Don't Miss the Annual Climate Communications Summit
The 5th Annual Climate Solutions Summit will be held Oct. 29, 2019 in the University of Florida Reitz Union Rion Ballroom. The day-long summit will include:
A lively, hands-on workshop where participants will learn the principles of communicating climate research clearly and compellingly. The session will include activities that allow you to practice using the concepts right away, hosted by UF's Center for Public Interest Communications. The workshop will help you:
- Construct climate communications that are anchored in six imperatives
- Characterize the fundamental theories of world views
- Integrate visual images and language to enhance communications efforts
- Experiment with the range of emotions in communications efforts
- Create actionable calls to action
- Practice using curiosity in climate communications efforts
- Recognize the role of narrative in climate communications efforts
In the second session, Doug Parsons, host of the America Adapts podcast, will lead a podcast training workshop. America Adapts Media is focused on using podcasts to spread the word on climate adaptation. For more info and register.
Potential Implications of SLR and Changing Rainfall for Communities in Florida using Miami-Dade as a Case Study
The Florida Building Code is one of the strongest in the nation for protection from coastal hazards including wind and storm surge. Coastal communities are at risk of increased flooding due to variations in rainfall extremes, sea-level rise, and a rising water table exacerbating potential for flood damage to buildings. The Florida Building Commission awarded a contract to the Sea Level Solutions Center, Institute of Water and Environment, Florida International University to assess whether new flood elevations would increase flood risk due to increasing sea levels and changes in rainfall extremes.Read more.
Climate Resiliency Community Challenge
In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, AT&T is inviting public and private colleges and universities to submit an application for participation in a
Climate Resiliency Community Challenge, which is designed to help local communities better predict, prepare for and adapt to the changing climate. In this challenge, universities will work with local governments to conduct a risk-based climate analysis using data from Argonne National Laboratory and shared by AT&T to address a problem that affects the Southeast Region. This includes areas such as infrastructure, public health, emergency management, or similar field related to community resilience. Participating universities will prepare and share a report of their findings, including proposals for potential solutions for action, with the community and online. AT&T will provide participating universities with leading climate data from Argonne National Laboratory and up to $50,000 in funding to support the research projects. One team from each state in the Southeast Region (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina) will be selected by an independent panel of non-profit climate and resiliency experts. Teams are encouraged to be creative in using Argonne National Laboratory's leading climate data and may leverage and integrate supporting data and technology available through the university and local government. Organizations interested in participating in the Climate Resiliency Community Challenge are invited to download, complete and submit an application. The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2019.
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is seeking nominations for individuals to serve on the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (BASC). BASC is the focal point within the National Academies for activities related to the atmospheric, meteorological, and climate sciences, including issues related to technology, policy, applications, and services.
Deadline for nominations is September 20, 2019. For more information and to submit a nomination go to:
Proposed Florida Climate Assessment
The proposed Florida Climate Assessment will:
- Produce a strategic tool with standards, data, analyses, andthresholds for use in planning, decision-making, setting research agendas, and use in public policy and legislation
- Ensure resiliency decisions are informed by the best available science through an iterative, stakeholder driven process that is easily updated and user-focused
- Use the best science in a manner that is responsive, supportive, and critical focusing on systems and not separate sectors
- Improve relationships between knowledge producers and users and yield better decisions and outcomes to build capacity and overcome barriers
We want to know your thoughts on the proposed Florida Climate Assessment and its potential value to your work and to the state of Florida.
Email us and please include your name, contact information, affiliation, and position.
Upcoming Events & Webinars
Job, Internship, and Fellowship Opportunities
Jung, J., Jung J, Uejio, C. K., Uejio CK, Duclos, C., Duclos C, et al. (2019).
Using web data to improve surveillance for heat sensitive health outcomes.
Environ Health, 18, 59.
Rypkema, D. C., Rypkema DC, Horvitz, C. C., Horvitz CC, Tuljapurkar, S., & Tuljapurkar S. (2019).
How climate affects extreme events and hence ecological population models.
Ecology, 100(6), e02684.
Smith, S. R., Alory, G., Andersson, A., Asher, W., Baker, A., Berry, D. I., et al. (2019).
Ship-Based Contributions to Global Ocean, Weather, and Climate Observing Systems.
Front. Mar. Sci., 6, 434.
Available Now! A Book from the FCI:
Florida's Climate: Changes, Variations, & Impacts
Florida's Climate: Changes, Variations, & Impacts provides a thorough review of the current state of research on Florida's climate, including physical climate benchmarks; climate prediction, projection, and attribution; and the impacts of climate and climate change on the people and natural resources in the state. The book is available for purchase in paperback and Kindle format at
Individual chapters may be accessed on the
FCI website.
About Us
The Florida Climate Institute (FCI) is a multi-disciplinary network of national and international research and public organizations, scientists, and individuals concerned with achieving a better understanding of climate variability and change.
Email: info@floridaclimateinstitute.org Website: floridaclimateinstitute.org