Meet Ms. Afton Kinkade, FSANA Youth Envoy at Annual Conference
FSANA Youth Envoy, Ms. Afton Kinkade, will be participating at the 9th Annual Flight School Operators Conference that is being held in San Diego from
February 12-15, 2018
With her passion for aviation, Afton will be helping FSANA build a vibrant youth program focused on young people so that they can become better acquainted with the aviation industry.
The 2018 conference will bring together flight school operators, vendors, training suppliers, government agencies and professionals from the training industry to share tools, resources and ideas on how to improve business practices in the field of flight training.
The FSANA conference is a once-a-year opportunity to meet old friends, make new friends and to collectively address the challenges unique to running a flight training business. The interaction that takes place at this conference is unlike any other in the flight training industry.
Regional Airlines on Hand to Meet Flight School Operators
A number of the Part 121 regional airlines will be attending the 2018 conference and are looking forward to meeting one-on-one with flight training providers from across America. The conference offers a quality setting where training providers and the airlines can speak openly and learn how they can further collaborate.
Still Time for Early Bird Registration and Hotel Booking
The conference will be held at the Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa on Mission Bay. Book now for special room rates for attendees. Click the following link to book
room reservations.
FSANA Seeking Data on Cost of Airman Practical Tests
Following up on the effort to determine capacity of practical test provision, FSANA is interested in evaluating what prices are being charged for practical tests. We are working to gauge general trends in practical test pricing as provided by DPEs. We recognize that pricing varies from state-to-state and region-to-region.
Your input as a CFI, flight training provider, DPE, student or airman at any level is greatly appreciated. Please provide input based on experience with practical test pricing within the past two years.
FSANA Promotes Member Schools in USA Today to Over 1.2 Million
Continuing our effort to promote member schools, just before Christmas FSANA put an advertisement in USA Today that drove readers to visit FSANA.com to find flight training providers that offer training.
This type of advertising is just one of the many efforts FSANA makes to help promote member training providers and the businesses they operate around the country.
Taking advantage of the idea of giving the gift of learning to fly, FSANA did this to drive readers to the FSANA webpage where they would find the advertisement below, that links to a list FSANA members and the states from which they operate to provide flight training. Feel free to click the advertisement below to see the list that any reader would have found as a result of this advertisement.
Vulcan Announces FAA Certification of 4-seat Aircraft
Remo De Feo, CEO of Vulcanair, and Chris Benaiges, CEO of U.S. distributor Ameravia, are excited to announce receipt of the FAA type certificate for the Vulcanair V1.0.
This FAA certification elevates the Vulcanair V1.0, a four-seat, single-engine aircraft with an IO-360 180 hp Lycoming engine, equipped with a full IFR Garmin G500 avionics package, as the new higher standard in the training/recreational aircraft category. An excellent aircraft for training, the V1.0 has been operating as an EASA-certified aircraft in Europe for some time. Because of the standard constant-speed propeller, it has superior speed (maximum cruise speed 130 KTAS), useful load (919 lbs.) and climb rate over other aircraft in this market.
The V1.0 is a rugged aircraft originally designed for European flight school and aero club markets. This European general aviation market almost always operates out of grass strips and requires a design that can withstand decades of wear by new students dealing with coarse and uneven airfield terrain.
Vulcanair has acquired more than 60 V1.0 orders in 2017. Aircraft deliveries will begin before Sun 'n Fun 2018, where the aircraft will be on display. Learn more at
ATP Flight School Adds King Schools Courses to Curriculum
Airline Transport Professionals Flight School (ATP), the nation's leader in providing the most efficient training path to a successful airline pilot career, has recently added King Schools' online video courses as a key element in their Airline Career Pilot Program.
On sign-up, students will get a head start with the King Schools Private Pilot Ground School and Test Prep Course. Then, when they start their flight training, they will be enrolled in the King Schools Private Pilot Practical Test Course, which provides HD video showing a model checkride with an FAA examiner using the new Airmen Certification Standards (ACS). And to provide a leg up in operating the Garmin 430, the standardized GPS platform in the ATP fleet, students will also receive the King Schools Garmin 430 Online Video Course. All three courses are integrated into ATP's online student portal, where students can go for handy access to resources needed during their training
"We've gotten rave responses from our students about the King video courses," said Justin Dennis, president of ATP. "We take students from zero time to an airline cockpit in about two years. To make that happen we have to be organized and efficient. The clear, simple and practical King courses will be key in helping us accomplish that. We are looking to expand our use of King online video courses in the future," continued Dennis.
