December 2019
Flip the Pharmacy Program off to an Amazing Start
from Randy McDonough

As we enter the end of the year, we should take time to reflect on our accomplishments. To see an idea, that was discussed at a Community Pharmacy Foundation board meeting last February, come to fruition as a nationwide community-based pharmacy practice transformation program called Flip the Pharmacy is truly amazing. It is even more amazing to see the pharmacists and staff, in over 500 pharmacies nationwide, dedicating their time and efforts to transforming their practices. Then we see so many stakeholders who are working collaboratively with these pharmacies to ensure success —it is a movement that I have not experienced in my 30-plus years as a pharmacist. It is exciting, it is inspirational, and it is AMAZING!

It is the data that tells the story. From the most recent reports shared with me (see below), it is quite apparent that the practice transformation efforts are working. We have always said that community pharmacist are having an impact on patient care, but we did not have the documentation—especially from the aggregate—that this was actually happening.  Now that pharmacists are documenting their patient care activities and submitting their e-care plans—we have a story to tell and it is a compelling story.  Community-based pharmacists have access to patients and are capable of providing enhanced services. There is a lot more data and positive impact coming through Flip the Pharmacy and I look forward to sharing the data and telling the world our compelling story!
In October 2019, 66% of Flip the Pharmacy (FtP) Pharmacies completed at least one care plan. By November 18th, 70% of participants had done so. In October 2019 (month one), 562 FtP Pharmacies completed 18,696 care plans. In November 2019, 572 FtP Pharmacies are on pace to surpass 25K care plans, or approximately 45 care plans per pharmacy.
As you reflect on the accomplishments from this year, begin your planning for the New Year. We are entering the first full year of Flip the Pharmacy and more Change Packages will be developed and more will be expected from each of you. We need to continue to push the envelope on practice transformation.  We have to set high expectations and we need to work collectively and collaboratively to ensure we are successful. Our story is just beginning—but the first chapter was amazing. Happy holidays and best wishes for a successful and productive new year.   
Randy McDonough, PharmD, MS, BCGP, BCPS, FAPhA
Director of Practice Transformation, Flip the Pharmacy
The Flip the Pharmacy Change Package for December 2019 
The focus for December 2019 is Domain 3: Developing New Roles for Non-Pharmacist Support Staff. Flip the Pharmacy participating teams received the  Workflow Wednesdays  email with the November change package on November 27th. All Change Packages are publicly posted on the Flip the Pharmacy website . You can also click for a direct link.

View the December 2019 change package by clicking the image below.
Flip the Pharmacy Workflows Webinar Recordings
Below are the links for each of the workflows recordings. Click  here  to register to attend the webinars, if you haven't done so already.You will have to “register” in GoToWebinar to view the recording (this is different than registering to attend the webinar). Passwords are no longer required following registration.

Click the words “*November 2019 Webinar Recording for December 2019 Change Package Link” to view the most recent webinar recordings for care plan documentation for December. 

The first half of each of the recordings discuss best practices shared by CPESN pharmacies, reviews the December persona and sample patient case, and each technology partner demonstrates how to document the sample case.




Liberty Systems

Micro Merchant




ACT Update
The ACT (Academia-CPESN Transformation) Pharmacy Collaborative reached 75 member schools/colleges of pharmacy and celebrated the successes of their National Day of Service. 

For the National Day of Service, schools and community pharmacies nationwide partnered to hold patient care-focused events at the pharmacies during the first two weeks in November. According to preliminary results,  over 25 schools, 110 students, and 45 pharmacies participated nationwide, seeing over 850 patients and providing over 375 blood pressure screenings and over 280 immunizations . Thank you to the pharmacies who helped make these events possible!

To learn more about ACT, visit .
Best of Social Media
Check out some of our favorite social media posts from the last couple weeks. We encourage you to get connected and join in the fun!
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Best of the Flip the Pharmacy Blog
Check out the blog post by Johnny Hargroue from The Medicine Shoppe in Lufkin, Texas, entitled, "Why Everyone Needs a Flip the Pharmacy Scoreboard." Click here to check out our blog.
Don't forget to share your thoughts on Flip the Pharmacy. Check out the latest blogging from our Practice Transformation Coaches and industry leaders:
Join the Flip the Pharmacy Movement
If you want to support us and join the Flip the Pharmacy effort, just email us at  [email protected]. For more information on global sponsorship funding or partnership contributions, visit  
If you have feedback or even questions about the program, please email us at:  [email protected].