Care Plan Numbers Don't Lie
The pharmacy staff within many Flip the Pharmacy locations has been busy documenting Care Plans within their workflow all while managing challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic. Take a look at the latest eCare Plan numbers from the Flip the Pharmacy program.
Active Flip the Pharmacy Cohorts (both 2 and 3):
602 Pharmacies
239,061 eCare Plans were received (since October 2021)
99.3 Care Plans per pharmacy, per month
409 pharmacies submitted a Care Plan with a blood pressure reading
41 Care Plans per pharmacy with a blood pressure reading
Total Care Plans for the Flip the Pharmacy Initiative:
2,260,450 Care Plans
(October 2019 through January 2022)
A big shout out to all of our Flip the Pharmacy pharmacies for the hard work you have put into providing excellent longitudinal patient care!