JULY 2020
The Evolution of Flip the Pharmacy
and Practice Transformation

This past month there has been a buzz about a new initiative—the NCPA Innovation Center/CPESN Community Pharmacy Fellowship ( See article below ). As Director of Practice Development for Flip the Pharmacy, I have been asked by CPESN pharmacists what is the difference between the Fellowship and Flip the Pharmacy and should they choose one over the other.  My response is based on my own professional career, the experiences that I have had in practice transformation, and providing training to residents for the past twenty years. 

Flip the Pharmacy and the new Community Pharmacy Fellowship are not mutually exclusive. In fact they are very complementary to each other in the following way.  Flip the Pharmacy is about practice transformation—creating the capacity of the practice to support the provision of enhanced services.  Creating the capacity is moving the pharmacy from the focus on product dispensing to provision of patient care services. This requires that the pharmacists have the time and resources to do this—which is why we have the six domains of practice transformation as part of Flip the Pharmacy—each practice site makes the necessary changes within the practice (medication synchronization, patient monitoring, optimal use of non-pharmacist personnel, maximizing the use of technology, creating collaborative working relationships with other providers, and developing a new business model for payment. It’s all about the practice.

The Fellowship, on the other hand, is about the individual—the fellow.  Once site has the capacity, it many times takes a trained “change agent” to develop, implement, and evaluate enhanced services.  The program which is focused on developing the skills and knowledge of the fellow to be successful in practice transformation, management, and patient care. Fellows will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding in practice guidelines, disease state management, and behavioral health. How to ensure patients’ medications are optimized so that they are achieving therapeutic outcomes with safe and effective medications. It’s about developing the knowledge and skills sets of the fellow—who becomes the change agent for the practice.

One initiative (e.g. Flip the Pharmacy or Fellowship) without the other may not maximize practice transformation and the delivery of enhanced services. In fact, I have witnessed first-hand practices that have transformed—creating the capacity (including time) to support patient care services—but the current staff was not sure what to do in this new environment. Contrary to this situation, I also have trained residents to be change agents—but if they are put into a practice environment that has not, and will not, transform to support their initiatives—they become frustrated and become disengaged. When these two initiatives are combined—the outcomes of practice transformation and patient care are maximized and the practice elevates to the highest level of advanced practices focused on patient care and delivery of enhanced services.

It is exciting to see what CPESN USA has become in a few short years. Flip the Pharmacy has created a tremendous movement of practice transformation and now we have the NCPA Innovation Center/CPESN Community Pharmacy Fellowship—which will create a cohort of change agents to help lead the way!
Randy McDonough, PharmD, MS, BCGP, BCPS, FAPhA
Director of Practice Transformation, Flip the Pharmacy
Flip the Pharmacy Cohort Two
Application Period is Here!

It is time to prepare your application for Flip the Pharmacy Cohort Two. We will be hosting a webinar series to walk through the details and answer questions.

Our last session will be held
Thursday, July 23 at 2 p.m. EDT

Click   here   to register.

Applications are due August 6, 2020 .
Flip the Pharmacy Cohort Two 
Pharmacy Readiness and Expectations
We've developed a couple documents that you can share with CPESN pharmacies to help them assess their readiness for the Flip the Pharmacy program.
Pharmacy Commitments and Requirements: Click the graphic on the upper right.
  • This outlines the expectations of pharmacies during Flip the Pharmacy

Pharmacy Candidate Requirements: Click the graphic on the lower right.
  • This outlines the 3-step requirements for pharmacies to participate
  • Intended to be sent to the potential Flip the Pharmacy candidate by the Flip the Pharmacy Team Lead Applicant

If you have questions, please email us at info@flipthepharmacy.com .
Flip the Pharmacy
Change Packages and Best Practices
Click  here  to Access
All of our most current change packages, including the complete Hypertension Progression Change Packages and the first two Opioid Progression Change Packages, can be found here .
July 2020 is the second month of our focus on opioids. This month we will be discussing naloxone with our patients. In June, we focused on collecting information and documenting the information in a care plan. Throughout the opioid progression, the intent is to document care plans for patients receiving an opioid medication.
Flip the Pharmacy
Best Practices

Does your pharmacy have a best practice regarding opioids? We love to showcase those on our Flip the Pharmacy Best Practices website. Please email your ideas to:  submit@flipthepharmacy.com.
Flip the Pharmacy Workflows
Webinar Recordings

Flip the Pharmacy Workflows webinars in partnership with the Technology Solutions Partners are ongoing with an Office Hours for Q & A and sharing of specific workflow innovations related to the technology.  These are planned for the weeks of July 20 and July 27, 2020. 
We would like to thank our ten Technology Solutions Partners for supporting CPESN networks and Flip the Pharmacy participants! 
NCPA Innovation Center
CPESN Community Pharmacy Fellowship
“To be the best,
learn from the best.”

Often wonder how the most successful community-based pharmacies do it?

How does a pharmacy succeed in a time when so many others are
selling to chains or closing? Wonder No More.

For more information, visit  https://ncpa.org/fellowship
Pharmacy owner Matt Osterhaus shares why you should consider the Community Pharmacy Fellowship from the NCPA Innovation Center (1:06)
Best of Flip the Pharmacy Social Media
Check out some of our favorite social media posts from the last couple weeks.  We encourage you to get connected and join in the fun!
 Follow Us!
Facebook:  @flipthepharmacy
Instagram:  @flipthepharmacy
Twitter:  @flipthepharmacy
#flipthepharmacy #CPFgrants #CPESN
Best of the Flip the Pharmacy Blog

Check out the blog post by Ryan Fan from the Team Wisconsin, entitled, " eCare Innovation – From 5 Minutes to 5 Seconds. " Click  here  to check out his blog post.
Join the Flip the Pharmacy Movement

If you want to support us and join the Flip the Pharmacy effort, just email us at  partner@flipthepharmacy.com . For more information on global sponsorship funding or partnership contributions, visit  www.flipthepharmacy.com .  
If you have feedback or even questions about the program, please email us at:  info@flipthepharmacy.com .