A Message from the Florida Chamber: COVID-19 Update

Like businesses across Florida, the Florida Chamber of Commerce is committed to the safety and health of Florida employers and the millions of people that work for them. Our goal is to meet this challenge head-on by sharing key information and best practices, while providing employers with useful resources. 

We’re in constant contact with the Governor’s office, and we’re receiving hundreds of calls letting us know what you need. If you have a question or need additional information, please contact Greg Blose who is leading our COVID-19 efforts at gblose@flchamber.com.

Last week we launched the Florida Chamber’s COVID-19 Resource Center, and with more than 70 percent of Florida Chamber members requesting more information from us, today we’ve launched a daily newsletter providing the latest resources. 

Please share this message with other business leaders, and encourage them to sign-up to receive their personal copy. Please take two minutes to let us know how COVID-19 is impacting your business. 

My Best,

Mark Wilson
President & CEO