King Schools' co-founder, John King, commented, "We have some fun with the teaching, and ATP's students recognize and appreciate that. Also, the courses can be viewed online on any device and are compatible with the King Schools Companion App, which enables offline access with synched progress on iPhones and iPads. The students can take the King courses anywhere and study them anytime, which is exactly what ATP's students need."
"We are delighted to be part of ATP's career pilot training program," added Martha King, the other co-founder of King Schools. "With over 40 locations, ATP is the leading supplier of professionally trained pilots to the nation's regional airlines."
About King Schools For over 40 years, students and pilots at all levels have enjoyed King Schools´ clear, simple and fun video courses. King Schools estimates that over 50% of the pilots flying in the U.S. today have learned with King. The company is also a leader in on-line pilot certification and avionics training for pilots of high-performance and turbine aircraft.
3840 Calle Fortunada, San Diego CA 92123
About Airline Transport Professionals Flight School
ATP's Airline Career Pilot Program prepares pilots for airline careers from zero time to 1,500 hours, with CFI jobs and airline employment. Addressing the pilot shortage, airlines attract new pilots to the industry with ATP's Tuition Reimbursement Program, where airlines sponsor a portion of pilots' flight training loan repayment. ATP also provides type-rating and ATP CTP certification. ATP's 300 aircraft fly over 211,000 hours annually to provide nearly 5,900 FAA pilot certificates each year.
PO Box 1784, Ponte Vedra Beach FL 32004
Regional Airline Association Annual Report Available
The first job for many pilots who form the customer base for many flight training providers is at a regional airline. Knowing that, it is important for flight training providers to understand the trends and opportunities that flight training customers may encounter and take advantage of as a result. One way to do that is to review the data that is reported by the Regional Airline Association (RAA).
Recently, the RAA has issued its annual report that tracks a great number of items that may be of interest to flight training providers who are working to prepare customers for service as pilots at these carriers. Inside you will see the latest industry traffic statistics and trends, updated fleet information, a state-by-state analysis of regional airline service and much more.
Journey Air Purchases First ALSIM AL42 Simulator in North America
ALSIM has announced the sale of an AL42 simulator to
Journey Air, a Canadian flight school located in Windsor, Ontario. This will be the first AL42, a replica of the Diamond DA42, in North America.
Based at the Windsor International Airport, less than 10 miles from Detroit, Journey Air is in a prime location to take advantage of Canada's four seasons, as well as the opportunity to interact with U.S. flight controllers -- something that U.S. military pilots go to Windsor for.
Journey Air works closely with the University of Windsor on their Aeronautics Leadership Program, which was developed in response to the growing demand for pilots. The AL42 will help train future pilots in this program.
Jonathan Carnie, Journey Air's Operations manager says, "Our aim was to find a flight training device which would replicate our multi engine and instrument training aircraft as closely as possible, enabling us to maximize the transfer of training from the device to the aircraft and keep our operation running as efficiently as possible. After looking at different manufacturers, we decided on the ALSIM AL42. Between the high quality of the simulation and the device itself, along with ALSIM's reputation for excellent customer support, it was an easy decision to make."
Journey Air joins a growing list of global flight schools located throughout Asia, Europe and the Middle East that own and operate an ALSIM AL42.
About Journey Air Ltd
Located at the Windsor International Airport - CYQG, Journey Air provides flight training to the public and also in partnership with the University of Windsor through their Aeronautics Leadership Program. Their facility and fleet of aircraft are geared toward flight training and making the learning experience enjoyable for students. Learn more at
Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner
FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner."
FSANA's core platforms include:
- Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
- Increasing the pilot population;
- Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
- Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
- Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
- Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
- Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
For their part, FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.
To learn more, please contact
Debbie Sparks
, vice president, at
Central Florida Airport Seeks Flight School
Private airport 2FA6 with 4,170 ft. long improved turf runway seeks flight school to locate onsite to provide flight instruction to local demand. New hangars being built, can buy or rent new hangar to operate. 2 miles from Florida Turnpike and 5 miles from
I-75 near Wildwood.
Airport one mile from growing area near The Villages adding 200 homes per month - great location for kids AeroCamp, many affluent grandparents to sponsor their grandkids.
Flight Instructor Sought
Flight instructor needed to head up innovative light sport flight school on the New Hampshire seacoast. Full time position with salary plus flight time. Respond to 978-764-2988.
Flight Instructor Sought
Wanted CFI for 141 flight school, added ratings a plus, but not required.
When not instructing, right seat on Navajo available for qualified applicant.
Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mts., Pa. 800-321-5890
Charter Captain Wanted
Wanted Captain for 135 charter operation in Northeast. Flying Navajos & Seneca Minimum 1500 TT, 200 MEL.
Respond to
Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mts., Pa. 800-321-5890
We want feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of
Flight Schools News eMonthly
Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.