFR and IFR flight. The generic allows for student pilots to gain a general understanding of single engine and multi-engine piston flight deck philosophies with both analog or 'steam gauges' and glass. The type-specific Cessna 172SP Skyhawk Nav III is particularly useful for IR and renewals due to the exact flight deck layout and controls, and real Garmin G1000.
Cirrus Aviation, builder of the facility and one of Alsim's clients, will play a crucial role in the operation. Cirrus Aviation's staff will help provide expertise into improving aspects of the simulator. This will include developing training scenarios, integrating curriculum, utilization of debriefing stations, and more, all while keeping focused on the critically important overall realism of the devices.
"We always say our clients are our best critics. A large part of our development and improvements at ALSIM are driven by our clients and their constant, helpful feedback. We feel we partner with them rather than sell to them and this a perfect example of such a case," explains Mike Tonkin, Alsim After Sales and Business Development Director.
"It's important to have a place where prospective clients can come and spend hours touching, feeling, and flying, not just one, but multiple sims, and get their questions answered. What better place than with a great client that always makes you feel at home, and that uses the sims day in and day out," adds Alsim's Sales and Business Development Manager in North America, Dr. Scott Firsing.
This expansion comes after Alsim opened a sales and marketing office in Austin, Texas, in mid-2017, followed by customer support and soon-to-come United States assembly and production in mid-2019.
About Cirrus Aviation
Cirrus Aviation has been training aviators in Sarasota, Florida, since 1994. It offers full training through professional and recreational programs, and it is an official Liberty University Flight Training Affiliate. Cirrus has a full fleet of modern and well-maintained aircraft and is recognized in the industry for its excellence in flight training, most recently receiving a 2017 Flight Training Experience award from AOPA. For more information about Cirrus Aviation, please visit the website:
About Alsim
ALSIM has been developing and manufacturing FAA & EASA certified flight simulators since 1994. Today the company has more than 300 certified flight training devices in service with over 220 clients worldwide. Alsim media contact
Elise Peterson (
US Marketing & Communications Manager) at
e.peterson@alsim.com or
512- 962-7665 or more information at:
Don't Miss Out on FSANA Membership Benefits - If You are not already a member, Join Today!
The Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is a trade association that provides member only benefits. Benefits include:
- AeroCamp
- AeroChapters
- AeroParty
- AeroSolo
- Airport relations guidance
- Aircraft renters insurance
- Background check programs
- Career advancement opportunities
- Contact data acquisition
- Customer relationship management (CRM) software
- Discounted rates for conferences and seminars
- Email marketing software
- Flight school accreditation
- Flight school awards programs
- Flight training advocacy
- Industry advocacy
- Loss of training expense insurance
- National marketing programs to attract new customers
- Networking
- Operational assistance
- Post-secondary aviation distance learning
- Public awareness of FSANA programs for consumers
- Technical assistance
- Tenant relations guidance
- Trade association support on flight training issues
- Youth programs
To learn more about becoming a member, Click Here.
Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner
FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner."
FSANA's core platforms include:
- Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
- Increasing the pilot population;
- Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
- Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
- Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
- Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
- Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.
To learn more, please contact
Debbie Sparks
, vice president, at
or 561-767-6826 or Dave Eiskowitz, development director, at dave@fsana.com or 610-737-5207.
University Air Center Flight School, Gainesville Florida
Looking for Certified Flight Instructors-Instrument for a full time busy flight school.
We fly Piper Warrior, Cessna 172 (G1000), Cessna 182 (Garmin glass), Cessna 210 and Piper Aztec. We have the option of time as flight instructor then move into the Caravan for Part 91 operations then to our Charter department flying Citation Jets. Come join the UAC team!
Flight Instructor Sought
Wanted CFI for 141 flight school, added ratings a plus, but not required. When not instructing, right seat on Navajo available for qualified applicant. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890
Charter Captain Wanted
Wanted Captain for 135 charter operation in Northeast. Flying Navajos & Seneca Minimum 1500 TT, 200 MEL. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890
We welcome feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of
Flight Training News
Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.